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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

I love the new Eclipse logo. <3
It is nice
although I wish more stuff came pre-configured, such as git and maven
Git is.
I must have gotten an earlier version then. Mine wasn't when I got it.
It looks like Maven is too. At least, it recognizes the POM file.
You should download the JavaEE version. It has more plugins.
Like the Java version doesn't even have an XML editor... -_-
Can you right click on a project and do a maven Update Project?
This is what I get:
Maybe you have to mark the project as a "Maven" project.
In STS I get this:
But STS doesn't have a good support for Java 8, so I need both :)
SVN can't be included in the default install because of a licensing issue.
I'm back!
Saw a counselor
I killed the chat!
With that joke? Yeah.
I'm watching Enterprise on Netflix currently.
Next Generation was better. :(
The Vulcan on Enterprise was as good as 7 of 9.
Cannot spell her name
Old enough to remember M*A*S*H?
Indeed. xD
M*A*S*H was before my time.
There isn't a lot of "exploration" in Enterprise. It's Xindi this, Xindi that.
Gotta save the Earth, etc.
My 12 year old daughter watches M*A*S*H. She even knows who Fonzie is
3 hours later…
Hey everyone!
1 hour later…
@Kylar der ?
anyone in the room ?
for example if you print the current 5r picture, it should print an image with 5" x 7". But it doesn't !
1 hour later…
how could i convert hibernate entity to json? it always call the getter method of my onetomany relationship field. and it causes it to loop infinitly displaying error about json
2 hours later…
hey abhinay dere
@Chitta heya
how are you ?
gud dude
@Chitta so whats up ?
@ItachiUchiha sup
@Kerppag nm !
just wandering around !
whats up with ya ?
my application worked! haha
the only problem was with the json parsing -.- dont know what character causes json to malfunction
aside from white spaces
you kno?
those characters? T.T im struggling hunting them
i still dont get ya !
i mean if you have a json string for and it has white spaces
it triggers the malfunction exception
im looking for the other characters
no idea !
most probably the white spaces
actually, I am feeling sleepy, dont wanna think :P
too tired to think
hahaha me too. whole day figuring it out.haha gtg see ya @ItachiUchiha
@Kerppag c ya
@Chitta yes
lot of task given to me
enjoy buddy !
Caught a nice spock and maven question on the first posts if anyone want to give it try. :)
Q: Spock and Maven. Tests with @Unroll failed with errors but placeholders is not filled with iteration data in Maven output

RIP21I have some parameterized test with spock, and it's kinda 10 cases which coming to test in where block. So, I decide to use @Unroll annotation so when some of the 10 cases is fail, I will understand which one. So I add to feature placeholder with message about what kind of case it is, let's say ...

@Unihedron whats spock ?
tum log kya karte ho
kya chal raha hai kuch samajh mein nahin araha hai
@Chitta restrain yourself to english !
for android related questions you can visit

 Android Era with Kotlin and Java

Important: Read dos and don'ts here: androidera.github.io . Ma...
SO is an English site, chat.SO is not. But you're likely not going to get much help if you're not using English anyway.
now i m new to developing side
@Chitta its alright !
wt to do??
Welcome to StackOverflow Chat !
@Chitta What do you need help with?
@Chitta you can ask any Java Questions here, no matter how minor or major :P
@ItachiUchiha Yep. Who knows what would happen. Maybe no one would know, maybe you get an answer from The Jedi. Oooo.
@Unihedron lolz, yeah !
for the time being lets not confuse our friend @Chitta here with the Jedi !
@Chitta JEDI is actually another person @Kylar here. The most experienced java user in this room ! :)
ohk hello @Kylar
Anyone want to help out a new Java programmer? stackoverflow.com/questions/25181618/…
Hello y'all
@Karl Hey there!
How are you?
I'm very fine. Was going to write some tests.
What kind of test?
JUnit tests, but then I decided to code instead.
I've been working on a board game mostly this month...Got to hammer out details
Well, make details to hammer out too
Haha, good idea.
Quick Java question - shouldn't variables like mStopThread (a boolean, accessed from multiple threads) be protected by a mutex such as synchronized(...) in this method:
It's either par design, or the programmer overlooked it.
I also noticed the while loop runs on the same condition as well. Though it's only read access, it may or may not be intentional.
It seems that at the very least it should be marked as volatile. The issue is that the while loop might never exit if the variable is cached by the CPU in a regsiter for example.
So, the condition could be met, but the test wouldn't find out for a while...
Sounds like a crash waiting to happen, and almost impossible to debug
It's not volatile? Oh, then it's definitely bad.
Not volatile. Declared as:
private boolean mStopThread;
Not sure if its an "android thing" but more phones these days have multiple processors so this kind of bug seems to just be waiting to happen.
@Karl heya
@ItachiUchiha heya
@Unihedron hey man !
@ItachiUchiha 'Allo :) coding at the moment, hopefully getting to finish a large project for my server.
Greetings @ItachiUchiha
@Unihedron The game server ?
@Karl what type of card game are you working on ?
Board, not card
ohh, my bad !
what type of board game is it ?
@ItachiUchiha I like how you didn't remember which game it was, so you named it "The game server". :)
But yes.
@Unihedron haha ! you caught me !
but i guess its Minecraft ! is it ?
A modernized Monopoly. Not just updating properties [I'd get sued for that]
Laughing at my comment or what I said?
at your comment [I'd get sued for that]
@ItachiUchiha Yep. Once I finish the network upgrades, I'll work on more network upgrades. Then I'll look into JMS for a webstore :D
@Unihedron how many people are currently playing on your server ?
@ItachiUchiha 8 players at the moment. Quiet morning.
@Karl what technologies have you considered for the game ?
@Unihedron What game is that?
@ItachiUchiha Specific technologies have yet to be decided upon.
If you bother to find my server you can click around in my profile. I'm not going to link it here :P
@Unihedron lolz :P
I am actually working on keeping the game relevant
@Karl as in how ?
@Karl Sounds like lots of fun! :P
I have two friends working on it. We are stealing a detail [or two] from Yu-Gi-Oh...
I used to watch the anime ;)
Yu-Gi-Oh - Master of the Game !
Actually, one of the two don't like the way I'm approaching it, so he is working on his own ver. We are in talks about making the two mix-and-match-able...
Hiya @Zotastas
I guess I'm working on two different games at the same time
@Karl well you should solve the conflict ASAP, it would benefit you as well as your friends !
@Karl "The best way to finish multiple things at once is to finish them one at a time". -Anonymous
@Karl are you planning a web version or a desktop version of the game ?
Not a conflict. We agreed a long time ago to allow the other game to have IDENTICAL details as it happens.
Hi =)
RIght now, I'm working on the physical ver. I have my word game that runs. makeagif.com/i/rM4nHz I need help converting it to run on Android, as it's WAY above my skill set.
Really! Usually, it comes up as the graphic
@Karl the link is blocked by the firewall at my office !
I will have a look at it when i reach home !
Unhedron took care of it for me!
@Unihedron I posted it..
Also my name is Unihedron with Uni :)
I can't view his image as well, Blocked by the bloody firewall !
Oh bloody.
I'll re-UL onto imgur, one sec
Look it up on your phone, it's a short URL :P
thats what i am doing riht now
[So you don't have to scroll up]
ok cool
seems to be a simple game !
Simple games are more fun than the huge console games!
I got kicked out of the Android chat because I referenced a movie. It's hard for me to find an Android programmer
yeah true !
Look at Flappy Bird !
@Karl Poor you. Maybe you could look on freelancer.com?
@Karl if you can pay for an android programmer, you can get loads of them !
I can't afford to pay attention.
+ if you already know java, you can learn android in a month, leaving the services part aside !
@Karl pay attention ?
@Unihedron true ! :D
I still love BEJEWELED !
I still haven't finished Zen mode on Bejewelled 3. You unlock that secret game mode on level 100. I'm on level 54.
@Karl if you develop desktop applications, you must really look forward to Javafx ! An example
I'm autistic, have holes in my memory, and have focus issues.
I also learn best working off of somebody else....I'd do the work myself if somebody guided me.
@Karl That's true. People hardly improve when they only have themselves to learn from.
My current ver of the game is modular, so it should be relatively easy...
@Karl you can try this room ! Its user friendly and people are helpful here !

 Android Era with Kotlin and Java

Important: Read dos and don'ts here: androidera.github.io . Ma...
@Karl only if you wanna learn android !
@Unihedron +1
I will check it out!
[Actually, have entered it already]
@Uni I am waiting for Kylar..
Are you addicted to his speech? xD
lol, no, need some help regarding the print api..
@Unihedron Can you send me the imgur link to my graphic?
@RoboticMoneylender Heya
What are the rules of this room?
Hi @Unihedron
We like to talk about superheros slapping Canadians!
Be careful, some people will tell you untrue things...
The rules that MATTER are simple
Be respectful
Don't listen to him. xD Help people and get helped, chat with people respectfully and get talked to respectfully.
Kylar is our jedi and Michael is the room owner you'll see around here. Be good to them.
I said "Be respectful"
Well you ninja'd it and I didn't see it as I post it, sorry. :)
But yes, be respectful. Or don't. Well, whatever.
NP. I'm just messing with you about it...
@Karl xD
Oh....Welcome @RoboticMoneylender
"I swear officer! I never touche'd her!"
I feel rather awkward.
Me too. Maybe we should talk about our adventures on Stack Overflow.
Well, I'm new, so I do not have much to share
Same, only been here for 2- I mean 3 months.
Other than the plethora of silly questions that originate from my account
It was actually kind of amazing seeing my questions get answered in seconds.
@Karl Test failed.
I wanted to share it, but...
Can i get some help?
Ask away, don't ask to ask.
How do I pop a stack frame off the stack?
Just don't ask that
Not even Jon Skeet can pop a stack frame off the stack.
Hello @ItachiUchiha
@RoboticMoneylender hey man ! How are you ?
Eh all
EH @Kylar
@Kylar heya !
@ItachiUchiha I saw your paste and I'll take a look later this afternoon (my time)
@Kylar What's the time?
Right now it's 09:19
so around 13:30
I've got meetings all morning
unless one gets cancelled
Ah I see. Have a good day! I'm probably gone by then. :)
Good luck!!
It's 12:20 here...
00:20 here.
Where is "here"?
Detroit area for me
Oh, that lame planet....
@Kylar ok ! Thanks in advance ! If I am not available at your time, please tag me and leave me a message !
shhh it's pretty and it has water!
Does it have WOMEN?
No but they do have COBOL.
Forget it...
And culture.
I took a Cobol class in 1994.
I did in 86
They were prepping people for the 2K stuff
@Kylar Ever program in RPG ][? Pascal? Fortran? Forth? Logo? Assembler?
@Karl Hey, there are still valid reasons to be familiar with ASM :P
Well, in order, I learned AppleSoft Basic, Pascal, Forth, Assembler, Logo, RPG ][, Cobol, Fortran, [Mix in other versions of basic after Logo] {Does DOS .BAT count, if so, add it here} C++, and Java.
MOST of them are gone....
DOS .BAT? you mean title joy run 1.BAT pause? :D
@Karl Pascal, Logo and assembler yes
Most famous is AutoExec.Bat used even in Winders XP
Speaking of Winders XP, I think MS stopped supporting them :/
XP, and MOST OSs released before it are no longer supported. My server is running Winders 2003 Enterprise, which is still [surprisingly] supported.
I want to at least move up to 2008, but I'm unable to get a deal like I did with 2003...
@Unihedron How many rooms are you in!?!?!?
Practically, C++, RegEx and Room for s and U are dead, so three.
Who is Sathia
A Stack Overflow user.
@Unihedron yes it has !
hey guys, does anyone know where I can get started wth java ee websockets? I'm trying to follow this but it's too difficult: docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/tutorial/doc/websocket004.htm
@Eggy what are trying to accomplish with Java EE websockets ?
What background do you have with Java EE @Eggy?
none. i'm a placement student
Uh oh. How much of Java experience do you have? up to 6 months, 1 year or two, ?? ?
@Unihedron I was wondering how much of java xp do you have ? :P
Two years.
lolz :P
Earth time... hard.
so you have been coding since you were 14 in java ?
@Eggy, welcome back
Yep. I started coding when I was 8 though. Kind of late to learn Java, but the interesting thing is that the engine optimizes everything, not you.
hey kylar i'd give u the pdf but they started interviewng others with it
outside of education I have no java experience. I've been given a task of getting back data froma server. to whom i connect with a websocket
oops thought u lot asked me lol
and @ItachiUchiha
haha I forgot to say hi - hi @Eggy :)
u guys reckon i should ask on stack? I tried doing it with jetty with no success either
If you can put together a sscce, anything worth asking should be asked if you like to spend the time.
That is, hopefully your question is not a duplicate.
@Eggy I have never worked with websockets, so I can't be of any help to you.May be JEDI can help ya !
hmmm yeah sure guys
man i'm struggling so much here
Can you specify the problem that you're having
ok. I'm supposed to connect to a server, via a client that I'm creating. using a WebSocket. I'm trying to follow Java EE Websocket tutorial. But it's too difficult. The server has a password and username but that's a diff story. I just want to connect to it for now
OK you have a host/port
that you're trying to connect to
do you have curl installed on your machine
can you tell me the host/port (no user names or passwords pl
wss://demoapi.cqg.com 433
So you just want to connect to that ws and read some data?
but in Java?
not javascript
they said use java instead of javascript
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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