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A: Angular2 : render a component without its wrapping tag

Günter ZöchbauerYou can use attribute selectors @Component({ selector: '[myTd]' ... }) and then use it like <td myTd></td>

Nailed it ! And I can still pass inputs as usual, e.g. <td myTd [entry]="entry"></td>. I did not see selectors can be used that way before. Thanks !
Exactly, there is no other difference to components with element selectors.
@GünterZöchbauer doesn't work with a *ngFor together... If you want them in a loop, you have to use a wrapper element. Also you can't disable it in the browsers, and probably nobody knows in the angular2 development, why. It is simply so. Of course it kills any meaningful svg rendering. Checking the recent version number jump from 2.4 to 4.0-beta, I think this nuance should have been long fixed. In my opinion, the real version of the Angular "2" is around a 0.7-alpha, and not a 4.0.
Can you demonstrate the issue in a Plunker. I'm sure this works with *ngFor. Perhaps there is something special with SVG, but it would be easier you would demonstrate what issue you run into instead of me trying to find a way to reproduce it ;-)
@GünterZöchbauer I wish you had some very special element... what about a ngVirtual structural directive? It would mean, that the directive exists in the internal data structures, but it wouldn't be rendered into the dom. <myComponent *ngFor="...." *ngVirtual>, around so. Svg behaves differently for unknown tags, if it finds a non-svg tag in the markup, *everything in it will be ignored.
You can't have two structural directives on one element in general. This is not valid Angular markup.
@GünterZöchbauer I've thought a little bit. I think you need a single structure structural directive, named for example *ngSubst. And it would substitute the dom node of the component with its template.
Sounds like a proposed solution, but I haven't yet understood what the problem is :D Could you create a Plunker that demonstrates the problem?
@GünterZöchbauer So: you have a component with selector: "flareNode", template: "<a>xxx</a>". If you use it anywhere in a template, like <flareNode ...>...</flareNode>, the result will be that you get <flareNode...><a>xxx</a></flareNode>. I think what is very missing from angular, to have a directive, for which <flareNode *ngSubst ...></flareNode> would be rendered to simply <a>xxx</a>.
@GünterZöchbauer Yes, I could, but the workday nears its end, and tomorrow morning I will have to show, what I did today. And "I had various troubles with trivial angular features" looks in the eyes of a boss quite similar as "I didn't focus my job very heavily". These are only in my eyes very different.
But for that you can use <a flareNode>xxx</a> with selector: '[flareNode]'. That's what my answer is about. But you seem to think this can't work for SVG, but I didn't understand yet why you think that.
The Angular team considered it, but they event discontinued support in Angular1.x a while ago because it caused too much troubles.
@GünterZöchbauer Yes, you can, but I have a lot of bindings (mouse in-out, dragging wrapper from d3, data bindings, etc) and in this case I should declare them in the parent template. But they belong to the child component, because they use the bindings to the child component, they use everything in the child component.
Sorry, but I don't get your last comment. I would need to see a concrete example what you try to accomplish and what is not working as expected.
@GünterZöchbauer Childcomponent template: <svg:circle id="{{}}" []="model.x" []="model.y" [attr.r]="r" (mouseover)="onMouseOver()" (mouseOut) ="onMouseOut()" [class.pinned]="(pinned)" (keypress)="onKeypress($event)" (dragStart)="onDragStart($event)" (dragged)="onDragged($eve‌​nt)" (dragEnd)="onDragEnd($event)"> <title>{{}}</title> </svg:circle>
@GünterZöchbauer Relevant fragment of the parent component template (current state, dysfunctional): <svg:g class="nodes" (restartSimulation)="model.restartSimulation($event)"> <xhtml:ng-container *ngFor="let nodeModel of model.nodes | mapValuesPipe"> <svg:circle class="node" [model]="nodeModel"></svg:circle> </xhtml:ng-container> </svg:g>
What is <xhtml:ng-container> for? <ng-container> is never added to the DOM and shouldn't cause any issues. What is the components selector?
@GünterZöchbauer I could make a question from that, I have a little fear, that we will talk 2 hour later about unimportant details. In my current mental state I don't have enough strong nerves for the smart people around a fresh question.
@GünterZöchbauer The remains of my latest workaround nice try. I delete them.
It would just need a concrete example with a description what is not working as expected. A new question would probably be a good idea.
@GünterZöchbauer It is not a bug report, it is a missing feature feedback.
@GünterZöchbauer xhtml:ng-container is needed because I want clean html output. Furthermore, in HTML it is not a problem if you have a non-standard tag (although even this can harm the css settings), in SVG, it is. In SVG, if you have an unknown tag, the whole tag and all of its content will be ignored by the browser. The standard angular solution which trashes the dom with unneeded elements aren't working with SVG, because they can be tolerated in HTML, but cause lost DOM nodes in SVG.
HTML output from where? <ng-container> is never added to the DOM. It's just processed internally by Angular. I still don't get what the missing feature is. Just use a attribute selector instead of a tag selector. I still fail to see what you would not be able to accomplish with this approach.
@GünterZöchbauer Ok, more understable parent template version: <svg:g class="nodes"> <xhtml:ng-container *ngFor="let nodeModel of model.nodes | mapValuesPipe"> <flareComponent class="node" [model]="nodeModel"></flareComponent> </xhtml:ng-container> </svg:g> <-- Here I don't want that <flareComponent> exported into the DOM.
What do you want to be exported instead? If it is the <a>xxx</a> then you can just replace <flareComponent class="node" [model]="nodeModel"></flareComponent> with <a flareComponent class="node" [model]="nodeModel"></a>
@GünterZöchbauer I think, this is why this flareComponent would require an *ngsubst what doesn't exist.
@GünterZöchbauer I want to see the template of the FlareComponent, but not inside a <flareComponent><a>xxx</a></flareComponent>, but as a pure <a>xxx</a>. Where that <a>xxx</a> is the string which is coming from @Component { template: "<a>xxx</a>, selector: "flareComponent" } export class FlareComponent in the source.
@GünterZöchbauer flareComponent is an SVG thing, and if the non-standard <flareComponent> exists in the DOM, then its whole content will be ignored by the browser. I want to render a FlareComponent, but without its tag in which it was selected by its selector.
@GünterZöchbauer I think it could work, if the FlareComponent would be refactored to a structural directive, and it would be given to an <xhtml:ng-container>, so: <xhtml:ng-container *FlareComponent>. Probably angular will get some mystical bug report from that.
I have the suspicion that just your thinking is too complicated. " I want to see the template of the FlareComponent, but not inside a <flareComponent><a>xxx</a></flareComponent>, but as a pure <a>xxx</a>". That's what my answer is about. Just that the template would need to be just "xxx" because the <a></a> is already there in the parent component.
@GünterZöchbauer So I had to include the child template into the parent template? My child template is actually so complex, thus it would be a dirty solution. Another problem: if I include the child template into the parent, then the bindings will refer to the parent component and not to the child.
@GünterZöchbauer I could also refactor the FlareComponent to a FlareDirective, but in this case I lose all of the templating features and I will have to implement all of them from typescript.
No, you just need to write the resulting tag name in the parent component, the content comes from the components template.
I don't think this discussions leads anywhere. If you can provide a Plunker that shows what you tried and an explanation what different output you expect than you actually get, then I can try to provide a solution. Currently we are only running in cycles.
@GünterZöchbauer Yes, especially that ng-container doesn't work inside svg templates. It simply won't be substituted. angular2-0.7-alpha1
@GünterZöchbauer I've already tried all relevant namespace combinations, it doesn't work. It simply doesdn't work!!!!!!!
You simply didn't provide any information that allows to reproduce the problem. There is no namespace for <ng-container>. If you use <xhtml:ng-container> its not expected to work.
@GünterZöchbauer I tried in all combinations in all namespaces and without namespace, I've checked even the angular2 source, it is part of the view core, I don't think any uncommon should be imported to it and declared in the \@NgModule.
@GünterZöchbauer Maybe it can be an AOT side-effect.
Your comments don't make any sense. Please provide a Plunker.
@GünterZöchbauer Unneeded, already the OP of this did it. I've hit the same problem.
I see. You can use a <template> tag instead of <ng-container> like <template ngFor [ngForOf]="items" let-item><div>{{item}}</div></template> tag instead of <ng-container>. <ng-container> is only syntactic sugar so you can use the common *ngFor syntax instead of the canonical syntax required with a <template> tag.
@GünterZöchbauer Ok, it works! Thanks! Now back to the old problem, clean, pure parent template: <template ngFor let-item [ngForOf]="model.nodes | mapValuesPipe" let-i="nodeModel"><node [model]="nodeModel"></node></template> <- Here <node> is substituted by my child component, with its complex template with a lot of bindings. And I don't want to see a <node> in the DOM, because it kills my SVG rendering.
@GünterZöchbauer I want to see the rendered <node> components, but without their enclosing <node>...</node>. Is it possible? I think, I will develop a structural directive in the night.
I just can explain the same again and again. Add the the tag you actually want to see and add an attribute to it and use a selector in your component that matches the attribute as explained in my answer.
@GünterZöchbauer I have luck, my child template has only a single top-level tag, but this tag has a lot of bindings to the child component. Yes, it can work, with some workarounds, but I think both of us can admit that it is far from the best quality solution.
Really I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. The only difference to a normal component is that the component selector matches an attribute instead of a tag.
@GünterZöchbauer I've solved finally so: <template ngFor let-item [ngForOf]="model.nodes | mapValuesPipe" let-i="nodeModel"> <svg:svg nodeComponent [model]="nodeModel"></svg:svg></template> <- Do you see that <svg:svg> inside the <svg:g>? Well, this is perfectly unneeded there. It is a workaround. Around a missing feature.
Then just don't add it ;-) You can use <a nodeComponent [model]="nodeModel"></a> or whatever tag you want instead. You can use bindings to <a> (or whatever by using @Component({selector: 'nodeComponent', hosts: ..., }) or instead of hosts you can use @HostBinding('') fooAttr = 'bar'; for bindings to the host element.
@GünterZöchbauer I can't use <a>, because this <a> will go into the DOM, and <a> is not a valid SVG tag. And SVG is much more sensitive against this, as HTML (or the programmers who see the unneeded tags in their DOM inspector). In HTML5, you can specify any tag and define even stylesheets for that. In SVG, you can't. If the SVG interpreter finds a for it unknown tag, its whole content will be ignored.
This is why I wrote "or whatever tag you want instead.". The <a> element was an example you posted above :D
@GünterZöchbauer Ok, thanks. But I think it would look better if I could do this with pure DOM. Programmers using angular continuously check the DOM, and if they see things aren't belonging to it, they will be sad. But in the case of HTML, they can live with it. Feature request :-)
@GünterZöchbauer I think I know why is it so. I think substituting the child template, instead embedding it, wouldn't be a very big task until the child template has only a single top tag.
Hello anyone
angular 2 guy

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