I am generating a PDF of a UIView and storing with a name in myforms here is what I am doing :
I have this code to generate a PDF
@IBAction func createAct(_ sender: Any) {
print("Creat PDF")
self.createPdfFromView(mainView: mainView, saveToDocumentsWithFileName: "myforms")
func c...
@sunishasindhu can you help me to solve MPAndroid Chart issue https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48364156/can-i-create-a-circle-hole-over-one-that-already-exist-in-mpandroid-line-chart
# need help for Android developer to solve issue on MPAndroid Chart
@sagarvasoya need help to solve issue on MPAndroid chart https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48364156/can-i-create-a-circle-hole-over-one-that-already-exist-in-mpandroid-line-chart
@MrugeshTank I have to create bubble chat without using 3rd party lib
i i have a tableview inside that i m displaying label right there are two labels top label i m displaying time & bottom label i m showing text message i have taken bottom label inside uiview so i want label to be multiline i checked number of lines = 0 but still same issue could u check once ???
currently i m displaying that label msg inside view
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