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Good Morning @all
gm @all
Good Morning @sanjaydamor
how r u bro @sanjaydamor
fine bro@DilipTiwari
and u?
i am als f9 @sanjaydamor
good @DilipTiwari
i have a question bro how could i design that view in swift i will post a screenshot could u tell me @sanjaydamor
ok @DilipTiwari
this is screenshot s30.postimg.org/uxucy7ib5/… @sanjaydamor
@sanjaydamor ur problem is resolve regardign archive or not?
how will i design this
yes solve and submit for review.
great bro @sanjaydamor
i will als ask u how to upload the app to app store because i have als to upload the app to app store
this design add in your app right?
yes @sanjaydamor
how will i design it with layout @sanjaydamor
@DilipTiwari using a collectionView
so you use UICollectionView
good morning to all..
ok pls tell me step by step @sanjaydamor @HarshalValanda
@HarshalValanda still i am facing the app hanging issue in swift app i could not find the solution yet
@sanjaydamor any other link
@DilipTiwari send a your work let me check
Today i am free
ok bro @HarshalValanda
email id @HarshalValanda
@sanjaydamor it will work for like i have to display 200 or 500 images like that it will work properly
@sanjaydamor one thing more if i will take collection view and inside that i will take background image
Check video on youtube for collection view
any code u have to display collection view
@HarshalValanda tell me bro ur email id
you check link i give you.?
@sanjaydamor can i upload the app to app store using xcode 6 ?
send me you controller code here
@sanjaydamor ?
ok yesterday als u have sent pls wait @HarshalValanda
i have one problem for image upload for server. @HarshalValanda
multiple image upload but loading time maximum is 5 second not more.
i have done multiple image upload using base64 string
What was the issue?
but loading time are too much
@HarshalValanda pastiebin.com/5927bc6e83b65 this is code for controller
Hey guys
Good morning..
should i post image als @HarshalValanda
any ideas for how to reduce time for uploading.?@HarshalValanda @DilipTiwari
Means you want to upload all image within 5 seconds\
without lost quality
It depends on network
ok but if user high speed network then.
@sanjaydamor i think same as @HarshalValanda
Then you can set max time for web request calling else getting a reuest timeout error
here i testing two image upload then there take 2:20 min
Image Size ??
but client are testing two image upload then there take 40 sec
image size not fix
i have calculate aspect ratio according to view size .@HarshalValanda
stackoverflow.com/questions/38360430/… @sanjaydamor u can als check this link
Okay it not possible because its depends on uploading size and network
ok if any other way to upload image for server ?
gm all
anyone can help me ....
Q: iOS - Concurrency Uploading MultipleiImages to server using NSOperationQueue followed by single Task using Objective-c

PriyaI have to perform below operations using nsoperationqueue concurrently. 1. i need to create a singleton class using NSOperation Manager 2. i need to perform multiple operations in background at a time like 5(Uploading files to Server) , i have to manage all queues depends up on followin...

gm @Priya
here is my question
pls give answer on STO
Okay let me check @Priya
@HarshalValanda...yeah pls
i know about concurrent queue and serial queue
@HarshalValanda ?
did u check the code @HarshalValanda
@HarshalValanda...ok pls check it
when network was slow you can using a serial queue. that perform one after other task.
yeah pls explain clearly in answer step step usage in WorkSpace on STO...then it will help full to all
yes right @Priya @HarshalValanda
@HarshalValanda...I hv checked already'
that is in swift
@HarshalValanda when 1st image downloading its crashing with fatal error
@HarshalValanda... i need in objective-c
i think here all the persons is having knowledge about NSOperationQueue...please share ur valuable expeirences on this question on STO...
Okay i will create a demo and give your SO Answer and also uploading a video on my youtube channel
@HarshalValanda tell me bro ?
import UIKit

let imageURLs = ["http://www.planetware.com/photos-large/F/france-paris-eiffel-tower.jpg", "http://adriatic-lines.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/canal-of-Venice.jpg", "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/36/Hopetoun_falls.jpg", "https://iso.500px.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/stock-photo-142984111-1500x1000.jpg"]

class Downloader {

class func downloadImageWithURL(url:String) -> UIImage? {
do {
let data = try Data(contentsOf: URL(string: url)!)
let image = UIImage(data: data)
check Serial queue, concurrent and main queue in GCD
ok @HarshalValanda
@DilipTiwari are you observe where your ui was hanging
from my side i think refreash() it takes time @HarshalValanda but i am unable to identify the exact problem pls help @HarshalValanda
Comment the refresh code and check it
if problem was there then i try to solve it
ok @HarshalValanda
thanks @HarshalValanda
i will update u after checking @HarshalValanda
"if problem was there then i try to solve it"
i will ping u @HarshalValanda after 1 and half hour
@HarshalValanda where i should comment
@HarshalValanda ?
i have to show listing in one cell should i use tableview or collection view @sanjaydamor
it depend of what kind of design is it.
as per my design what i will use @sanjaydamor
i need only one list in one row @sanjaydamor
so you can use table view @DilipTiwari
so pls tell me step by step @sanjaydamor what i will do in designing that
@sanjaydamor my design is different right.?
as per me i have to take tableview and tableview cell
inside tableviewcell i will take a uiview with autolayout right?
yes right.
in that i will take a uiimageview for background image
then for the dil1 lovers how will i design this
and also green image @sanjaydamor
so you create any design for tableviewcell
try it.@DilipTiwari
as u can see there is a green image and inside it it is change text how will i design this @sanjaydamor
you create one image like this and add one imageview and set that image .
text are not change right?
text will als change as per pukkading.com/deals/#s=1 pls check this link
it is a design of website
if change then only create image and add one lable
how can i create this type of image
i do not how to use photoshop
you have any designer ?
no , it is a small company i am only ios developer
i have to do desinging,coding testing everything from my self only @sanjaydamor
you can provide me color code for background image.
u can see in image they have not provide any color code
@sanjaydamor when u will provide
me that image?
ok wait.
ok dear @sanjaydamor
u r als added me on skype @sanjaydamor
@sanjaydamor what happened?
@HarshalValanda...i need same thing in Objective-c....any one did samething in objective-c
@sanjaydamor thanks for creating this image i have to take all three sizes in project @1x,2x,3x @sanjaydamor
pls check updated question here...
Q: iOS - Concurrency performing 5 operations using NSOperationQueue followed by single Task in Objective-c

PriyaI have to perform below operations using nsoperationqueue concurrently. I need to perform multiple operations in background at a time like 5(Uploading files to Server) , i have to manage all queues depends up on follow scenorio 1) network is 2G only perform 1 Operation,remaining 4 operatio...

i have give maximum size then you create all three size. ok
ok @sanjaydamor
@Priya i have try
could u tell me the process for uploading app to app store
@Priya not get success.
@sanjaydamor....i am not getting...
i will retry after some time @Priya
@sanjaydamor what size i will take for 1x,2x,3x
my 1x image is 99x100 is it ok@sanjaydamor
i think you not need all size for this image.because it is only background image .
i have i think two image one is for whole background and this one which u created it will also used above background image @sanjaydamor
ok please tell me what size you need this image.@DilipTiwari
i will create just tell me which sizes i need to create this image for 1x 2x 3x @sanjaydamor
ok wait.
ok dear @sanjaydamor
A: iOS - Concurrency performing 5 operations using NSOperationQueue followed by single Task in Objective-c

Harshal ValandaCheck your internet status and handle a operation as require Serial Dispatch Queues In serial queue each task waits for the previous task to finish before being executed. When network is slow you can use it. let serialQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.imagesQueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL) ...

@HarshalValanda till what time u will available today ?
ok @HarshalValanda and tomorrow r u available?
ok @HarshalValanda i have commented the method which u told me and app is running and it will hang or not i will tell u
@sanjaydamor plz tell me how to upload app to app store. i have only tested my app on mobile
@sanjaydamor i will check
if you check application on mobile then not need to upload app store.
i have completed my project i have to upload it to app store as per owner @sanjaydamor
@sanjaydamor i need a image of dil also
@sanjaydamor thanks
wc @DilipTiwari
could u give me image of heart as per view i given .design@sanjaydamor

if you need any icon then find here.
iconfinder.com also this
i found the image thanks
ok bro @DilipTiwari
@sanjaydamor how can i change the orientation at the time of design like it is written 10 % OFF
and also this all google.co.in/…
1 hour later…
@HarshalValanda Hiii
@HarshalValanda i have checked by commenting this still app handing
it responded to user interface after 3-5 seconds then again it is working @HarshalValanda
Okay its a web requesting issue
what i will do now @HarshalValanda
Wait i will check your code
@DilipTiwari i can't find where your app was hanging.
Service.StartWithoutLoading ???
@HarshalValanda what more info.u need from me or full code i will mail u?
i can give u webservice code also@HarshalValanda
hi @DilipTiwari
@Anbu.Karthik hello
yes bro now only free
not able to solve the app hanging [email protected]
ha ha ha what should i do
could u find any solution code which i given u @Anbu.Karthik
timer is the issue bro
inhere we need to go for step by step
ok @Anbu.Karthik what will i do ?
already i told add the counter
i have added and print the date() also in the methods and refreash() method is taking the time
refreash how long it tae
1 min.
as i have set in timer on viewDidload @Anbu.Karthik
initial time also it takes time or else
i could't understand @Anbu.Karthik
the method refreash first time also calling late or else
when view first loads i it refreash and then after one min. that refreash method is called @Anbu.Karthik
@HarshalValanda did u checked the code ?
ok afterthat second time the refreash called in same time intercal
yes same time @Anbu.Karthik
@Anbu.Karthik...pls check my Question on STO...possible to give answer
then refresh call back is completed in with in the seconds
@Priya - my sister your question is sound like good and too broad to think
and answer
as u can see my code two timers one is on timereload() and one is refreash() i have set the timer to refresh timereload() method for 1 sec and refreash() method to 60 seconds in viewDidLoad @Anbu.Karthik
timereload is works perfectly or else
it is also working @Anbu.Karthik
@HarshalValanda reply?
h aha , then wheere u think the problem is occur
i don't know i have tried every possible solution from my side but stuck @Anbu.Karthik
Hello all.somebody knows juspay safe browser intrgration into android
i think @RujulGandhi help you @DeepakBorade
but i dont rahul gandhi.who is he
not rahul gandhi it's @RujulGandhi
he is android developer so he help you.
sorry for that.actually i was in hurry so unable to read properly
it's ok bro
@sanjaydamor how will i display star rating inside tableview according to screenshot which i posted
github.com/marketplacer/Cosmos check this link @DilipTiwari
@RujulGandhi hi
@sanjaydamor u worked with star rating
Hi @DeepakBorade
but in objective c
so how u performed this task @sanjaydamor tell me in objective c
ccx cxcxcxccccc
Hello Rajul
Hw are you
@sanjaydamor tell me ?
I am fine @DeepakBorade
whats your issue ?
i want to integrate juspay safe browser into my android app.i successfully integrate it but i am not able to get otp feature in that.you know how integrate in juspay
Oh wait i have to check first SDK of them
@sanjaydamor tell me?
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" />
have you added this permission ?@DeepakBorade
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_SMS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" />
i have use this class HCSStarRatingView @DilipTiwari
yes i have add all permissions
have you added Run time permission ?
as well ?
yes.runtime permission also added
ok i designed it with osmos @sanjaydamor
how will i write code for this to work
SO when you are sending payment at a time you are not received sms. Right ?
actually i start on all permission then run applicaton it work.because i am just testing app.after working fine i will add run time permission in code.
Do onething go to setting and check your application have permission of READ SMS and RECEIVE_SMS or not !
simple you frist create one RatingView in view then that code add cellForRowAtIndexPath method and run. @DilipTiwari
yes i have on these permission.browser is working fine but in browser otp feature is not showing
i have to show value of star rating in one cirle also how will i do that @sanjaydamor
i dont know whay
which number are you passing to SDK ?
can i send you gradle code to you
you know about " cocoacontrols "
you check also this link cocoacontrols.com/search?q=rating
and i think @DeepakBorade you can ask your issue to directly him on pressing "How can we help" prntscr.com/fcb74j
no @sanjaydamor
@ Rujul apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
repositories {
maven {
url "https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/godel-release/godel/"
android {
compileSdkVersion 23
buildToolsVersion "23.0.1"
defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.datamatics.votw"
minSdkVersion 15
targetSdkVersion 23
versionCode 11
versionName "1.0"
multiDexEnabled true
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
zipAlignEnabled true
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference()
// let userID = (FIRAuth.auth()?.currentUser?.uid)!

of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
let firstName = snapshot.value!["firstName"] as! String
self.nameLabel.text = firstName
type any has no subscript has no member errorr
@sanjaydamor one doubt i have?
Hii Rujul
Hello everyone
yes @DilipTiwari
as u can see in design which i posted near to star rating their is a circle in which rating will be displayed according to user tap how will i draw and increase the value
resend Screenshot @DilipTiwari
can someone pls help me i m using mediarecorder to record videos but my video text are not clear .... even the video screen images are getting stretched
any idea how to fix @sanjaydamor
anyone else
which platform ?@Erum
@Erum Android??
@DilipTiwari i checked your code but i can't find where your ui is hanging.
@Erum i am working on iOS
@RujulGandhi will help you.
ok @HarshalValanda thanks for checking i will let u know if in future any problem happends
you add one view then add this code.
view.layer.cornerRadius= view.frame.size.width/2;
Okay first observe where was ui hanging
so we can solve
what's your issue ? @Erum
@ Rujul I gave sent you gradle file.can you check it
ok how i will check with breakpoints @HarshalValanda
@sanjaydamor did u see the screenshot
yeah but @DeepakBorade if you will talk to support of justpay it will be better option
Because without code i cant understand your situation
what you was develop.
how will i do that @sanjaydamor
if you add round view then assign cornerRadius for that view.@DilipTiwari
i will do that @sanjaydamor i know that
i writing plenty of mail but they did not give reply me
after that how value will be increased inside that circle view @sanjaydamor
you add view 50*50 size
view.layer.cornerRadius= view.frame.size.width/2;
after that view add label.
ok @sanjaydamor then what will be code to increase the value as user tap on star @sanjaydamor according to user
that is manage your class which your are using.@DilipTiwari
@sanjaydamor i didn't get u?
any code for that @sanjaydamor increase value as per user give star rating
no any code it's automatic hendal by class which your are using.
suppose i have added star rating as per this link and near by i have added one circle view and taken inside a label so how it will increase @sanjaydamor ?
how to get this layout imgur.com/Dckh3ra
class which your are using you find demo and see it.
i am using CosmosDistrib.swift class @sanjaydamor
here demo folder check it.@DilipTiwari
i checked here @sanjaydamor?
but i find that only accessability text will change but we have to take separate view and add label inside @sanjaydamor?

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