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02:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Hi @Kanth
whats up
Isn't "Sup" slang for "What's up", therefore needing to end with a question mark?
Yes, but I am so lazy some times or interchange the marks without any reason @Joe'sMorgue
@Joe'sMorgue How have you been?
I have been...
I have bean :D
A Java Bean :D
Trying to work back in the yard. A] it's hot. 2] Wife/kids keep asking me to come in for things...
I don't have any kids but I know the wife asking you for things-thing
I'm treating my better half like a Queen
@DonLarynx izzat supposed to not load?
@Vogel612 no doo to it being a webm
I thought your arm didn't reach that high any more, but on the other hand, that WAS your other hand
That arm is fine...It's my right arm that got messed up in the crash...I lost like 1% of the range...
Ah I see
It's not a bad injury, but it is a loss
so raise your arms would look like this for you: \o_
Raise the roof!
OK...Make a lean-to!
Looks like a DJ
javafx is cool
it's basically swing but better
Indeed it is
It IS better
Java Is deprecating Swing because they have JavaFX
omg sweet, better UI <3
Yup :)
hello guys! Help me please to choose a right website to ask my question. I'm not facing any sort of development problems but I'd love to ask for a specified advice related to programming on java and microcomputers like arduino, raspberry, bbb and so on. Which part of overflow community can you recommend for me?
well that would be multiple rooms
And try not to cross-post cause people will delete your comments :o
I see a lot of questions get closed because of wrong site.
but we're here if you need help!
oh, are you talking about stack overflow vs stack exchange?
I would like to learn java. I'm reading books like Schildt and some other sources. I would like to create good learning environment for myself and I'm just about to think if microcomputers with kits may help me to learn it better? If yes I will be really happy to get an advice which one to choose.
Or normal PC is more than enough and I just have to code as much as possible and not distracting to things like this at all?
For java, you really don't need to experiment with hardware
So PC + books is more than enough?
I don't know how much Java you've learned allready, but when you program Java, you're technically just instructing a program how to make a program; you're telling it what you want and it'll do it in the most optimal way it can. This includes making it cross-platform.
Should I take a look closer for previous generation of computers as well? I mean like should I buy an old 1980s - 1990s PC in addition to take a closer look on how it was earlier?
no why would you do that
that's hardware, java is programming in software
unless you're talking about C or like
One guy told me that I will learn faster if I will understand "the roots" at first.
then I don't see any need to look into computers
That's something very important to remember when you program in Java; you aren't telling the computer what to do, you're telling a program what to do. The JVM (Java Virtual Machine) will alter your instructions. Mostly, it's not noticeable, but there are advanced instances when that will be important to know.
no that's a bunch of crap with a small bit of truth, in my opinion
if you are looking to optimize
So I decided what if I buy a microcomputer or an old computer - will it help me?.. Well now I see I better focus on "real-life", last java version and modern PC, right?
Java isn't the language you use if you want to optimize things. The JVM does that for you
@Mike, you've overthought it. How do you approach a game that looks interesting? You play it.
oh ok
@JohnSnow not necessarily to that point of optimization
@JohnSnow but just data structures and algorithms wise
Which actually also means that the JVM may very well change your optimized code into something less optimal
cause that ish still makes you think about the heap stack memory and # of processes
Truee... but most often than not it doesn't make a huge difference, I've noticed on C++/java bench marks for sorts and collection algos
@DonLarynx yeah that's make sense.. I should code as much as possible... right?
Well, you the developer still needs to tell Java what you want it to do.
@Mike what do you like to do with java?
@Mike do you want to make a game? a graphical interface? algorithms? web application?
Usually, Java is better at writing code than you are, but if you're really good, there are cases where Java isn't
@JohnSnow true..
@user3781180 I'd love to work with it. But I'm not thinking about any specific areas yet.. =(
@user3781180 is that a wrong way? I should to choose at first?
no it's okay, but if you're really into one thing, just go out there and build it!
if you have questions along the way, ask people and consult stack overflow
read documentation according to your needs
your first project may look like shit and have shit architecture
but you'll realize why it's shit and then your future projects
@Mike I ran into a website called projecteuler.net and it asked me to solve math problems using programming. That's how I gained a lot of experience in c++
won't be shit anymore
^ Don's approach is starting from algorithms
I just would like to speed up my learning and have the best learning environment (sorry for repeating this all the time). So I mean I'm able to buy anything if it helps me in my learning, that why I worry if I miss something important like - what if every programmer has arduino and learn coding with it faster just because he bought it and made a smart choice.
Start from base 1, and then improve. Doesn't matter how slow you learn as long as you learn everyday. Michael Jordan once said, "I'm only trying to get better everyday"
I don't have arduino... what
@user3781180 I see what you mean. That's smart. And experience is the most important part here!
Yeah :) It doesn't matter which route you go
as long as you spend time into it you'll get better
If you only learn "Hello World" one day then you learn how to program Input/Output the next day that's great, you've learned!
You guys know how to inspire people :)) Thank you
it's not a competition, unless you're looking into going to IOI
then project euler your butt off and codeforce.com is your life
@user3781180 Don't face me in IOI...I will end you
@DonLarynx you probably would LOL
I don't do algos anymore, was a huge nerd about it before
I didn't even do IOI, I did USACO haha
Is knowledge of Java enough to find a basic job? Or you should mandatory know SQL / HTML / CSS / Maven / Spring / Hibernate / SVN / Git and so on? I'm dying slowly when I see a huge amount of things that I've to learn before I will find any job in this sector. And don't know how to organize my learning way better. :(
Do you know how to do Hello World in Java yet?
@Mike depends
System.out.print("Hello World!"); // :)
eh, not exactly.
public static void main(String[] args) { } // ?
See how bad I am!
@Mike Well, you're not alone in that. Not a lot of people know full stack
public class HelloWorld{ public static void main(String args[]){System.out.println("Hello World!");} }
don you're just being mean LOL
in a file called HelloWorld.java
@user3781180 I want him to ask questions on the specifics if he doesn't know some of the syntax.
javac HelloWorld.java -encoding UTF-8
java HelloWorld
@Mike I don't usually type -encoding UTF-8, what's your reason behind it?
Well I can handle such a basic task, but that's far away from complicated things required at real job.
encoding is always standard utf-8
The reason behind it is that my native language is not covered by basic encoding.
oh wait - where are you from?
Moscow, Russia
@Mike Do you want to learn Java because a job says it's required, or because you like programming in Java? That's something to think about
and ^ what don larynx said
you'll probably hate java if you hate verbosity
but you'll love java if you love stability
just because java is the highest paying backend language job
@DonLarynx I love it, and I've choose this language among others. But I would be happy to work with it and receive salary for job that I make. :)
does not mean it's the only language you should try
Stability is the only thing I love in this life. That's why I felt in love with this language once I knew that stability is the main aspect of this language.
stability and security :)
alright well that's fine!
but here's how i got to learn a bunch of stuff
-> took data structures class in community college when im in highschool
so i had to learn the nitty gritty memory alloc, benchmark, profiler and stuff in C++/java
then I built a few swing apps during highschool so I got familiar with the UI aspect, used netbeans for that
Then right now is my first attempt at making a web application using java, so I had to download java EE eclipse, use maven for my dependencies, java servlet which I will have to scrap soon/or use spring for my next project
and github... I was kind of forced to use it when I was in data struct class due to professor only wanting code on github
So each project help you to get in touch with a lot of new things which you didn't know earlier.
yeah, so you don't have to do everything at once
Right now I'm going to be an incoming freshman
and going to take some statistics class so I can work with some big data experience
That's from a Java class I took
@DonLarynx oh that's nice and looks useful! Thank you!
@Mike Do you know inheritance in Java? Polymorphism?
@DonLarynx I'm familiar with that, but I'm not sure I can say - Yes I know it!.. No, I'm learning to use of it...
The notes will help. Good luck!
Thanks! It's your notes?
it's his professor's
ok cool
how's the cs at fsu btw don?
The professors know their stuff
ahh nice nice
I'm kind of anxious going into my uni, the class sizes are small and the school isn't known for cs mainly
so I dont know if my professor is really that good or nah
doesn't matter much, your uni can be #1 but if you don't apply yourself it won't matter
I'm sure you'll find a way
wise words
This code compiles, but why? Isn't btn out of scope after function start?
never mind
didn't you
add the button
I was reading the bracket placement wrong
oh yeah, the formatting is really strange, but yeah i think you know the reason now
btw, for a web application
should you really have a cleanup shutdown function to remove all threads?
Because I'd imagine if you had a web app, you would not want to shut it down
so what's the use in removing all threads? And also if you close the program the threads die by themselves anyways
@user3781180 But you do want to shut it down when you are done using it
@user3781180 Really?
but what's the difference in removing all
There is no difference due to automatic garbage collection
yeah :o
I'm guessing it's good practice but I'm on a bit of a strict deadline
class MemorableClass {
    static final ArrayList list = new ArrayList(100);
Not a memory leak in the classic sense that it isn't GC'd, but it can't be used.
Are macs a good choice for java development?
Macs are good machines...I had a little problem, but I was running Snow, I couldn't upgrade past it, and some of the buttons I was making were not behaving properly
Was is a laptop or?
...Sorry, multi-tasking
Snow was the last OS that was supposed to run on that machine, I had Lion on it for a little while, and didn't have issues with it
Cannot remember why I quit running Lion
So you avoid to use macs now because of it?
No...It died, Apple won't even work in it because it's so old...
My main PC is 4Ghz (Overclocked to 4.31Ghz) 16 Gigs of RAM, SSD, BR-RW, only $700
8 Cores...
I can't get a Mac that powerful for that money
Yea... 8 cores it's Mac Pro.. but 4 cores cost $3k
AMD 8350
Is it stable?
I havn't had an issue with the CPU
Windows 10, I'm finding some driver issues, but the machine ROCKS!
hey you guys here?
Right now, I only have 1 browser, but 9 tabs. Two are flash games, 3 are SO chats.
Yeah, and what do you think about mac @user3781180
I have a mac
using it right now! It's 8 gb 13 inch
it's not worth the hype in my opinion, and yes
but it is definitely better than pc's in terms of shell
I'm sitting at bout 8-12% processor load...
and performance maybe a little better but
it's not impressively better for the price
my dad works at apple so I got it for only 900 dollars
(when really it should be free like what)
oh you are lucky one with discounts :)
okay anyways, question for you guys:
haha, it's only a 15% discount...
but yeah uhm, I'm trying to make something like a heat map
of which values are mostly repeated
and I don't know the most optimal way to do this without chunking a huge portion of my database's memory
Windows 8, I'd be playing a flash game that would lock a single core at 100%, my daughter wanted to play Roller Coaster Tycoon, so I just launched the game, and let her play for an hour. She had NO issues, I interrupted and checked on my game, and it was STILL in the round [At that time, they took 1.5-2 hours per round]
So there's a position associated with a character
x,y on a map, and every 5 minutes or so there would be an update of their position
@user3781180 by now I'm only useful with hello world applications.. =\
I want to see where the character usually is in that time frame
Well, $200 more, after getting such a discount, not that great of a deal. I like Mac, but too expensive
@Mike oh right i remember! It's okay :D but it's not like java specific
it's algorithm
@user3781180 oh ok, I will try to reread and understand the question
But the thing is, there are like 80 of those objects PER game
and I'd be storing about 100k games inside my database
so that would easily be 8 million of those position objects which I want to abbreviate down to maybe like i dont know 800k or even less
I have had 12 windows open, games running in the background. 3 browsers, probably 15-20 tabs open, and I never hit 50% CPU load..
@Joe'sMorgue that's sounds interesting
I can't take an average because that would give me 1 statistic per time frame, and that would be largely innacurate
but I can't also take everything
I'm trying to get back into the Java mindset, I had to step away because of burnout. I was working on my game, had a TON of help from here, and I'd look at the code and didn't understand a basic for loop.
@user3781180 I'm not sure I can understand your idea, but maybe it's possible to store this data in game id? May that help?
Not like I really need it, but it bugs me that AMD locked the CPUs so you can't have 2 on the same board...
No that is what I'm trying to do
but basically like, (prepare the explanation)
The character might be at x=20, y=30 at 3 minutes into the game. Another time, a character may be at x=30, y = 50 at 3 minutes. There will now be 2 large hotspots in the game right?
But think about it in like 100k of these characters. The map will simply get so crowded that you can't see the map itself anymore
I want to know where's the greatest density of player position
@Joe'sMorgue literally you don't really need 8 cores, so you can be fine with weaker system specs, and if you get mac which is less powerful, you can not feel the power decrease, but enjoy OS X and any other pros.
noone needs 8 cores. Most programs don't even utilize 4 cores
Depends on how much you multi-task...
@user3781180 why do you have MBP, not mac mini for example? I've a huge dilemma which one to choose.
mac mini's for presentation
if you're going to be a project manager or something
I want a Mini
someone that don't do shit @ work
then it's great
@user3781180 why? Almost the same specs as MBP
it's a bit too small for my liking too
MBP's still better specs in my opinion :o
and even then, I dont even like MBP's that much
My computer has grown since I first built it, but has not gotten any more powerful.
the only mac computer that would really have great performance would be
@user3781180 I see everyone say Mac Mini is a TV center!!!.. but mac mini may have the same i5/i7 cpu, 16 gb of ram, fast ssd
that 30k work studio desktop macintosh
@user3781180 mac pro with xeon and ddr3 ecc memory, yeah
meh, you would be able to buy
a much better laptop with those extremely upgraded specs
hell 16gb of ram you could buy 2 thinkpads with a mbm with that price
probably(I never checked)
My server was giving me a headaches, my friend gave me his old machine, which was a collection of cast off parts from his best machine. The guts went into my server, which doubled the power of my server. The case was better than my good machine, so I upgraded.
@user3781180 let me disagree with you.. give me 3 minutes
mac book pro i5 2.7/16gb/256 SSD - $1499
How many cores?
mac mini i5 2.8/16gb/256 SSD - $1 199
2 cores both.
2...at 2.8. I'm at 4.31
yeah mac mini require keyboard, mouse and monitor
OK, 128 Gig SSD, but MOST of my data sits on my server.
but you can't run os x... =( and os x seems to be nice
I've been running Win10 for close to a year now...For the most part, I like it. The last releases don't have drivers for some of my hardware. Biggest issue is we can't watch vids on Facebook
@user3781180 what if each character will collect the time spend in current position in seconds and add this value to specific coordinates before next move. So after all, you can see which coordinates has more seconds in total.
@Mike oh no, this is a live, 30 fps game, it's league of legends
not a chess-ish pixel game
so they will spend their time in current position for about... 1 frame? haha
@user3781180 there is no server time?
what do you mean?
@Joe'sMorgue my windows expirience force me to overpay but to avoid using windows in future.. =\
@user3781180 first of all - I'm newbie. but I mean that server has time so even players in some games may check server time. So you can use it as a measure.
like say 5:23 <-- 5 minutes and 23 seconds into the game?
i have timestamps, but it's not like
the information I get is not per frame
that would be crazy, like 8 million frames per game
I do have time stamps though
it's like 2:00 -> 6:00 -> 10:00 -> 14:00, every one of those times i get a snapshot of what the characters experience is
5.20 player login into the game at 0(x):0(y), 5:25 player move to 10(x):10(y) - before the move increase value for 0x0y to 5(seconds); at 5:35 player move to 25(x):10(y) - before the move increase value for 10x10y for 10(seconds)
oh no I'm not
writing this FOR riot games
they give me the information
I can't get info like that
they decide how often they want to give me the info
how do you plan to calculate "heat" of the spot if you don't know time that player spent there?
it's an approximation
so if they're most likely to be there at 10 minutes into the game
it will show up that they're near there more often than not
calculate move counters instead of seconds?
there's no move counters :/
jesus christ this is ugly
HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String,Integer>>> timeAndStats = new HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, Integer>>>();
i think i got it though! thanks mike :D
it's participant id mapped to time mapped to properties mapped to values of the properties
Oh you are welcome but I did absolutely nothing except confusing you.. absolutely nothing to thank me for. :))
@user3781180 kill it with FIRE
@Vogel612 LOL hi vogel
and naw, it was good talk though :D kind of gave me an idea in the middle
use a class, ffs
at which level?
at the top level?
each of these HashMaps smells like it should be a separate class
also you should use interfaces on the left side of your assignment
and you should use the diamond operator on the right hand side of the assigmnent
class Fire { public void kill(HashMap x) {} }
boils down to:
Fire.kill(timeAndStats); // this way
Map<Integer, TimeStats> timeAndStats = new HashMap<>();
Ah, mkay makes sense :D
Thanks vogel!
I've never actually used the diamond operator, wow have I been missing out
What is a diamond operator?
generic inference for the right hand side of the assignment
oh ok.. thank you
instead of Type<Generics Declaration>()
@Vogel612 hmm vogel? Why do superclasses of hashmaps need to be serializable?
they don't
so just suppress warning?
and you can't declare a class to be a superclass of x
that being said I'm going to bed.
oh wait I meant subclass
alright gnight
I have a Button that overlaps a TextField in JavaFX. How do I put the TextField under the Button?
Is using setLayoutX/Y the only way?
I wanted them relatively positioned
Just found out about this, pretty cool: docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/layout/builtin_layouts.htm
VBox isn't responding to setPrefSize...wtf do I do?
It goes in infinite x/y direction
what if you set paddings?
Paddings don't affect the height/width of the box.
02:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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