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A: How to change string time stamp into Human readable date format?

Dharmbir SinghPlease try to use this class long time = Long.valueOf(getDateFromDateTime("2016-09-01 15:57:20"));//2016-09-01 15:57:20 pass your date here String timeStr = TimeUtility.timeAgo(time/1000); Output: one minute ago public long getDateFromDateTime(String date) { SimpleDateFormat df = n...

It is returning Just now every time
@praneethkumar Can you share you old time stamp with me? so i can test it. I'm sure you are not using valid timestamp thats why you are getting this one.
@praneethkumar please use this site to confirm your timestamp
2016-09-01 15:57:20 im getting this as a time stamp
@praneethkumar first convert your date into timestamp. 2016-09-01 15:57:20 this is not valid timestamp. Timestamp should be long value.
Im converting it into millis 1472725640000 this is time stamp in millis
@praneethkumar see my updated answer.
@praneethkumar please divide this value by 1000 like 1472725640000/1000. You will get your result.
kindly follow my last comment
but the problem is its saying Integer number too large
for long
hows that possible
show me your code
and i will be available after 1 hour
sure i wil hlep you dont worry
ok got it
thank you will accept your awnser
1 hour later…
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