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Hello, Java!
@LewsTherin Aww...I missed you by more than an hour ;-(
1 hour later…
@Angelika hi!! :D
@Reidmere sorry i fell asleep i'm kinda sick
@Tohmas use @Angelika link
5 hours later…
hii all
im writing a genetic algorithm :)
6 hours later…
@hash hi
1 hour later…
@shotgunNinja can you come here for a little time please?
@Washu No.
@ShotgunNinja :(
@ShotgunNinja have you worked with JDesktopPane and JInternalFrames?
No, I haven't. Sorry.
I have my main menu frame as a desktoppane where i'm adding the internalframes but if these internalframes pop out another window? should i add it to the desktoppane also?
That's my question
My assumption is that you should. Try it, and see what the difference is.
It could be vital (where you need to), trivial (where it doesn't matter), or wrong (where you need NOT to).
Hm ok.
I also remember that once you said that the actionPerformed shouldn't be in the same class where you declare your GUI is that right?
Yeah, generally; it's typically good design to keep your backend logic away from the code which constructs the UI itself.
@ShotgunNinja Ok, and what do you think about using Interfaces?
@Washu Use them.
Just don't try to force them into something they clearly can't do, and don't make an interface which only has one implementing class.
@ShotgunNinja ok thanks man that is everything i needed to ask :)
thanks a lot for the help
Yeah, not a problem.
@ShotgunNinja how are you doing with your classes?
@Washu Okay, I guess. Had to turn in a paper late last night, but only by a couple of hours.
@ShotgunNinja ohh, enjoying spring break?
@Washu Not on break yet.
My break starts Good Friday.
@ShotgunNinja what are the plans? are you going to cancun or some beach?
@Washu Gonna work through the break T~T
And possibly spend some time at my girlfriend's place.
I might go visit my dad and brother in Miami Beach, but idk
@ShotgunNinja ohh you got a girlfriend
And it is bad luck to work :(
@Washu Bahaha, I'll tell my boss that.
@ShotgunNinja haha, well you can always pretend that you are sick :P
@Washu Nah, I'll just take advantage of the time when my coworker, who shares my computer, is working, and have my break on those days.
@ShotgunNinja heh ok, and tell me where did you learn or read about not having the backend logic in the same class that constructs the UI
@Washu My software design/architecture professor.
I need that class...
Have you heard of the MVC architecture?
Model–view–controller (MVC) is a software architecture pattern which separates the representation of information from the user's interaction with it. Component interactions In addition to dividing the application into three kinds of components, the MVC design defines the interactions between them. * A controller can send commands to its associated view to change the view's presentation of the model (e.g., by scrolling through a document). It can also send commands to the model to update the model's state (e.g., editing a document). * A model notifies its associated views and controllers...
Read, my friend.
on it
@ShotgunNinja ohhhhhhhhhhhh
@ShotgunNinja ok i get you now
having a string .am getting output like 123456x890 .i want to print the last three digits
and the first 7 letter as xxxxxxx.
String name ="1234567890";

String newName = name.substring(0,7)+ 'x'+ name.substring(8,10);
Is there anybody here who know about downloading a file?
@user2042881 ?
am getting a string value as 1234567890
i have to make it as xxxxxxx890
its like back account no
which display the only last 4digits and
@user2042881 what's wrong with your code?
its is repalcaing only the 7 digit as x
i want to make 1 to 7 digits as x
and last 3 digits has to print
so finally it has to be
you are approacing it the wrong way
if you substring the first 7, then it will return 7 characters
can u help how to do this?
String newName = name.substring(0,7).replaceAll(".", "x") + name.substring(8,10);
ya thanks its working
@CCInc Do you have time?
I'm trying to implement pause/resume to my download manger
Q: Implement pause/resume in file downloading

DKNI'm trying to implement pause/resume in my download manager, I search the web and read several articles and change my code according them but resume seems not working correctly, Any ideas? if (!downloadPath.exists()) downloadPath.mkdirs(); i...

I'll take a look
but I'm no java guy
@DKN isn't the EQ for progress
(part / total) * 100?
@CCInc What do you mean by EQ?
you do this
(int) (total * 100 / fileLength)
which doesn'tlook right
yeah I think so
What is the solution؟
2 hours later…
for @DKN this works for you stackoverflow.com/questions/6237079/…
2 hours later…
yo yo yo
What's up kiddo
@Nathvi how are you?
Im a bit stuck with an idea, and im not sure how to google for an answer. What is the best way to set up classes that are similar but have different variable values. like frigate and battle ship are both starships and thus but have mass, but have different masses
@Bryan what?
i guess what im asking is what would be the best way to set up several ship "designs"
i was thinking a super class would be ship with a public variable for hull then i would extend ship with a frigate class and then change the hull variable to be specific to the frigate
is that making any more sense?
@Bryan a bit yeah... let me read it again i was doing something else
like bikes in this java tutorial, but i would want to change gear to be a static variable for mountain bike or something docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/subclasses.html
@Bryan create a superclass.
i have a public class "ship" that has the int hull; in it (with getters and setters for it) but when i extend it to the "frigate" class and try something like hull = 10; it eclipse says i have to set up the variable
paste the code
i cant help if i dont see code
public class Ship {

public int hull;

public class Frigate extends Ship {

hull = 10;

@Bryan ok... where do you get the error?
Syntax error on token "hull", VariableDeclaratorId expected after this token
for "hull = 10;"
i read that, im not sure how that's supposed to help
why doesn't "Frigate" know what "hull" is if it extended "Ship"

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