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Q: Java : Is there any hash function available for converting string to number from the specified range

VinothIn java, I need a hash function or algorithm that generate the number from the specified input string in such a way that the generated number should be in the range like 1000 to 6000. Condition to satisfy : 1) The algorithm should always reproduce the same number for same string. 2) Algor...

Universal algorithm: str.hashCode() % 5000 + 1000.
With a condition like this, I suggest return 1001;
str.hashCode() % 5000 + 1000 will produce the same number for multiple different string.
I need algorithm that should produce unique number for each different type of string
@Vinoth, obviously you can't generate a unique hash for every string, as there is an unlimited number of possible strings but a very limited range of possible hashes (1000 to 6000).
Then you can only have 5000 input strings... Otherwise, how to uniquely map infinity to the range [1000..6000]?
Maybe use prime factorization. As mentioned before are you sure that the amount of unique strings is smaller than 5000?
It's not possible to produce unique number for each string, because there's far more than 5000 possible unique strings.
Yes...the input for this algorithm is restricted to the range that i allow.. the string "baaaaa" produces the negative value -1913.. I want the result in the range 1000 to 6000.
I will use 5000 strings. but within these 5000 strings, algorithm may produce the same number for different strings
So, unique or not unique?
i need unique number for each different strings
Since we don't know what those strings are, and string hashCode value is effectively an implementation detail that is not guaranteed to be unique across any two non-equal strings, I suggest that the only choice you have then is mapping each of your input strings to the value by hand.
I agree.. Each string will have unique hashcode.. In the above algorithm ( str.hashCode() % 5000 + 1000), producing some negative value and also same number for different string, for example say S1 and S2 having hashcode as 1 and 5001. the above algorithm produced the same number as 1001 for these two diff strings
So if four strings produce 1, -1, 5001 and 10001, what do you suggest we do in this case? As I've said, string hash code is not guaranteed to be unique across two non-equal strings. Unless you limit possible inputs in such way that all of them have different hashes, or limit possible inputs and then make your own hashing function.
More needs to be known about the possible input strings and how you acquire them.
Consider the input strings are generated by user randomly.. Whenever user create the input string, I have to assign the non-allocated number to the new string...
@ M. Prokhorov String hash code will be unique right???
What you want is not a hash but an autoincremented ID.
No, string hash code can't be unique for all possible strings, because there's only 2^32 possible unique hashes, and nearly infinite number of possible unique strings.
I need a number not a hash..
Well, then you need a List<String>, and then number for each string will be list.indexOf(str), if string's inside a list.
@M.Prokhorov maybe a Set<String> would be better in order to avoid duplicate Strings. If I understand correctly, he wants all Strings to be unique.
@domdom, yes, if it's a structure along the lines of LinkedHashSet that guarantees the order of strings is preserved. Ideally it should also support index lookup, but there's no such set implementation in JDK to my knowledge.
Here the problem is order of the string.. I will not maintain the order of string anywhere.. If i down and up the server, then the order will be colapsed right..
@M.Prokhorov, just now i viewd the implenetaion of String class, the hascode method uses s[0]*31^(n-1) + s[1]*31^(n-2) + ... + s[n-1] the method to create unique hash code for unique strings
Again: it is impossible to generate unique number for each string using just the string in question (or at all for that matter), because there are only 2^32 possible ints, and there is almost infinite number of possible strings. At some point default hashing function adding up to same number will overflow the int and produce same hash as for some other unrelated string.
Can't you use a HashSet where you put the values in, reject duplicates and finish when the size is 5000? In other words: do you really need to know the number?
@M.Prokhorov Thanks...Now i understood
@maraca I cant use hashSet or any collections. because i dont know about the order of the strings, input strings can be deleted and It shoud be work in faile over scenario also
What you are asking for is provably impossible. Imagine deleting the 5000th item. Then you add a new random string. Then you delete the 1000th item. Then you add the first one you deleted back again. Guaranteed collision!
What @PatrickParker said. Hence, you need to change your requirements. Maybe you should tell us what you are actually trying to program - most likely there is a different way how you could go about the task.

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