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very good morning..
Good Morning All
Good morning....
@Slavcho No exp about this. Need to Give try.
Good morning buddys
Good morning
Very Good Morning.....!
I think we are fews persons here who works in android.. @SanjayChauhan
@SanjayChauhan @NiravS @AnkitJadav are android developers.
Yes I hv work in both.. Because cocos2d-x is cross plateform. I hv partially knowledge about android. But mainly work in iOS
@NiravS ohh..good
Oho Good
hello guys i have a query in objective c
I have a gallery page in my project and i want that when i click on collection view cell image should be large on same page and when i click image again it should go to its original place
when i click collection view cell to display large image so it will be horizontal scrollable so that one by one i can see all images
i will check
i want in objective c
i will check
any link from stackoverflow
any one can tell me
try disabling instant run (or update either the ide or gradle plugin to latest version)
how to fix it
You want to disable the instant Run ?
File > setting > Build ,Execution,Deployment >Instant Run..
and inside the window you have to uncheck (Enable Instant Run) option
@ResearchDevelopment .
i did it working now
oh great
when running prjects from above link errors are coming
stackoverflow.com/questions/43797396/… Does any one have idea regarding this issue?
Which error occured?
verify your certificate again. This error occurs if your certificate was changed from your previous build.
or refer this link :
can anybody help me with this question
is it possible any code which i can find on stackoverflow
Q: Android can not resolve subscribe method in rxjava

Hussein OjaghiIm tring to use rxjava with retrofit in android studio. In fact i followed this https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/getting-started-with-retrofit-2--cms-27792 tutorial This is what everything that I did: compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:25.1.0' compile 'com.android.support.constrai...

@AndroidDev what you want to achieve ?
@RujulGandhi from the last 6 months onwards I didn't upload any new builds.it works good from last 1 year onwards. but from last 1 week onwards it is not working.
I want to use RXjava to get data from server with retrofit
of course rxjava version 2
do u need more code
Do onething @Venkat update certificate and update all the library with latest version and then test it again.. actually till the day i was not facing so i am not sure but try in this way
hope it will work for you.. @Venkat
1 hour later…
yes it is working for new certificates.
i have a login page and other pages on tab bar (4 pages) every tab bar page is having right menu bar but login page is without tab bar so how will i use right menu bar (creating menu bar)
any help will be great
Yeah @Venkat
can anyone help
i think @sanjaydamor will help you..
and @HarshalValanda
which language swift or objective c.?? @DilipTiwari
objective c
first create a login view controller then login successfully redirect to tab bar controller @DilipTiwari
when i click on menu bar button it should show a button with logout and when we click on logout button it pop back to login page
https://github.com/mikefrederick/MFSideMenu pls check this link
for side menu @DilipTiwari
ok any other link
https://github.com/Friend-LGA/LGSideMenuController pls check this link
for second side menu @DilipTiwari
i can make in all pages
if my web services is connected with all pages @sanjaydamor
you can use all page
so can you tell me the steps how will i set my storyboard?
have you check that link which i had sent you.. @DilipTiwari
i am checking
okay do onething check the link first and tell me if you stuck after checking link..
one more thing i want to ask that if i have already set my storyboard without using menu bar with web services and after that i can make a menu bar on right side
on button click so can i do that
because i have tried to use reveal view but i didn't helped
ok but try this
i have send screen shot ibb.co/k2CjRQ
on right side i want to make slide menu bar with logout button option
or if possible can i go programmatically on menu button click any idea?
let navigation = self.window?.rootViewController as! UINavigationController

let isUser = User.shared.isLogin

if isUser == true {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let tabbar = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "tabVC") as! UITabBarController
navigation.pushViewController(tabbar, animated: false)
When click on logout button pop to root view controller.
i have done about in my project using objective c
i want to create a slide menu programmatically when click on top right side of menu bar icon
any ideas
ok checking
@HarshalValanda can you help me how should i start this in my project using the cocoapods.org/pods/SlideMenuControllerOC which you gave me
i am a begineer
Q: DatePicker invisible buttons

Yotam Dahan As you can tell, I'm using date picker (different language.. On the top is written November 2015). I'm using OnClickListener, when a1 EditText is clicked, DatePicker Dialog is poping up and you will be able to choose date and when you finish you receive the date in the EditText. But I'm havin...

If anyone can help me out, i'll be glad.
@HarshalValanda...i have tried your sent links also
same error coming
can u send working sample code pls
@Priya are you set a restrict key in api console?
i'm using console credentials only
Mark as enable drive api in console
tell me @HarshalValanda
@HarshalValanda can you help me how should i start this in my project using the cocoapods.org/pods/… which you gave me
i am a begineer
i didnot know how to work with the above link because if i run the above link project it gives error
install pod after create a viewcontroller which contain a table view
i am using xcode 6.0.1
how i didn't know
i have already made my project with web services and know i want to create slide menu as i have send screenshot link on top right side there is a icon
i will give you information i have a login page without tab bar and when i click login button it navigates to link which i have send for image
there are two tab bar item
Cocoa pods not supported in xcode 6
in first tab bar i have 4 pages internally connected and 2 nd bar bar their is only one page all 5 pages should have slide menu with logout option so suggest me with sample code
also tell what is cocoa pods i didn' know about this
Cocoa pods is a dependancy manager.
what is does? and how it helps in project
@DilipTiwari it's provide functionality of existing project, that you can use in your project..
@DilipTiwari Hello...
tell me
CocoaPods is dependency manager.
Which helps to manage dependencies like frameworks in our project easily...
i have a question to you and i need solution if possible
yes sure.I'll try
ok pls wait
i have a json response and i am showing it on tableview
i have a completion_time
i am able to show it properly
r u there?
yes yes.
i'm here
the problem is that when i get the json response with key "completion_time" i am able to convert this timestamp and show on label but when it gives response "Not Available" label shows date 1 Jan 1970 but i want "Not Available" to display.plz help
plz check
the link
Then just make condition in cellForRow method if response has "Not Available" then set text to lable "Not Available"
how? pls update my code
@MrugeshTank GOOD JOB
@MrugeshTank :)
@HarshalValanda plz give solution to my query which i have asked earlier
regarding slide menu
@MrugeshTank carry on..
@MrugeshTank you are on the right track
@DilipTiwari pod is not supported in xcode 6.0.1
so tell me other procedure with sample code so that i can implement
NSDateFormatter *format = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init];
[format setDateFormat:@"dd MMM, YYYY"];
NSString *datenewString = [format stringFromDate:dateTraded];
if [[fetchDict objectForKey:@"completion_time"] isEqualToString:@"Not Available"] {
cellprojectTimeline.lblCompletionTime.text = @"Not Available";
else {
NSString *datenewString = [format stringFromDate:dateTraded];
cellprojectTimeline.lblCompletionTime.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", datenewString];
May be there are some Syntex error in this
cause I just Write this without Xcode. But you can use Xcode making it right.
ok dear i will check
thanks for your help i will check
@DilipTiwari (y)
thnx sir....
i am not sir i am just your friend
@NiravS If you're with with then Why Should I on wrong path??
@DilipTiwari :D
@MrugeshTank NiravS is your sir.
ha ha ha
that's right.
He is BOSS
Ha ho.. hse bhai..
le bolo...
kai khotu kidhu??
@MrugeshTank code worked for me i resolved the errors thanks again
@DilipTiwari Happy coding...
@MrugeshTank can u help that how to use right side slide menu if you sample running code
in which you have worked for
We are using this
how you implement this can you tell me step by step
in objective or swift any one
we done this via cocoapods
If you're not familiar with it then you can go by manual setup
but we've not done manual setup
any one
@NiravS help you. he was doing manually set up.
ok @HarshalValanda
@NiravS pls help me
@DilipTiwari have you ever install fabric?
i must tell you that i am very new to objective c and swift
you have xcode newly version? 8.0 and latest?
no i am having xcode 6
but by end of this week i will have a mac pro
@DilipTiwari hmm great MD101?
@DilipTiwari why are you use xcode 6 you can update Xcode..to use latest feature that use
MD101? correct @NiravS
Basically i am using virtual mac on windows 10 and it can support max.version of xcode 6 i.e why
@DilipTiwari For that you need to updat eyour virtual MAC OS
Probably you are using OS X 10.10.5
it is 10.9
@MrugeshTank You r right
or later
how can i update my virtual mac
which i am using on windows 10
@DilipTiwari Just search "OS X 10.12 for vmware"
just download new virtual OS
then you can use new Xcode
ok i virtual mac
because i have 8 gb ram in windows
cause If you update your current SO to next OS version then might be it'll stop working
so if it causes problem then i should now install it right @MrugeshTank
@DilipTiwari yes
ok dear
Cause long time ago when I was using virtual system at hat time I need to do some settings for running virually, and that settings are OS version dependent. So If version change Then I need to do some new settings
can i connect you through skype
I just have 2Mbps connection.
So might me not running smoothly
what about you are telling @MrugeshTank
I'm saying that, I have slow internet speed.
i understand for skype or when you were using virtual mac
@DilipTiwari about 1 or 1 and half year ago

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