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Q: First time not display content in CKPopupView iOS Programmatically? How's it?

Chandresh KachariyaI can create custom popup view programmatically. CKPopupView.h : CKPopupView.m : ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿฝ Both file available in above link. Import CKPopupView.h in ViewController.h and set delegate VKPopupViewDelegate like below๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿฝ #import "CKPopupView.h" @inter...

@Anbu.Karthik Already try this but not get it result
Yes- Please give me your email id
@Anbu.Karthik Check mail
@Chandresh Kachariya i will try code and your problem solved
@john You got the ans? How's?
@Chandresh Kachariya send me your mail id i will send code
@Chandresh Kachariya in your CKPopupView class delegate method give error
No CKPopupView class delegate method work fine in my project
i will send demo please check and tell me
if have any problem than tell me
Hey jone
same issue
are you testing in device or simulator?
device or simulator?
because i will test in ipad and demo is working fine
wait i will check in simulator
you set backgound color and after test it
UIView *view=[[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 50, 320, 430)];
view.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];
content view is completely missing in dialog
you got it my question?
yaa i got it
i will create another view so the label is display out of view
you need to add label to subview of container view
not only label
i need to pass out image, view, label etc...
than first create view than pass the view not label
already try it but output is nil
if possible than send me code
You got the solution?
i want to check all the code and CKPopupView class so many problem and this lib if want display image and other control than you need to create in more code
if you want to another code for display popup with label and image using xib or storyboard ?
CKPopupView is my custom lib
currently i design only label
hmm my thinking is right
In popup label is display after open popup second time not display in first time
How's label is not display first time
please solved it and help me
ok carry on work when i solve your problem than i will send code
ok sure

last day (14 days later) »