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2 hours later…
@emre hi
5 hours later…
hi guys!
anybody there?
would like some help creating custom functions in Java
I mean something like:
function aCustomFunction (){ syso 2 }

aCustomFunction(); //would print 2
(roughly something like that)
Well, both functions are in the same class ?
@WilliwawCirse hi! yes, they are both in the same class
@Trufa which problem are you at? I just solved 28 :D
@Tekin hehe no spare time for me!! I havent started 4 yet :) sorry
@Tekin I was completly AFK the whole weekend
(and wanting to be as far away from a screen as possible)
` public static void myFonction(){
System.out.println("N'importe quoi ?");

public static void myEditedFonction(){
System.out.print("What's ");
Well... I don't get what you mean by creating custom functions...
@WilliwawCirse no, I think it is exaclty that
let me give it a try
Duhh... Why wasn't my code turned into a codeblock ? >_<
because it's multiline
backticks only work in inline coding
when you paste something, click on "fixed font" besides the send and upload buttons
that will turn it into a codeblock for multiline
Ok, thanks.
@WilliwawCirse thanks this was exaclty what I needed
is it possible to change that JAVA in the description to Java? it's a small thing but annoys me a lot
@Tekin BTW well done!! 28 already!
1 hour later…
@Tekin & @WilliwawCirse I've solved 3
(for the big number I hadn't been able yet)
public class beQuick {

public static void main(String[] args) {

long number = 600851475143L;
long sqrtNumber = (long) Math.sqrt(number);

for (long i = 3; i < sqrtNumber; i++) {

if (number % i == 0) {

long j = i-1;
boolean primeCheck = true;
do {

if (i % j == 0) {
primeCheck = false;
} while (primeCheck && j>2);

if (primeCheck) {
System.out.println(i + " is prime");

I know it must no be the best of solutions
but I like to do things myself
I have a Commons class if you want
it has a bunch of common functions
@Tekin was the offer for me?
@Tekin ohh yes please!
more that welcome
@Tekin I'm not sure how do you use it
do you add a class with this
and then you are able to call it?
(sorry for my ignorance)
you can import it or extend your class into it
public class Problem13 extends Commons
@Tekin ohh
I thnk I'll get it know
I thank you, but I don't think I'll use it (I will try to learn of it) but I would be a little like cheating :)
I thank you very much anyway for taking the time
well these are very basic stuff
I wrote it for myself, to make it easier :P I don't want to sit and write isPrime for every question
@Tekin I on a VERY basic level, I will try to make classes of my own since I have never don that before
@Tekin you did not use eclipse right?? but woulndt you know you to change a project's name? I can't be so hard ;S
@Trufa Did you try right clicking on the project's name and selecting rename_
@Tekin ohhh
I found it
this was my though too
and it actually was that way but under the menu "refactor"
I was looking there, though it was unrealted
my bad!
@Tekin sorry to bother
could you guide me a bit
I don't know how your classes / any clasess can be reused
I mean how to usethis
I need the dummies treatment :)
I just updated it by the way, it's now in tekinozbek.net/euler/tools/MathCommons.java
you have to get the java class and put it in your project, either in the default package, or another package (I suggest default package in your case)
then just put extends MathCommons besides your main class
@Tekin ok good
what do I do I do now
to "use" it
how do I call it
just call a method?
I think you should first learn the structure of Java and OOP before solving these :)
@Tekin yes maybe you are right, but I am curious now
just call the method then
@Tekin hehe I will read a little bit more, I'm an very anxious guy
yeah but you don't "use" the code. when you need to check if a number is prime, you call the isPrime method. read the methods I have in the class

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