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A: ANDROID - Remove extra space of listview header image

rafsanahmad007Inflate a custom layout as your listview header and add below imageview to it code: @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); ListView list = (ListView) findViewById(

its not effecting the header image only changing the listview items @rafsanahmad007
that's because it is in list_items.xml which called every time in listview....where is your header image? apply the xml to the header image layout....and picasso code is also for header image showing..
please check the adapter it is in adapter code .. directly called from drawables using code no xml ,, if you can check please @rafsanahmad007 ,i want to change only the listview header , not other lsitview items
well ImageView logo this is the only imageview in your it the header?
ListView listView = getListView(); ImageView mListHeader = new ImageView(getContext()); mListHeader.setImageResource(R.drawable.individuals_img); listView.addHeaderView(mListHeader); @rafsanahmad007 this is in individuals
@FaizalMohamed check the edited answer...
I ddint get your answer . do i need to create onCreate method in individuals java file ?... if you can explain please . or add full answer
first potion of should be in your activity where u initialize the listview ListView listView = getListView(); ...
ok @rafsanahmad007
hi can you please give your mail id , i like to discuss something if you like . thank you @rafsanahmad007
did u try the solution?
no bhai im using other solution its ok
but height and width cant set
are you fluent in android
this project is based on parse if your are intered as free lancer tell me as help
no actually i am currently working in another company...but u can always get help from stack overflow and other android sites...
this is hard bro
im tryng 3 month
now only 2 parts left if you can help me
i know it's hard at the beginning but need to keep practicing
but sorry bro...i am not currently available for projects
ok bro thnks any way :)

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