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Q: How to use html template with vue.js

Bertho JorisI just want to try using vue.js but got into trouble when I try to use a template that I bought. I've put all the .css and .js files into index.html and then call the components inside vue.js itself. index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" conte...

All bunch of code you posted is mostly useless for us.We need more VueJS related code - current one doesn't tell us anything special.
Hi @BelminBedak please check my code update
Thanks this is better.Have you configured your server for history mode usage ?
Yes...My config is mode: 'history'
I see that, my question was related to server configuration - because when you are using the HTML5 History mode your server (Apache, nginx, Node or something else) need special configuration that is pretty well described on link I posted. Also could you show us how you deal with <router-link> Btw any console error ?
No error when I see.. Only WebSocket connection because my office using proxy (maybe). I just switched from mode: history using # but no effect. You can see my console :
My routes.js code is above. And my code to call link is :
Hm so far, as I can see, everything looks normal.If you are allowed to share repo that would be much easier to detect the problem... And how you init your Vue instance - new Vue({...}) I mean on this part of code.
Wait..I will create my code in github for you now
I upload with my google drive coz I lost my github password. Please check my full code here :
Hello the file you uploaded is way too big, probably it includes all node_modules there bunch of other stuff - are you for screenhero session ? My intetnet speed is not the best, downloading takes a while also removing and again installing node modules will take too need only vue code?
well I need to see your whole code structure - teamviewer, screenhero or skype are the best options
wait..I connect to my teamviewer
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My Pass : t1mz63

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