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any apache kafka users?
@Vogel @Uni I've addressed all of the issues in my pull request. :)
third ping now...
Yay! :D
@Unihedro you want to do a final review?
@JavaTechnical did you find the source of your bug?
@JavaTechnical I suggest you drop Eclipse and use IDEA
did it work normally without any IDE?
just by putting those jar files in classpath.
Yup, for me it did
I have a big maven repository in my local system.
with many jar files
Therefore I don't understand the source of your bug
@fge Is IDEA ide free for J2EE ?
and I hope there would be several versions of asm
@TheLittleNaruto not all of it
And what does it mean ?
but whatever it may be, only 5.0.3 is associated with the project.
@JavaTechnical well, I use 5.0.3, ASM 4 and less are incompatible
if only 5.0.3 is in the project, how could conflict with other jars occur?
is is not possible.
As I said, I suspect the problem is with eclipse
I hope I have set to use the JDK compiler itself with eclipse.
I meant, what I'll be getting with free version, and what not ?
@TheLittleNaruto It is not free for J2EE
it is free for J2SE
@fge when I search for the ClassNode class, it doesn't seem to have init() method.
@TheLittleNaruto honestly I don't know, I have never ever needed more than what the free version has to offer
@Gemtastic I will get back to you
mmmm.. Okay :'(
@JavaTechnical that's not init() but "<init>", and that designs the constructor
@Vogel Wait, don't merge it yet.
<init>(I)V --> means a constructor with an integer as an argument
@ItachiUchiha Whenever you have time. I'm working on the cart content in the meantime ;)
(and "returning" void, as all constructors do)
constructors don't return void.
there return type is the class type itself
This is why we put Class c=new Class();
though we don't explicitly return and specify the return type.
specifying the return type is wrong for constructor, but still it has the same type as that of the class
@JavaTechnical Constructors have no return types. Only methods do.
but what is meant by Class c=new Class(); mean
Constructors are "special" methods. It's not really right to think of them as methods that return a new instance of a class.
In fact, don't even think of them as methods.
well... they aren't...
IIRC method's arent invokespecial in any case..
that's for arrays and the strange stuff like constructors.
Plus, constructors can't be methods because in order to invoke a method, you need an instance of a class!
@Vogel612 not even arrays; they use anewarray or multianewarray to get built
Constructors are exactly what they sound like; they construct (build/create) the instance of the class.
isn't that an invokespecial on bytecode level?
anewarray and multianewarray are bytecodes
ohh dear. Arrays really are quirky
@Vogel612 That's why arrays are abstractions of types, but not actual types
So tempted to CC Bertek for this...
now you're calling the C++ lounge army
Off to lunch. Later @all.
Hallo wurld.
Hello sam
Uh oh.
Had a good saturday?
@Unihedro Don't worry, I'm not in bot mode. ;)
Shivers; Sam's boredom has rose enough to visit the room, better set up apache server quickly
LOL jking, hi :D
^ Just got that in the LQPQ. lol
@Sam It's a gem, submit it to gfse :D
I love Chicken
@Unihedro Umm, how?
"submit" is under "contact".
@ShaU You missed the period. ;)
Oh I mean
> Your submission has been received and is awaiting moderator approval.
I have a question about Apache's OpenJPA documentation, if anyone's interested.
@arcy Go ahead.
Well, you don't have to be interested 8>)
When talking about persisting fields, it lists primitives as immutable.
Jan 13 at 10:04, by Gemtastic
@Smrita ShaU is a troll. Don't take advice from ShaU.
@arcy Erm.
This seems to me to be misleading. The persistence API would be pretty useless if you could have integers, but couldn't change them.
It defines an immutable field as one which cannot be changed, but can have a new value assigned to it. This makes sense to me for objects: you can get a new object, but you cannot change the one you have. But that doesn't make sense for primitives.
Am I missing something?
@Unihedro reaches the second page and explodes from laughter
@arcy Eh, I hope we're on the same page, but regardless; Are you sure it doesn't say specifically that primitive values are immutable?
Like an integer 2 is immutable. Integer.valueOf(2) <- immutable obj
In section 1.6 Persistent Fields
Immutable types, once created, cannot be changed. The only way to alter a persistent field of an immutable type is to assign a new value to the field. JPA supports the following immutable types:
link plz
and the first one it lists is primitives
Primitives are indeed immutable because the values cannot be runtime-injected unless you change the FooCache (Foo in Integer, Long, ETC).
It doesn't make much sense to say that a primitive value is immutable. As opposed to what? Unless there's a meaning for immutable that I'm missing...
Same with String, anyway, let me define immutable for you:
String is different
String is an object, the primitives are not.
1. This object does not have visible state differences that can be changed on observation, ever. For all method calls [foo -> bar], all foo' returns bar', and all visble fields never change.
Can you read "integer 2" any other differently?
But the primitives are not objects, there are no method calls on them.
@arcy Well, exactly.
It lists the object wrappers for the primitives separately...
They are immutable by nature! 2 is eternally 2. 2 + N is eternally two higher than N.
It's not like int foo;, where the field foo may give you foo + 2, but different depending on the context of foo.
But the spec here is talking about immutable fields. A primitive field can have its value changed.
Immutable types, not immutable fields. Look:
> The only way to alter a persistent field of an immutable type is to assign a new value to the field
We can have an integer foo with value 2. We can assign it value 3. The value has changed, the field is not immutable.
@arcy sigh
17 secs ago, by Unihedro
> The only way to alter a persistent field of an immutable type is to assign a new value to the field
Yes -- and for an object, that is different than changing the object. But for a primitive, there is no difference
Value 2 is immutable. The field integer foo is not.
Yes -- the field integer foo is not. And the docs for Apache OpenJPA are saying that foo is immutable.
@arcy Yes, there is. Object types stores a value - Java is pass by value. Primitive values are also values, stored in fields.
not that 2 is immutable
@arcy it does claim that, look:
> Immutable types, once created, cannot be changed.
> JPA supports the following immutable types:
> * All primitives
right. and I'm saying that is, at the least, misleading.
It's only misleading because you blend in the concept that types are fields.
It implies there is some kind of change operation you cannot do on integers that are JPA fields, and there is no such operation
Yeah, precisely. That's the nature.
Since that is the nature of primitives, I don't think they should be in the list of "immutable types"
Man, this tutorial is really depthful. It might actually be too complicated to understand without clear context.
Oh, right, it's a manual.
't too deep.
@Vogel612 der?
Simon has a point that we are not shutting down the Executor, which results in not releasing resources
@ItachiUchiha which repo are you talking about now?
sure he has a point
you gonna fix it or not or what? I don't understand what you want from me now..
Use daemon threads at least
make Executors give me a daemon thread....
I want all the executors to be shutdown when the window is attempted to be closed..
then do it... what exactly do you need from me?
Ahh.. nevermind
@Vogel612 easy: change the ThreadFactory
not quite that easy...
because Executors doesn't allow you to simply inject your own ThreadFactory
YEs it does
Where did you see that it didn't allow it?
=javadoc Executors
@Vogel612 java.util.concurrent.Executors: Factory and utility methods for Executor, ExecutorService, ScheduledExecutorService, ThreadFactory, and Callable classes defined in this package. This class supports the following kinds of methods: Methods that create and return an ExecutorService set up with commonly useful configuration settings. Methods that create and return a ...
ScheduledExecutorService set up with commonly useful configuration settings. Methods that create and return a "wrapped" ExecutorService, that disables reconfiguration by making implementation-specific methods inaccessible. Methods that create and return a ThreadFactory that sets newly created threads to a known state. Methods that create and return a Callable out of other closure-like forms, so they can be used in execution methods requiring Callable.
=javadoc Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(ThreadFactory)
@fge Sorry, I never heard of that class. :(
=javadoc Executors#newSingleThreadExecutor(ThreadFactory)
@fge ExecutorService newSingleThreadExecutor(ThreadFactory threadFactory): Creates an Executor that uses a single worker thread operating off an unbounded queue, and uses the provided ThreadFactory to create a new thread when needed. Unlike the otherwise equivalent newFixedThreadPool(1, threadFactory) the returned executor is ...
guaranteed not to be reconfigurable to use additional threads.
=javadoc Executors#defaultThreadFactory()
@fge ThreadFactory defaultThreadFactory(): Returns a default thread factory used to create new threads. This factory creates all new threads used by an Executor in the same ThreadGroup. If there is a java.lang.SecurityManager, it uses the group of System#getSecurityManager, else the group of the thread invoking this defaultThreadFactory method. Each new thread is ...
created as a non-daemon thread with priority set to the smaller of Thread.NORM_PRIORITY and the maximum priority permitted in the thread group. New threads have names accessible via Thread#getName of pool-N-thread-M, where N is the sequence number of this factory, and M is the sequence number of the thread created by this factory.
Just use composition to make that default thread factory return a thread to you, set it daemon and voilà)
Job done, you have an ExecutorService delivering daemon threads
you mean I should tamper with the internal state of that utility class??
thanks no
Oh come on
Whereever did you see that, huh?
Do you want me to code it for you so that you can see?
Unless you use Guava, in which case it's even easier
=javadoc ThreadFactoryBuilder
@fge com.google.common.util.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder: A ThreadFactory builder, providing any combination of these features: whether threads should be marked as daemon threads a naming format a thread priority an uncaught exception handler a backing thread factory (1/2)
private static final ThreadFactory THREAD_FACTORY = new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).setName("javabot-%d").build();
private final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadPool(THREAD_FACTORY);
Or another one
If you don't have Guava, just use composition
Guava is indeed useful for ThreadFactory.
I believe the recent changes that @Vogel612 has made should fix the underlying problem though
wrong repo @SimonAndréForsberg...
I created a pull request on your repo, @ItachiUchiha. Use it if you'd like.
@simon let me check :)
@Vogel612 are we talking about your testclient repo now? In that case, my pull request to Itachi's repo should fix that.
right ;)
but you know, once fge starts rambling nothing's gonna stop him easily.
Haha, right ;-)
@Vogel612 I haven't spent much time in this chat room, but that I have already figured out.
@Vogel612 Four stars O_o
That's not fair :/
in The 2nd Monitor, it would have gotten at least eight stars.
(I may be rambling but at least I offer code to match :p)
true that
Also --> if you want to ensure that your executors are closed, why don't you make your class implement AutoCloseable and shut them down in .close()?
because the class is never used in a way remotely close to AutoCloseable
make your JavaFX GUI implement AutoCloseable, I double dare you ;)
That reminds me, com.unihedro.jchatexchange.Room should implement AutoCloseable :D
@Unihedro you should definitely push sometime...
@Vogel612 I will :D
@ShaU ... as if anyone's gonna help him.
The awkward moment when the teacher in class explains a JS function with "Then Javascript somehow knows if this is a success or not" and you have to apply that function to another way of POST responding to JS >_>
@fge I was also considering suggesting that.
@ShaU another gem
@Gemtastic Heh
@Gemtastic that's simple.. a POST returns status code 200 if it was a success and about any other status code if it was a failure
Well, it returns a 200 but for some reason JS isn't receiving it :P
@Vogel612 I really wish he had said that though; it tells me so much more than just "magic"
Has somebody faced sudden drop in internet speed when using wireless lan??
Yes, it's quite common and exactly why I don't like Wi-Fi
I was downloading something big. like 185 mb , till 145 working fine , then showng unknown network error
Im hangry
185mb isn't big O.o
Anyway, it soulds like you're having trouble with the device sending the signals. If you want help with that you could go to superuser.com
meh... they probably have a canonical dupe for that
it's often just the same...
don't put your handy near, interference may kill your bandwidth
check whether you have better access somewhere else, your walls can block the signal
don't get too many devices into the same network at one, because the bandwith is shared
don't put up more than 3 networks in one area, you loose bandwith to overlapping channels
I think You said about Bandwidth
Two Mobile Devices are using Wirless LANS
and My PC and MY Laptop
So 4 Devices
@ShaU get to superuser and search there
@Gemtastic It is if you use an SSD cloud.
I am feeling sleepy today. I will try download tomo
@SimonAndréForsberg Turning Main class to extend JavaFX Application class. I am not sure if @Vogel612 would approve of it
Thanks for Bandwith Idea @vo
@ItachiUchiha ... um... there is a comment on the PR...
@ItachiUchiha judging by this comment: github.com/TheItachiUchiha/testclient_javabot/pull/1 he would like it
on a related note..
I am bad at tracking comments
:P :P
I don't see anything bad about turning Main to a JavaFX class. IMO it is better to initialize JavaFX as soon as possible.
@SimonAndréForsberg +1
5 hours ago, by Vogel612
why not make Main extend Application?
cough, cough
I never read that :P
Somehow I skipped that line, or may be I was just careless :P
ya you gave me a nope directly afterwards...
and I was like: "Oh well he probably knows better"
> and call launch from the main method?
I also never read that, but I came up with the same thought :)
^^ the nope was for this
+1 to you for having that idea, @Vogel612
Great minds think alike!
I should hide under the bed
@ItachiUchiha what's wrong with calling launch from the main method? Or do you mean explicitly launch for ClientGUI ?
I have to admit I did not read all your current code, and I did definitely not understand all your reasons for the current code.
But I eventually will run JavaBot on a cloud, is the GUI really necessary along with it?
@Unihedro that is for the testclient
I prefer for the GUI parts to be made on a branch. ;)
JavaBot doesn't have a GUI.
@SimonAndréForsberg Well since ClientGUI was extending the Application class, and was used by the TestProgram, it was not necessary calling it from main
<-- on a different page
might be interesting to add one ;)
but that'd be a different repo then
@SimonAndréForsberg I wanted to keep the design that @Vogel612 created intact
splitting core from gui...
^^ that one
question about Junior (and not the GUI)
@ItachiUchiha I guess it's easier for me, as an "outsider" to question the design.
May be you are right
what do you think of making the thread querying messages from the ChatInterface a DaemonThread so it becomes FireAndForget?
I didn't see the code the way you did.
On a different note @simon I successfully finished implementing spring security + jdbc authentication :)
@ItachiUchiha When you have been on Code Review as much as I have, you always question everything about the code.
@SimonAndréForsberg sooo... what would you have done differently?
and this time I understand everything ;)
@Vogel612 everything I did in my commits. More than that, I don't know. Haven't dug that far down in the code.
well initially that thing was implemented in swing
so it was easier to not have Main as entry point for the GUI
and I had to follow the same to not disturb the initial design
@ItachiUchiha awesome, I also managed to do that and have implemented it into my Github-StackExchange chat bot today. I also have a repository here as an example how to do it
.gitattributes: 2 years ago
@ItachiUchiha I haven't understood everything yet, but I definitely understand more than last time I was here :)
It is a forked repo
@ItachiUchiha yes, it is. I did adapt it a bit though. I think I was working with that same forked repo last time as well.
@SimonAndréForsberg Be my guest, though I am not sure how much can I explain you. But, I can definitely try :)
@SimonAndréForsberg It was for vogel
@ItachiUchiha oh, right :)
@ItachiUchiha I'm just happy that it works ;)
gj @SimonAndréForsberg @ItachiUchiha :
hi all
need suggestion i have to develop library Exception handler library based on annotation
public void doSomeWork(String task)
// If any exception occurs here, email will be sent to an email id (Assume any email id)
something like this
worker thread will be spawned in the beginning of program which will monitor exception in jvm instance
can anybody give me jsut guidelines how can i achieve this
You were here earlier
nobody helped you...
in general that means: nobody can
i have some idea but i need to confirm just
@GaneshP I only have one suggestion: Don't take water over your head. If you have no clue of how you can achieve it, that probably means that you should consider working on something else.
@GaneshP For the record, don't re-invent the wheel:
Q: Using log4j to send email reports via the SMTPAppender

fmpdmbI'm trying to use log4j to send emailable reports that contain the logging statements from a background process. I want one email sent for each process run, not one email for each logging statement. I've looked at the SMTPAppender, but don't see a way to manually send the report when the proces...

i was looking for solution kind of spring AOP , but in plane java
sometimes I'm really glad I am not a RO...
because I don't have to put up with stuff like this.
@gem yes, what was the issue?
@Ita I've managed to make the post work and it returns a 200, but for some reason my JS method is not receiving the success...
ajax request?
it's in the only js file there is
I dont see a JS file in there
Uni asleep ?
If he isn't I'll be mad
okay then I'm not gonna make you mad by waking him up
good :)
2 hours later…
Silence is gold?
Do you agree? Y/N
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