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(Note this was pre knowing how to program well me.) I hade an AJAX request contacting PHP script every ~0.001 seconds to check for updates.
(Surprised I didn't get caught)
By this time other people had thought of similar things and had coded their own bot.
They eventually caught on and locked down iPhone so you couldn't record screen while their application was running.
(It was only on iPhones)
Broke the OCR.
Using some networking skills I found the web socket where the questions were coming from.
Skillz :o
I debated whether to put in time to recode it to take from web socket
I realized that I would have recode the entire thing.
The language I had used to create it was......
Any guesses?
Going once...
So I just made a spinach, raw milk, 100% pure cocoa powder, organic peanut butter smoothie...
That doesn't sound very good
But very healthy
It tastes better than it sounds
I suppose the peanut butter mildens the bitterness
Needs sugar
I ended up not changing all the code because the craze was ending.
the spinach isn't bitter
I also never had raw milk so I dunno what that tastes like, but full fat milk is sweet
Cocoa is bitter
We ended up winning 2 times. One time it glitched and we didn't win.
Yes ok cocoa
Spinnach is delicious~
And then the second time was during the super bowl
won $200
Raw milk tastes like milk, but without Vitamin D3 added; can sometimes taste like clabber if you leave it for too long; and is unhomogenized.
@Gemtastic Whad u think of my story? Created a bot using AppleScript.
Technically, however, clabber is healthier, despite flavor, because of the probiotic content. Raw milk is already in itself more nutritious because it isn't heat-treated to give everyone lactose intolerance.
(P.S. I didn't create the OCR. That would be insane using AppleScript I don't even think possible. I used tesseract)
It also identified different types of questions
and changed search methods based on that
Isn't that technically fraud?
@JBis Don't ask me questions you don't want the answer too. If I'm not dicking about I can't lie
(Aside the fact that probably more work went into writing that stuff than getting the knowledge to answer the questions)
@geisterfurz007 Yes it is.
@geisterfurz007 Yes, yes it is Also against the TOS.
@geisterfurz007 Yes, but we couldn't have won otherwise.
Oh wait I could try adding some sea salt and something else
Although I will say the following
they said that if you could type fast enough you are allowed search on google.
@geisterfurz007 Indeed
I just used some....assistance.
@JBis Fair enough xD
(Please note that by the time they said this I had already created the bot xD)
@JBis I'll say that when I bring a gun to our knife fight ;)
Obviously a a joke though because we don't have guns in Sweden. We're civilized
@Gemtastic what you think I can't do this...
@JBis No, I don't. You're not even a 10th as cool or witty
And now I can't stop thinking about those baby hands from the first movie trying to code
That must be so frustrating
@Gemtastic As Trump always says: "God bless the United Shhhtateessesses"
@JBis Trump was elected President. Enough said.
Better than a liberal president. Not as good as a King
@JBis No thank you, I already have a stomach ulcer
Heyo, trying to validate file sizes on files uploaded by a user. Do you think this makes sense, or is there a better way to do this?
Just FYI to all you people meeting me for the first time, please don't judge Swedes based on me. They're nothing like me. Most of them are really nice people.
@tomaytotomato just spent the last couple months doing this.
@Gemtastic Is it bad that when I read your text I read it without a Swedish accent?
@JBis Yes.
@tomaytotomato Spaces between formatting and text are generally bad :)
return fileSize > MIN_FILE_SIZE_BYTES && fileSize < MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES;
@JBis I usually adopt an Australian British accent.
@tomaytotomato \o/
First try xD
@geisterfurz007 You think trumps bad?
This guy from Georgia (so you know its gonna be bad)
Hes a state representative
@tomaytotomato With newlines you have to press the "Fixed font" button or hit Ctrl+K
When in doubt, try in the sandbox ;)
 public static boolean validSize(FileInputStream file) throws IOException {
    final long fileSize = file.getChannel().size();
    return fileSize > MIN_FILE_SIZE_BYTES && fileSize < MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES;
@Gemtastic oi, what you just say me mayt? Did yoo jus assyuuume my ack-sent? Did you jsut assume my ACK sent? ACK.

Is that French for no?
Is FileInputStream ok to use? It is what I handle from my API when receiving a Multipart Form POST
Man, this guy knows how to use ctrl+k better than I can in here...
I can't even
public static void main(String... args) {
    System.out.println("Hello World");
wut. It worked.
@AMDG Aussies aren't that easily offended
@Gemtastic no worries. None taken.
@JBis I don't have a strong political opinion regarding him. I generally don't think that I would have voted for him, then on the other hand, I don't know how "bad" the alternative would have been as I don't really care a huge lot about 'murican politics.
They aren't that easily offended.. except by you, remember? :P
@geisterfurz007 did you watch the video. Not political just....uh you'll see if you watch.
@geisterfurz007 OMG are you saying that the whole world don't revolve around america :O :O IMPOSSIBLE!
Nope. I got something else to watch and will go to sleep soon @JBis
@AMDG True
That video is actually restricted; I can't watch that
But they don't show it
oh well your loss...or win
I explicitly turned on restricted mode in YouTube, and used Adblock to block the suggested videos right-aside strip, just so I can be more productive.
Restricted mode also hides the comments
So remind me why you have a pentesting OS logo for a profile pic?
You a white hat?
Basically this republican state representative screams "n*****" like 10 times and then drops his pant in an effort to make a terrorist "homosexual" thats only after using a selfie stick to take a picture under a muslim woman dress while saying racist things about Chinese people and before the credits where he calls terrorist "sand n*****" and chops of a dummies penis with a knife
He resigned about a week or two after the video was released
W-why is this obscene description in here?
@AMDG Show you what american politics is all about
You mean non-Kingdomships.
So that goes for every other "democracy"
every other republic
every other country where the people vote directly
@AMDG I thought it looks cool and I am a fan of the OS (even though little kids use it for shit because they think its cool).
@AMDG Am I ethical? For the most part. I would put myself in the gray-white category. But I am in High Schools still. Want to go into cyber security. But self taught right now.
I remember being in highschool four years ago my freshman year and an acquaintance and I messed with Linux and stuff. He made a Kali Linux x86 live USB with persistence.
@AMDG yeah. I encourage it. But shit like that gives kali a bad rep.
Like what?
A'ight. Leaving for today. Don't get this chat closed folks and have a good night o/
People see it and think "little high schoolers who don't know shit and think their cool"
@geisterfurz007 gn
Bye geis
When its not true
Sounds presumptuous.
Getting into this stuff "because it is cool" could mean years of experience in that when they grow up
Of course, if everyone used logic instead of feelings to make their decisions, the world would be at peace. True peace. For reasons.
Everything on Kali Linux can be done with just about any Linux OS and most on Windows and macOS. The only difference is it come preinstalled with everything and is optimized for pen testing and that software. Why take hours installing software when you can just have it preinstalled and setup.
@AMDG I would however agree that kids have big egos. So they watch a video on youtube and think their "hackers".
Yep. Except that the only everyday Linux I would ever use is of course Arch Linux.
I get the fun of tuning a whole system to work optimally :D
Heres what I'll say
My main OS is macOS for many reasons im not explaining. I have a dual boot of kali that I use for certain things. But most things I do can be done on macOS so I the brew install it.
Wireshark works on any os but comes included on kali
Probably the most unethical thing I have done is stealing plane wifi
Actually, getting MacOS with Arch Linux dual boot gives you access to literally everything software-wise.
I have never use Arch.
I mean I'm sure you could still manage to get Ubuntu packages on Kali, but Arch let's you build Kali from the ground up with whatever you want, or any flavor for that matter. It's also got a convenient pacman package utility for updating the entire system, and the AUR: Archlinux user repository, which is a repository of you know what.
I have used Kali, Ubuntu, and a couple others
Arch Linux lets you configure the system entirely to your liking
You can make it look like Kali, and also make it your primary OS.
Sounds cool.
The otherthing that I don't like is the rep that macOS is uncustmizable.
Total bullshit
You choose the window manager and desktop compositor, or the desktop is optional; even the window manager is optional, just use the TTY. If you need a GUI application, install the GUI components, then just run the program.
could I get ur opinion on something?
Well if you can tell me how to remove the camera option from iOS lockscreen (by swiping left), I'll call it customizable.
I was having debate about Linux with someone.
Without voiding my warranty of course
@AMDG iOS is not customizable but its diff from macOS.
If you went outsize right now and asked 10 random people on the street if they knew what Linux was how many would say yes?
probably 0
I said 2-3. The other guy said 6 I think.
He said everyone knows Linux.
On the contrary, if you work at the googleplex, that would probably rise to 3 XD
@AMDG was there recently VERY cool
oh you were there recently; it was very cool
Ya, no thanks. I don't want to see the place where everyone's private thoughts are stored.
@AMDG fuck English class
I'll have you know I am very philosophical and I am very glad grammar exists, or else we might not be speaking right now.
supposed to be a face palm
Well yo ufailed
@AMDG Do you know SQL or PHP?
Nah, but I could learn it fast if I needed to.
Also I don't use Antivirus or Antimalware. Wastes my CPU cycles. lol
Those things are made for the ignorant masses.
@AMDG I just use Malwarebytes for macOS.
Use herdProtect
I don't get any viruses
You found one! :D
"Microsoft is going to lock my internet because my IP has been compromised"
Well at least I don't get any viruses XD
boi, can we not use crass language please?
Lets disect how many problems there are with that
lock my internet thats doesn't mean sense. Do you mean disable it or prevent from working?
Microsoft is going to lock my internet it would be my ISP not Microsoft
Microsoft I have a mac
"IP has been compromised" is this more of that self-deprecating comedy from earlier?
IP has been compromised what does that mean? An IP can't be compromised. A device can be compromised, not an IP. When ever anyone goes to a website or interacts with the internet the receiving side gets your IP.
@tomaytotomato HL3 is a hopeless dream >:3
(yeah didn't get that message just seen so many people with it)
@JBis unless they mean Internet Protocol, which makes it sound even more stupid.
I only mentioned the no antivirus thing because I find it funny that I still receive Definition updates from Microsoft that I'll never need nor will ever be run on my computer XD
no but my far favorite is when the scammers connect to your PC and show you task manager as all the viruses.
@AMDG u run windows
u aint even on unix
I would prefer to make and use my own OS, but that takes too long.
You can't even play Russian roulette sudo [ $(( $RANDOM % 6 )) == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo "click"
You forgot to prefix umount /dev/sda1;
@AMDG Yeah. You got these people that are like "look at me. I built my own computer" And I am like "Did you build your own OS?" "No." "Then f*ck off and come back when your wrote your own working OS"
But with Arch, you can just do a pacman update to restore the system and the kernel (minus your configuration files" so...
it would delete Arch Linux
sudo rm -rf / removes everything including OS (unless your on Mac)
You would have to make sure to boot off after you echo click to make sure no libraries are loaded in RAM
the more friendly version is this which ill run for fun
[ $(( $RANDOM % 6 )) == 0 ] && :(){ :|: & };: || echo "click"
I don't understand that syntax
dang it bash
thats a fork bomb
which does what
1→2 processes repeat
each process will create 2 child processes which create 2 child processes
oh ok
crashes computer
but its fine a restart fixes it
unless you ran sudo pacman -U before that and it was updating during that to corrupt your installation
Congratulations, you have created malware
What do I get?
You'll never catch me alive!
I have reward
@Pseudohuman tell me a programming joke
@JennaSloan The two hardest problems in computer science are cache invalidation, naming things, and off by one errors.
and spelling
@Pseudohuman tell me a programming joke
01010111 01101000 01111001 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100011 01101000 01101001 01100011 01101011 01100101 01101110 00100000 01100011 01110010 01101111 01110011
01110011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110010 01101111 01100001 01100100 00111111 00100000
01010100 01101111 00100000 01100111 01100101 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101111 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110011 01101001 01100100 01100101 00100001
@JBis 99 little bugs in the code, 99 bugs in the code, Fix one bug, compile again, 127 little bugs in the code.
Q: Why do programmers always mix up Halloween and Christmas?
A: Because Oct 31 == Dec 25!
@JBis If you put a million monkeys at a million keyboards, one of them will eventually write a Java program. The rest of them will write Perl programs.
Q: How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None, that's a hardware problem
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
(very long pause) Java.
@Pseudohuman Who's there?
@JBis To understand what recursion is, you must first understand recursion.
@Pseudohuman @JBis To understand what recursion is, you must first understand recursion. who?
@Alisha I do not understand.
@Pseudohuman Hahaha!
@JBis If you put a million monkeys at a million keyboards, one of them will eventually write a Java program. The rest of them will write Perl programs.
@JBis A programmer is at work when his wife calls and asks him to go to the store. She says she needs a gallon of milk, and if they have fresh eggs, buy a dozen. He comes home with 12 gallons of milk.
@Pseudohuman You need a better pseudo random fucntion
Please use the sandbox for testing out chat features or playing with bots.
@JBis I do not understand.
I am trying to test my file validation criteria which is set to check if a file is larger than 10mb.
Is it possible to create an inputstream with 10mb of bytes to test this behaviour?
Note the method is static so it cant be mocked :(
@tomaytotomato Sure, create a ByteArrayInputStream
Speaking of mocking... Did it work @Michael (with PowerMockito on top of Mockito)?
@geisterfurz007 No, I kept getting runtime exceptions
RIP :/
@Michael what do I do exactly?
new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[10000000])
Consultation fees will be withdrawn from your bank account.
That made me laugh
Thanks @Michael , my interface only accepts FileInputStream do you think I can convert it easily?
Although maybe I should be accepting inputstream on second thoughts
@tomaytotomato Yes, you should. :P
Is this good or bad?

`@Test(expected = InvalidFileException.class)`
ew, PornHub
@JBis XD
I mean devrant is great, except when it brings up trash like that site.
I love this site: motherfuckingwebsite.com
Is there a way to use spring properties injection in an interface? Like I want a default interface method that returns some value from a properties file
@Michael is there a clean version of that satire?
@AMDG I don't think so. xD
We have been quite raunchy today, haven't we...
Yeah. Ugh.
@Wietlol Started with OOP in PHP. It half ass worked. Which is better then no ass so thats good.
1 hour later…
Guys would you mind to have a look at my code
@Werokk Welcome to the Java Chat, the room for Java enthusiasts! Please use a code snippet tool when posting code snippets. If you have an Android question, you're in the wrong place! And remember: this is not tech support! Thanks for visiting and have fun! :D
can't figure out what I am doing wrong
also, define "wrong"
Formatting, naming
excessive newlines

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