@fge classabstractjava.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder: An engine that can transform a sequence of bytes in a specific charset into a sequence of sixteen-bit Unicode characters. (1/11)
Which means you can read a byte input with a decoder; if your decoder is configured to FAIL on malformed inputs, you immediately know whether the other end is lying
Well, I was working on it two days ago and almost finished the amendments to the PR, but then we were discussing important stuff related to deploying our bots with the Pham team (and fox from charcoal) , and I was supposedly going to finish it today, but weekend horror struck, so.
@Vogel612 TODO: decide on the database to share, how much to cache (especially in Java I'm going to serialize some stuff to load faster in the backend); We came up with how to make sure Yam(hilator) operate (as) securely (as we can afford), specs, etc.
I have a file, or I read from a socket; the data I read is supposed to be text encoded with a given character coding.
But even if I specify a coding and it turns out to be wrong in the end, the operation succeeds; instead of an exception of any sort, I get a lot of � in my text :/
Is there a wa...
@fge actually, it's a grand three hours after I felt a need to, I also sent an email while listening to music, then I somehow went to read an entire series of bitcoin mining guides (I won't really need it) and watched my IDE die and come back alive, just FYI :)
Here is a screenshot:
Of interest: the upper right part and the lower part.
In the lower part, there is one rule selected; this rule has: 1090 total invocations, including 274 successful invocations and 84 successful empty invocations. Right now I am displaying the ratio of successful vs tota...
@ItachiUchiha javafxclassjavafx.scene.chart.StackedBarChart: StackedBarChart is a variation of BarChart that plots bars indicating data values for a category. The bars can be vertical or horizontal depending on which axis is a category axis. The bar for each series is stacked on top of the previous series.
I only have two more things to do: 1. add a empty cart button and 2. Fix so that when you've removed all the items of a kind from the cart, the item won't remain in the list. As it is now, it's still there :(
@Vogel612 if I had an idea I'd attempt to fix this... And unfortunately I have erased all hs_err_pid_*.log files; I should keep them and report, somehow
I have no hopes for the higher grade (there are three "grades" in adult career schools; no grade (for when you didn't get enough to set a grade), F (or not passing), Passing and "passed very well"
@fge you're only as old as you feel. ;)
Well, my project had been nicer if I didn't have to rush it
@Gemtastic that would be a little work, however ;)
There would be two parts to implement
The part which receives user events and sends them to the presenter, and the part which takes back instructions from the presenter and updates the user interface
But yeah, that's definitely doable
In fact, I have decided on the names: display, view, presenter, model
Call that the DVPM model
For me it works pretty well
I can test the whole chain, so I know it works
The only thing which I do NOT test is the actual interaction on the graphical components themselves, because I don't know how :/
Here is a screenshot:
Of interest: the upper right part and the lower part.
In the lower part, there is one rule selected; this rule has: 1080 total invocations, including 274 successful invocations and 84 successful empty invocations. Right now I am displaying the ratio of successful vs tota...