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Good Morning @all
3 hours later…
Q: Swift: I am getting error in firebase mobile authentication

Sagar Bhuterror when call PhoneAuthProvider.provider().verifyPhoneNumber(txtmobile.text!) { (verificationID, error) in if error != nil { Model.shared.showAlert(msg: (error?.localizedDescription)!, vc: self) return } error is "Token ...

@SagarBhut Ave error avi munja ma
@HarshalValanda hiiii
@SagarBhut Mrugesh tank ne kyo..
@DilipTiwari Hii
@SagarBhut Rebound???
e gaiyu.
@HarshalValanda hii dupli.....
hello friends can anyone help me in google drive sign in error in swift
May be @HarshalValanda can help you.
or @NiravS
can anyone help me in swift
regarding current location
whats the problem?
@HarshalValanda Hello Dupliiiiii :)
i have to get current location and pass lat long to api func to show the data on tableview @MrugeshTank
Looks easy stuff
in one class i m showing that current class so i will use cllocation in app delegate or use in that particular class @MrugeshTank
that's depend on your logic
you can take global object in AppDelegate
i m getting lat long so how i can use lat long in any class could u help me @MrugeshTank
why can't you use Global object?
That is simple.
@MrugeshTank this is my code paste.ofcode.org
i am getting lat long on console when app delegate calls so i want that lat long to be use in another class so how i will do
@VipulLakhtariya @krupalparsana ??
or anyone
@MrugeshTank there?
@HarshalValanda yup
take locValue out of the AppDelegate scope.
and that will be use on entire project
@HarshalValanda Wts up buddy ??
@MrugeshTank can u tell me how
write "var locValue: CLLocationCoordinate2D" before "class AppDelegate"
Ekado demo karate 6e kayak kyo
ok then
and replace "let locValue:CLLocationCoordinate2D" with "locValue"
shu lakhas oye???
kai khabr chhe tne?
Ekado demo suggest karo
aa @SagarBhut , Firebase Auth upr demo banave chhe
4-5 divs thi
Ohh noo Mr Rebound.
@HarshalValanda olo API calling and JSON paring no kryo
"temp" folder open krva de....
@MrugeshTank i will take let or var
what i will do first @MrugeshTank as per my code
@MrugeshTank error coming...Class 'AppDelegate' has no initializers
add "?" at the ending of statement
ok checking @MrugeshTank
@MrugeshTank it is not working tableview not fetching the data in particular view controller by passing lat long in api func
may the code you are fecthing latlong is execute before then set latlong
how @MrugeshTank
7 hours later…
@user2357915 hiii
6 hours later…
Can somebody help me please..

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