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I like "syntactic sugar"
Hey, how do you compare many numbers to know which is greater ?
I would sort, easiest
Collections.sort, but it's perhaps least inefficient
Ok, thanks.
2 hours later…
oh my god... problem #17...
18 hours later…
Hi, I noticed that static innerclass are instantiated each time the outer class is instantiatied !! .. isnt the innerclass supposed to be static ? .. so If the static inner class has a public member int foo =0; ... foo is getting initialized to 0 each time I create a new instance of Outer !! .. can some1 explain why this might happen ?
Could you post the code ?
I tried that, but it didn't happen :
public class MyClass {
public static void main(String[] args){
new MyClass();
static class InnerClass{
public class StaticClassTest {

* @param args

public static void main(String[] args)
Match m1 = new Match.Builder().runs(100).wickets(5).build();

Match m2 = new Match.Builder().wickets(5).build();

System.out.println("M1 runs:"+m1.runs);
System.out.println("M2 runs:"+m2.runs);

class Match
public int runs ;
public int wickets;

public static class Builder
private int runs = 0;
private int wickets = 0;

public Match build()
return new Match(this);

public Builder runs(int val)
In the above code I was expecting System.out.println("M2 runs:"+m2.runs); to print 100 .. but it got re-initialized to 0
Why would it have m1 values ?
I mean, "runs" is not static, so it isn't shared between objects.
yeah ..I am confused there .. since Buillder is static .. I expect it to be created only once , irrespective of how many times the outer class Match is created .. say if I have a static field int instanceCounter in Match then within different instances of Match ..instanceCounter should persist the values ?
Yes run is not static ..but it is enclosed in a static class .. so if the class itself doesnt get recreated each time ..why would run be recreated ?
public Builder runs(int val){
runs = val;
return this;
This affect Builder runs
if I say a static inner class is shared between objects ..does that imply that its methods and variable are shared as well
yup .. that was the reason I was expecting runs to be 100 ..since I change it to 100 before
hmm .. then wot is shared between objects in case of static classes ?
For a class, static means that it can be used without a instance of the outer clas
Basically, you can use "Match.Builder"
If it wasn't, you would have to create a match object and then you would be able to access your Builder class
yeah .. wot about its instatiation ..does that happens just once or multiple times .. I was expecting static class to be as any other static member of a class .. so its instance being shared among obects
the reason i am able to use Match.Builder is that there is a uniqe instance of builder ..so there is no problem of which builder i am referncing to ..
Your code :
Builder class inititialized
Builder instance created
Match class inititialized
Match instance created
Builder instance created
Match instance created
but now suddenly Match.Builder.runs is ambiguous
So, you want to use previous values when creating a new Match ?
yes .this is what is happening .. and I checked it wihle debuggin . .i just dont get why .. if builder was a static int .. would the "Builder instance created " happen twice
I expect builder to be shared among objects .. since its a static member of the class match .. so yes
Then, you have yo set its variables and methods to static
so non-static members of a static class behave just as the nonstatic member of the outer class .. is that
yeah .. guess this hasnt sinked in it .. though I know it now .. on a sidenote are public members of private inner classes public or private ... meaning can I see them in a child class of the outer class ?
I don't get it, I must be too tired. >_<
if the class is private, only the outer class can call its members.
:) .. I guess I am thinking too much .. but atleast I know now ..thnx ..

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