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goodbye amazing users I need to go sleep
Behave yourselves, Tim is (still) watching us
sleep tight
I have a little time to burn
What to do
One of those rare moments
@Gemtastic you said you had questions yesterday you didn't have a chance to formulate
Did you have a chance to formulate them? :P
Well, here's the thing; I like patterns. I'm a pattern kind of person. Do you know any tutorials about SQL and coding SQL without frameworks that deal with pattern explanations, like for 3NF?
@Gemtastic The wikipedia articles about 1nf, 2nf and 3nf are pretty well explained
Well... I don't even know what I don't know. I got to read through these books first...
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
And… It’s done!
@fge I am now free
with all available resources at hand :P
hey Itachi..
@ItachiUchiha Hi
I'm trying to install maven on ubuntu by using sudo apt-get install maven2 but I get : E: Unable to locate package maven
can someone help me please, sorry I didn't find a room specialized in ubuntu
WOOOHOOOO! hurray for JOOQ/GIT/Log4j!!
goodnight pips~
@NewCoder use --> sudo apt-get install maven
@ItachiUchiha I get the same error message : Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package maven
which linux version are you using?
Ahh, try this out then askubuntu.com/a/94341/331765
@ItachiUchiha Ok, one I got the bin.tar.gz, what should I do ? (ubuntu beginner)
Eavning all, Tomcat question on route.
I have my content directory set to my WebContent (folder), with two sub-folders in this called images and includes. But when i from document.html in the include folder say <img src="/images/image1-172x190px.png" alt="image1"/> i dont get the image. My question is how do i set a absolute path from the root of the tomcat project to my image folder? I have also tried src="/projectName/WebContent/images/image1-172x190px.png" with more, but nothing works.
How the hell does absolute paths in tomcat work, where does it start. From the root of the project, web content folder or something else?
anyone know of any good tutorials on creating jsp pages? @Unihedro
From what level? Beginner, intermediate, higher?
Don't ping unihedro, if he's not here he's sleeping
@Gemtastic cracking the wip xD
The boy needs his sleep. He's only 16 and sleeps 4 or 5 hours per night :/
Does he even receive the ping request when he is not in the room?
@NewCoder and here I recently installed 14.10
@CristianMatthiasAmbæk Yes; he's set his phone to ping him whever someone on SO does
@Gemtastic my bad, I actually found a good tutorial :)
looking to create a DWP using the JSoup api in some way
haven't figured out what yet
@Gemtastic Well thats kind of silly xD
@CristianMatthiasAmbæk Didn't I mention he's only 16? ;)
@BrianJ what do you want to make? You asked a question i responded to and didnt reply xD
Sillyness is bound to happen at that age
@Gemtastic Mmmm im 26 and it still happends. Just different stuff
@CristianMatthiasAmbæk beginner, I'm hesitant to say intermediate
@BrianJ i recently started studying jsp knowing NOTHING, besides basic Java. And i have been using Murach's Java servlets and jsp 3'rd edition. Which i am very fond about
Ow ye also solved my own question.
http://www.coderanch.com/how-to/java/RelativeLinks going to my bookmarks.
@CristianMatthiasAmbæk I've done a project a few months back, that invoked a method on an RMI server and returned an array of results to a JSP page. I think its just as simple as creating a dynamic web project and adding the jsp page.
will see how I get on anyways
Hi Does any one have any idea on where we can look for the errors if a junit fails
I mean the junit failed and I wanted to see what made it fail
ummm... the jUnit view of your IDE?
and most probably a little thinking and checking the source-code?
Anyone know if you can use ${pageContext.request.contextPath} in JSP to point at a index.jsp file? Cant get it to work as

<a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/index.jsp"/>frontpage</a>
@Vogel612: Oh ok, thanks for the prompt response. Thought there would be some stack trace which would point me to the error
usually there is...
in that view..
@CristianMatthiasAmbæk Well, becoming an adult is mandatory, growing up is optional ;P
@Gemtastic Mmmm the power of free will.
I'll go to bed when I say I'll go to bed!
And I'll have candy for lunch because I wanna! ;P
And i want to eat my ice cream in the shower! Because, reasons!
Argh this JSp stuff is going on my nerves at the moment, nothing works xD
Well thats all the tomcat trouble i can take for today, good night to you all

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