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@Gemtastic Are you loading from the jar or from the filesystem
@Kylar I'm running it in the IDE
unix or windows
I have three files; Main.class, database.json and Product.class. They are all located in the same package
What's the full filesystem path to database.json (from the command line)
and then, set a breakpoint and print out what you're passing to the loader
there's obviously a disconnect there
Interesting... when I entered that path something else borked. I have no clue what, it just says Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec (default-cli) on project Slasktratt: Command execution failed. Process exited with an error: 1 (Exit value: 1) -> [Help 1]
Just do something like.... make a File Object and print out the canonical path
that should give you some insight
Hmm file object you say... brb gotta read up on what that is
new File(string path)
Wait, cause fge is going to rail about not using File ;)
I really don't care what I use as long as it works >_>
@Gemtastic show your current code
(I told you you should do this)
Wait, wtf is it still integer O.o
Seems like a refactoring has gone sour now too since I tried to refactor the main class' name
@Gemtastic well, the path is incorrect
It should be "/com/gemstatic/slasktratt/database.json"
@fge I'm trying anything, that's the latest I tried
Your main class is in package com.gemstatic.slaskratt, right?
Current issue is Error: Could not find or load main class com.gemtastic.slasktratt.JSON.JSONexperinment
Wait, so what is MainClass?
And it appeared when I renamed the main class from JSONexprinment to MainClass
Where does the code you show here come from?
is the file C:\Users\Gemtastic\Documents\NetBeansProjects\Slasktratt\src\main\java\com\gemta‌​‌​stic\slasktratt\JSON\database.json?
Ah, OK
@Kylar Yes
try feeding:
But I think we need to address the refactoring issue first
@Gemtastic then the argument to .getResourceAsStream() should be "/com/gemstatic/slasktratt/JSON/database.json"
@Gemtastic using git?
C:\\Users\\Gemtastic\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\Slasktratt\\src\\main\\java\\com\\gemta‌​‌​stic\\slasktratt\\JSON\\database.json to the resource loader
@fge That's what's in there now
Yeah fix it so it runs
With the JSON?
Clean and build does nothing hmm
@Kylar if you do this that will fail once the jar is deployed
2 mins ago, by Gemtastic
Current issue is Error: Could not find or load main class com.gemtastic.slasktratt.JSON.JSONexperinment
^That appeared when I refactored the name of JSONExperinment
@fge Yeah, I get that. I'm trying to work through it first
@Gemtastic are you using git or not?
Not on this project
It's a normal Maven project I made
OK, show your pom.xml then
Hey guys
(ie, pastebin it)
I'm gonna try to remove the built files
Huh, that's not in there
Can't you right click somewhere on MainClass and select run?
(I don't know NetBeans, so...)
It doesn't matter where I run it
I'll just make a new one
A new what?
New project
There's no need
Your pom.xml does not contain a reference to the main class so that's your IDE which must be reconfigured
Just search how to run a main in it
Yes there was, because the project still looked for a mainclass that didn't exist. New project is C:\Users\Gemtastic\Documents\NetBeansProjects\JSON\src\main\java\com\gemtastic\‌​json\database.json
The code is exactly the same
Can someone please have a look at my code for a vending machine and suggest where I might be going wrong..I'm not seeming to get the amounts pulled from the arrays, in the jLabel thou that might be because of what I haven't put in the driver and GUI classes:

Constructor: http://pastebin.com/wh8TskQ5
Driver (not complete I know!): http://pastebin.com/vKwnyueT
GUI: http://pastebin.com/wh8TskQ5

Specifically this jLabel in the GUI: http://pastebin.com/7L07QN21

Entering that path still gives me resource not found
if you break in the IDE and do
new File("C:\\Users\\Gemtastic\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\JSON\\src\\main\\java\\com\\gemtastic\‌\​json\\database.json").exists()
does it return true?
So, what is the argument to .getResourceAsStream()?
Currently C:\\Users\\Gemtastic\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\JSON\\src\\main\\java\\com\\gemtastic\\j‌​‌​son\\database.json
And why not simply "/com/gemstatic/json/database.json"?
Since this is your real root
/com/gemtastic/j‌​son/database.json also gives resource not found
What does the package declaration say at the top of your source file?
Show the full code of the class please
@Kyle is this what you mean I should type:
File file = new File("C:\\Users\\Gemtastic\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\JSON\\src\\main\\java\\com\\gemtastic\\‌​json\\database.json");
@Gemtastic then just replace the argument to .getResourceAsStream() with what I said and it should work
If it doesn't, then the JSON is not where you say it is
@fge I did but alas:
3 mins ago, by Gemtastic
/com/gemtastic/j‌​son/database.json also gives resource not found
(hypothesis: not the good casing; resource paths are case sensitive)
Then the JSON is not where you say it is
No other possibility
But it is O.o
With the good case?
Want me to print screen you the file in the folder? :P
Are you sure it's not Database.json for instance?
I am sure the casing is correct
@fge - Windows file systems are case insensitive
so /JSON/foo.txt is the same as /json/foo.txt
@Kylar but ClassLoader isn't
But the classloader resolves to the filesystem...
he's not loading from a jar
@kylar it prints `C:\Users\Gemtastic\Documents\NetBeansProjects\JSON\src\main\java\com\gemtastic\??json\database.json
`File file = new File("C:\\Users\\Gemtastic\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\JSON\\src\\main\\java\\com\\gemtastic\\‌​json\\database.json");
there's some character in there
Where does that ?? come from, huh?
Above is the code
Ohh it's the line feed
The problem is here
I have no clue
You copied and pasted
and the chat had a line feed in it
remove the line feed before after gemtastic\\
er,, after, not before after
then run again
I copied off of the path in the folder, added database.json
Now it prints: C:\Users\Gemtastic\Documents\NetBeansProjects\JSON\src\main\java\com\gemtastic\json\database.json
Now add more lines that do this:
File f = new File(".");
So that'll show us where your project thinks it's root is
So far we know the file is there.
Adding the correct path to getResourceAsStream() still gives the errormessage of resource not found
try that
the resource stream is starting somewhere else :)
try that, and if that doesn't work
@Kylar Resource not found
final InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
where file = the full path to your resource
does that work
the file that returned exists:true
@Kylar are you sure that backslashes work with a classloader? I seriously doubt they do
Slashes always work, use slashes
Or, well, ditch Windows :p
Exception in thread "main" com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: No suitable constructor found for type [simple type, class com.gemtastic.json.Product]: can not instantiate from JSON object (need to add/enable type information?)
at [Source: java.io.InputStreamReader@3796751b; line: 3, column: 13]
Aah, making progress
Now the resource was found
@fge I'm 100% sure that they work correctly on Windows
But your project is very strangely setup
@Kylar OK... Still, that's not portable
No arguments here
The problem now is with the Product class
Oh yeah, I changed it from a bean to a normal model
Build success!
Is there a math chat room on here? I've got a problem relating to a geometry calculation.
Thanks so much for sticking it through with little dumb me @fge @kylar
@Gemtastic we still need to make it read from the resource stream, theoretically.
Well, now the path is working
@BrianJ No, there's not a math chatroom that I know of
@Kylar I thought as much, anyone able to give me some advice on the question?
but Yeah, I'm looking right now, give me 2 mins
@Kylar I posted the question on math exchange but didn't get any hits, its C# sharp unfortunately but its the calculation that's the problem not code. thanks
Yeah I'm doing it in Java b/c I don't have C# nearby
src/main/java/com/gemtastic/json/database.json works too, so now we just wonder why the code fge suggested didn't work
@Gemtastic it's because your project is strangely set up
Your source directory is set to be the root of your project
I don't see how it's strangely set up O.o
That's not how it should be
The source directory should be src/main/java
That's the standard layout
And tests in src/test/java
it is, but it's being run from the wrong dir
the working dir should be set differently
that's why it's blowing up
Oh, wait
@Kylar you need a Myo sensor to run but you can do the calculation without it, just pass it a pitch value of eg, `3`
If there are any questions ping me here, my question can seem a bit confusing.
There's another possibility
@Gemtastic OK, I know what's happening
But it didn't work when I entered the same path (src/main/java/com/gemtastic/json/database.json) in fge's code
@Gemtastic you should create a directory src/main/resources/com/gemtastic/json and put your database.json in there
I wager your IDE did NOT copy the database.json to the bin directory
@fge Uhm, what?
Because it was not a Java file
I'm 100% sure of it
@Bri No, I get it. 2 = 0 degrees South, then each pitch is 36 degrees moving counter clockwise
@Kylar no, 7 equals zero degrees, 2 equals 180 degrees, ie the arm fully abducted above the head
Sorry, right. 7 = 0
2 = due north
@Kylar got it in one ;)
So you want to convert back and forth?
so my pitch sensor shows a reading of 7 when my arm is at my side, as in zero degrees abducted
So given an abduction reading, you want a degree reading?
@fge that is entirely correct. And then if your version of getResourceAsStream doesn't work, tell @Gemtastic to only use getResourceAsStream("database.json").
@kylar ya so if my arm is at my side, it should output zero degrees.
@Kylar yeah the pitch reading output by the sensor needs to be converted to the degree of abduction, arm resting by my side being the start position, zero degrees
This code: http://pastebin.com/9rq2fxds prints:
Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOException: resource not found
at com.gemtastic.json.MainClass.main(MainClass.java:36)
So uh... it doesn't like fge's code, but it likes Kylar's
@Kylar at the moment it outputs a correct value of 180 degrees when my arm is extended fully above my head, but as I bring it down to my side the value increases(which it shouldn't), should decrease in degrees of abduction as I lower my arm.
@Kylar to a resting position of zero degrees, instead it outputs 360 degrees..
@Gemtastic use "/database.json" as the path
(in .getResourceAStream())
@fge That works O.o
You didn't recreate the full tree but then that's just as well
I'm not surprised ;)
or getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("database.json")
Well, I've said it every time I work with a path; I don't fully understand them
@BrianJ Here's a fixed version:
Anyway, I'm out of here. Back to The 2nd Monitor with me. Thanks again for your help, @ItachiUchiha.
It's in Java, but you should be able to convert easily
@SimonAndréForsberg That's for when it's in a different package, isn't it?
basically use this:
   public int convertAbductionToDegrees(int abductionPitch) {
        //pitch is offset by 2

        int PITCH_OFFSET = 2;
        int DEGREE_ABDUCTION_RATIO = 36;

        int actualPitch = abductionPitch-PITCH_OFFSET;

        return actualPitch * DEGREE_ABDUCTION_RATIO;

@Gemtastic no, there are other, subtle differences if you load from a ClassLoader directly
@Gemtastic no, in this case it should have the same effect as @fge's suggestion that fixed it for you.
@fge Well, I red that off of a answer on SO so well, I suppose that person was wrong
The person wasn't wrong
But classloaders are tricky beasts
@fge I will have to read up on them on saturday
I would recommend you didn't unless you actually really need direct access to one
Believe me
@BrianJ I'm not sure why you're doing this:
           pitch = (int)((e.Pitch + PI) / (PI * 2.0f) * 10);
@Kylar do you know Spring?
They're a PITA to use
@Gemtastic I know of Spring. I avoid it like the plague
@fge I would do it because learning new things is fun, just not when you're stressed about needing to learn what you should have learned in 7 weeks in 5 days
@Kylar I'll try that out and test.
That other PI code is for converting the pitch readings to a scale from 1 -9, makes it easier to work with for the moment, as the raw reading for `pitch` is a double
There are other, more useful stuff to learn before that, I'd say :p But that's your choice
I wish there were more visual aids for Spark and Spring :/
@BrianJ Hrm, that will cause some problems then.
@Kylar okay so the above code won't work because of the PI calc?
Well, I tested that routine with pitch of 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 and they all worked
so somwhere your pitch conversion is going wrong
just cause it's a double doesn't mean you need to convert, right?
@Kylar so the above did work for these pitch readings? you get 180 degrees for 2, and 0 degrees for 7?
I haven't tested your solution yet, but the pitch readings of 2,3,5,7 .. are the readings output after the `PI` code so it should work fine I'm thinking?
@BrianJ Fuck, no, hang on
I keep mixing the 2 and the 7.
hang on :/
@Kylar happened to me more than once first time I was trying to calculate it :p
Almost done, 1 sec
   public int convertAbductionToDegrees(int abductionPitch) {

        int DEGREE_ABDUCTION_RATIO = 36;
        int MAX_PITCH = 252;

        return MAX_PITCH - (abductionPitch * DEGREE_ABDUCTION_RATIO);

There you go
you could pass in a double too, and it would probably work fine
@Kylar are you sure about that, the max pitch in degrees, ie arm fully extended north should be 180 degrees, while min should be zero.
I'll test this anyways and come back to you. :)
7 = 0 degrees, 2 = 180 degrees. 0 = 252 degrees.
@Kylar ok I kinda get ya, I'll test it now.
@Kylar oh ok now I get you
@Kylar that worked but the degree measurement increments in 32 degrees, which isn't very accurate for this purpose. I'm guessing this is due to my callibration factor 36?
if 7 is 0 and 2 is 180, then it should be 36
7-2 = 5, 5/180 is 36
@Kylar yeah I get that much, but I'm wondering how I can make the degree readings more accurate? Less of a jump between readings, ie, 5 degrees of incrementation.
so you want to deal with doubles
hang on
@Kylar yeah thats what I was thing, but with the current calc, even if I pass in doubles it will output the same jump?
Just change the incoming and outcoming vars to double, and it'll be fine
it'll work it out to whatever decimal precision
actually, just the incoming pitch
then if you send in 5.5, it'll return 54, etc
@Kylar okay so just the pitch reading not the output, should be accurate enough at integer value output, if not I can tweak, thanks for the help. Math definitely isn't my strong point.
Yeah it'll return the nearest degree rounded down if you return an int
@Kylar tried this: degreeOutput = MAX_PITCH - (e.Pitch * CALLIBRATION_FACTOR); seems I need to cast the integers values as e.Pitch is a double reading
That must be a C# affectation - java will promote int's to double
@Kylar yeah but if I cast the pitch, double value to an int the precision will be lost?
you need to do the math at a double precision
so I must cast the int values to doubles then.
or I could just change the integer variables to doubles
@Kylar tried this:

double degreeOutput;

                //const float PI = (float)System.Math.PI;

                //pitch = (int)((e.Pitch + PI) / (PI * 2.0f) * 10);

                degreeOutput = MAX_PITCH - (e.Pitch * CALLIBRATION_FACTOR);

                degreeOfAbductionTbx.Text = "Degree: " + degreeOutput;
now I get a resting value of 203
Why aren't you using the code I wrote? You're thinking about the problem in the wrong way
@Kylar its the same code just adapted the var names to my project, CALLIBRATION_FACTOR is 36 and degreeOutput is the output from the calc.
You don't need a MAX_PITCH
MAX_PITCH = 252, I thought this was part of the calc?
The same code works previously, just not when I changed to double degreeOutput; works for an integer output. But I want to increase the accuracy which is why I've passed in the double value for pitch.
Err, IEEE 754 and accuracy don't really mix together
You've confused me with nomenclature
I thought pitch was the abduction
if e.Pitch = 7,
then 7*36 = 252
and MAX_PITCH - (252) should = 0
so something very obvious is wrong somewhere
even if it's all double, it should be off by a tiny fraction
@Kylar yes correct but this is the pitch reading when the PI calculation is done on pitch, when the raw reading of e.Pitch is retrieved its a different value. I'll test what the actual value is now.
@Kylar the raw reading, ie e.Pitch at resting point is 1.46732 while the top of the movement, arm fully extended north is, -1.41755
ignore the degree text, should be read pitch as this is just the raw pitch reading from the device
? So where did 2 and 7 come from?
so 0 is actually extended straight out, not up or down
@ita you there?
@Kylar 2 and 7 were the readings of pitch after this conversion: ` pitch = (int)((e.Pitch + PI) / (PI * 2.0f) * 10);` thw above scrren shots are the pitch readings I get when I remove this converison and just get the raw pitch data. ie, 7 is now 1.45959 and 2 is -1.41313
So if you do that conversion but keep them all doubles, what do you get
@Kylar as in do your conversion but change output to double and pass in the raw pitch?
Where did you come up with
pitch = (int)((e.Pitch + PI) / (PI * 2.0f) * 10)
if I do that I get a resting value of 303 and fully extended value of 206
No, no, that's not what I'm saying
Where did you get this line:
pitch = (int)((e.Pitch + PI) / (PI * 2.0f) * 10)
this was a calc already done in the C# wrapper I'm using to simplify the output of the pitch to a smaller range
Ugh. Where are the docs for this?
So then the problem here is that the conversion of pitch from (~1.45 to -1.41) is converting into a single integer
and what you're asking is to change it into a close double, but never more than 7
and never less than 2
are 1.45959 and -1.41313 absolute min/max
or can they keep moving the arm past the head and get to -1.5 for instance
actually, it doesn't matter
We can use 0 as the starting point, that's in the middle, arm 50% abducted
And we'll use 1.45 as "straight down" and -1.45 as "straight up"
although.. geez. talk about random
Why isn't the pitch in some known thing like radians
or is it, and your measurements are off?
@Kylar I was asking the same thing
@Kylar never more than -1.41 and never less than 1.45
OK, I've got real work to go do, sorry I can't help you more
@Kylar okay thanks for the help, I have a better understanding of the issue now anyways, I need to do the same calculation but this time due to the raw reading, min will be 1.45 and max will be -1.41
instead of 7 and 2
@Kylar I'll be on here tomorrow will let you know how I got on.
Well, I think I've gotten my Spring webapp running, but for some reason, the encoding isn't right so åäö doesn't show up as they should >_>;
hello guys :)
Hey guys...can someone please help me and suggest why I am getting null when I am trying to get values from an array?
I was using switch but it gave errors so I'm trying nested ifs but still am getting null output: pastebin.com/y758sA6E
This is the main method I was testing with to just get even the selection number to see if grabbing from the array was working: pastebin.com/PSWJSfqs
            name = dName;       // copies name to global variable dName
You're doing it backwards
should be dName = name;
I fear that I might have to ask a question on SO
@BootyBump this whole method:
        public static void setCoinEntered() {
can be reduced to 1 line:
dCoin = coinDenominations[gCoin];
There, that's better
ok sorry I forgot to set everything to static too...have just done it and will have a go. Thanks ;)
Stop using static. it's bad.
yea that bit was confusing me in my confusion lol
in fact, most of your setXXX methods can be reduced to one line
@Kylar tbh I'm just trying anything that doesn't give me errors in netbeans lol
(I know ur gonna say use eclipse or the other one)
Why is static bad? .....that one of those "don't betray the object" notions from the smalltalk crowd? :)
When you're learning how to program, static makes it easy to make a lot of mistakes
so stay away from it unless it's what you really want to do.
@LeeJeong Your professor sucks.
Hmm that came out of nowhere :)
I actually saw it in a vending machine guide/tutorial/program I was trying to emulate but then ditched and wrote my own code..it had static on every variable and method..I was getting issues such as non-static xx cannot be referenced from a static etc so I looked at the guide and changed it to how he had done..actually, I had gotten that program from I think from one of the offical java programming sites too
tbh all I understand about static is that it makes the variables/methods etc (elements?) available to the whole program
I was sifting through the transcript. Long debugging session back there. And MySQL still sucks.
small demands -> MongoDB
anywhere over that -> PostgreSQL
@tgm1: static is bad because dependency instances cannot be mocked, it is harder to test, encourages 'global variables' which are bad practices in an OOP world, not necessarily stateful, static Collections and such references being the sources of resource leak, et cetera.
Morning Uni
Slept well?
@BootyBump static is the opposite of instance. There is no catch, except instances can be manipulated with more effectively, generally.
No, not really.
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