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Good morning @all
@sanjaydamor @DilipTiwari @HarshalValanda @MrugeshTank
Goof Morning
Good morning @all
@RujulGandhi good morning
Good Morning @All ,@sanjaydamor
very good Morning@DilipTiwari
how r u bro @sanjaydamor
fine bro @DilipTiwari
and u?@DilipTiwari
i m als f9 bro @sanjaydamor
today u are working or off @sanjaydamor
yes today working day
@sanjaydamor ok
@sanjaydamor how can we get user location map i have showed the map using mapkit framework and iboutlet for map?
@sanjaydamor , i have a textfield and a search button if i will enter a location on textfield and click on search i have to show that on map how will i do
@sanjaydamor any swift version i m working on swift?
Q: Get User's Current Location / Coordinates

Awais HussainI am sorta new to iOS development. Not completely but not exactly highly experienced. But basically I just would like to know how I would go about storing the user's current location and also showing the location on a map. I am able to show pre defined coordinates on the map, I just dont know h...

see this link
@sanjaydamor i will check .
U have used any of your project @sanjaydamor
good Morning
@sanjaydamor where r u ?
@HarshalValanda ?
?? @DilipTiwari
@HarshalValanda after commenting the refreash() app is working fine from yerterday till yet it doesn't hanged .
i think your ui hanging after open that controller more then one time
good morning to all...
@SagarBhut good noon.. :)
@RujulGandhi first time meet at that time morning..
Oh great @SagarBhut
Where are you from ?@SagarBhut
what will be the solution for that @HarshalValanda
where ?
Add that line on view will disappear
@HarshalValanda pls wait
@HarshalValanda error is coming by adding this line?
"timer" change to your timer obect
i didn't know their is no timer object in this app@HarshalValanda
var timer = Timer()
Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1.0, target: self, selector: #selector(timeReload), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)

Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 60.0, target: self, selector: #selector(refreash), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1, target: self, selector: #selection(), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
@HarshalValanda i will declare one variable right ?
You need a two timer varible
i have to declare two timer variable right @HarshalValanda?
timer1 = ......
timer2 = ......
timer1 = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1.0, target: self, selector: #selector(timeReload), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
ok i have done @HarshalValanda
timer2 = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1.0, target: self, selector: #selector(refreash), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
right @HarshalValanda?
One thing more i have 3 tab bars in app .when i click index=1 and then back to index=0 i have to refresh the index=0 view,how to do that @HarshalValanda
tabBar,setselectedindex = 0
i have to refresh the web services content where i will do that @HarshalValanda
Anybody with free time here ? I'm having a weird trouble with UITableView as it weirdly jumps to a section that is not supposed to ... Is anybody here who we can investigate code together ?
yes @Unkn0wn.Bit
how to do autologin in swift @sanjaydamor
autologin is username and password is already entered in swift ealier @sanjaydamor
any idea>
sorry to disturb u i have done that @sanjaydamor @HarshalValanda
1 hour later…
@DilipTiwari hii
i have done autologin feature in swift app but unable to perform logout function in that @sanjaydamor
how to done autologin feature?@DilipTiwari
@sanjaydamor pls wait
This method i have added
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
if UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "userState") {
print("Data found")
let tbc: UITabBarController? = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "TabBar") as! UITabBarController?
present(tbc!, animated: true, completion: { _ in })
else {
print("No data saved")
and on login button where i am navigating to other page there i have added this line also UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "userState")
it is working but i have to do logout on logout button tab bar
logout time userState are false set
where ?
logout button click
ok checking
@sanjaydamor bro it is working i have done that
one problem is now occuring is that .
@sanjaydamor i will send u screenshot for your better information
pls wait
s24.postimg.org/mpjj6w12t/… this is the screen
when this view loaded its name shows "PUKKADING" and Image icon is also other after that 2-3 seconds then it correct data loads
@sanjaydamor ? what is the issue
because view load time not get data from api.
after some time get data from api then change all values.
can i give u my code pls check and tell where is the problem @sanjaydamor?
here no any problem
but earlier it was not happening i think?
so what will i do @sanjaydamor
you call api then display loading and then get data frorm APi then stop loading process.
s13.postimg.org/48i9d2odj/… this is the screen shot
this issue only happens in autologin feature @sanjaydamor
this time you display placeholder for image .
when i enter the username and password first time and then this page comes it works fine but when i close the app and again open with autologin feature it takes 2-3 and then displays the correct username and image
how can i resolve this issue @sanjaydamor
ok then login time you store all user information in nsuserdefault.
after every time get all user information in nsuserdefault.
how i will do that @sanjaydamor i didnt know
same as userState
this line i have to write
UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "userState")
is it correct?
yes only change user value and key
how could u tell me and which place i have to do that @sanjaydamor
UserDefaults.standard.set(Userinformation, forKey: "userinformation")
login time
this line where i have to write@sanjaydamor
same place
UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "userState")
UserDefaults.standard.set(Userinformation, forKey: "userinformation")
@sanjaydamor let me check and tell u right now .
@sanjaydamor above line i have to write in view will appear or in login button action
what you write?
i have written this on login button action
and is it i have to write both line
or only one
but below lines give error
Userinformation word
this is your user information variables.
UserDefaults.standard.set(Userinformation, forKey: "userinformation") gives error use of unresolved identifier 'Userinformation'
how will i resolve that @sanjaydamor
@sanjaydamor what happened?
pastiebin.com/592954dbb8064 this is login page code
@anyone available swift?
whats ur query @DilipTiwari
@AnkitThakur pls wait
@AnkitThakur there are two images right
when i enter the username and password first time and then 1 image page comes it works fine but when i close the app and again open with autologin feature it takes 2-3 at that time their is 2 image displays and then displays the correct username and image ?@AnkitThakur
hellow. for my textview I set white background color but in api <=16 instead of white I see colorAccent. who know this problem?
@AndroidDev In textviews I don't think colorAccent affects textColor. you have to specifically set textColor
@DilipTiwari firstly remove the placeholder text. Or in viewDidLoad, remove all the placeholders. Place scroll animator view layer above image, and download image asynchronously. Secondly, how much does autologin takes

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