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A: Xamarin.SideBar on different pages with navigation controller

apinedaFirst of all, do not use the Xamarin Component, instead use the nuget package that is more updated. Here the link. Don't worry it's the same library, it seems they will not update the Component, but who needs a Component when you have a nuget! Regarding your question, yeah you are correct, you w...

Thanks for the reply. I have already changed package(ill explain later). So the problem remains with Navigation Stack. What should i do to store it properly? I'm stuck at this moment. What is correct why to do this with TabBar controller and navigation controllers?(see my attached screen of storyboard in question).
okay,can you watch,i have made gifs animation : 1) its works like's this (navigation stack remains) 2) it wont work with TabBarController : . But why? Any idea?
yeah, can see.. how are you navigating when selecting an option from the menu when using tabs?
at first step,i find VC via storyboards,then i'm doing like this: ShowViewController(MyVC_ThatWasCreatedViaStoryBoard,this);
Get an object of your TabBarController in the storyboard and just select the index of the view you wanna display with the SelectedIndex property
any example? I dont understand second part of your approach.
@VetaLio can get you something tonight (EST)
or can you explain why navigation controller lost after using tab bar controller!?
Here's a link with a sample working project
it can still be improved but at least it's working and can guide you
I will update the response with sample code but over the weekend.
@apineda hi there. i forgot to say that i'm using another awesome SideBar component.
@apineda its pretty awesome and its work fine,except my case with tab controller.
okay, i will check now your example. Thanks!
oh.. Hadn't seen this one.. my bad, all the time I believed it was the other one..
but being this Sidebar you are using a port from the one on the example it could work, i mean the example
i will try it now :)
need to turn my mac :)
turn on*
I have downloaded project and it have another behavior than i expect. I mean,when you have click on your pages "Page1"/ "Page2"/ "Page3" it go's w/o button Back
i can upload my project to github and u will see the whole idea. Maybe i explain incorrectly
what's the behavior you want in your app?
you want the back button when navigating to page 1/page 2/page 3 ?
and hitting on the back button where will it take you?
because those pages are the "main pages" of the Tab
there is nothing on the navigation-stack
look at my .gif animation
when u hit hamburger icon,sidemenu comes with table view(this is just an example),table view filled with 3 rows (index 0,index 1,index 2)
when you hit on tab cell,it go's to another pages with button back
and changing background color of page dynamically. So the this the idea,but if i works with tab bar controller,it won't work
i try to do the same behavior and with tab bar controller and unfortunately nav bar with button <Back doesn't appear.
but I am missing a point here..
you navigate and the back arrow appears
if you hit it.. where will it go?
the idea is to hold nav. Stack when you comes from sidemenu Page(hamburger)
ok,give me 1-2 min and i will make an project with github repo
so we can see if we can find a solution..
Pages A -> hit to hamburger menu -> menu controllers opened -> hit on table row(just the same case as it shows on my first .giff animation) -> you go to another page and it holds nav. Stack with button <Back -> you hit back -> you go back to page A.
same for other pages :
Page B -> hit menu -> hit table cell -> comes to new page with <back button -> Hit back button -> you're now at page B
that is nutshell but i will do an project. please wait :)
already done,sec
ah alright..
got it..
you want to be able to navigate either with the HB menu or the regular navigation stack
using the HB menu will just push to another view but it will be the same stack
No.. I don't think this is possible with UITabController because each tab has his own navigation stack
but why do you need tabs?
take it. Because that is an design of app :(
so there is an two storyboard. Just try at first time and see workflow,than just rename main.storyboard to something like this "main.storyboard(worked)"and rename second one(that is called "main.storyboard(notWorking)") to -> "main.storyboard" and hit to run(there is example with tab bar controller)
tell me if you have tried
running it
when you hit on any page over the menu
you are creating a new page
this is why you have the back button
but you are navigating to the same page.. just another instance
yes,when you hit from tab cell,it creates new instance of page where it should go
on RowSelected method,its creates new view controller and store's nav. stack,but i can't reproduce the same behavior with tab bar controller
By design.. you have a problem..
you cannot have a tabbarcontroller inside a navigationController
it might work sometimes but it could give you weird behaviors
A: How should a tab bar controller be integrated into a navigation controller workflow?

bllakjakkI checked your requirements. Although not recommended by Apple Inc. for regular use cases, But it can be easily achieved b...

check this..
it seems you will need to modify your layout
See this
i have followed that guide... :(
that is weird... I think i should ask guy who re-writed for Xamarin.iOS this component.
OK,seems that we tried a lot things but not works. I have no idea,need to read more about navigation hierarchy in iOS.
I have a last question. AS you remember, i have asked on stack overflow about google maps and showing in… . And the problem is that i have created View that overlay another view where i'm doing "UIViewWhereWillBeLocatedGoogleMaps.AddSubview(googlemapsView)".
So the problem occurs here,because i need to show my VIEW(that overlays this -> UIViewWhereWillBeLocatedGoogleMaps.AddSubview"and it doesn't want to show.
For workaround i'm doing this -> UIViewWhereWillBeLocatedGoogleMaps.AddSubviews(googleMapsView,MyViewThatIWannaTo‌​OverlayOnGoogleMapsView)
so seems that i doing the same job two times. Is this a bad idea ? for memory leaks and other? how you think?
I'm getting impression that right choice to make an XIB and add this Subview,no directly in storyboard.
BTW thanks for your help!
you can make your MyViewThatIWannaTo‌​OverlayOnGoogleMapsView be on top.. or better say, the googleMapsView be on the back of anything use the View.Insert method and put the map int he index 0
View.InsertSubview(googleMapsView, 0);
something like that..
this way anything you add after will be on top of the mapView
this you are doing is not bad
there you are adding the two views and you're setting the map at the index 0
Yeah,i tried to do "BringToFront"but it didn't worked.
so both UIViewWhereWillBeLocatedGoogleMaps and MyViewThatIWannaTo‌​‌​OverlayOnGoogleMapsView are created via storyboards. And that why i had impression that when i'm doing this job UIViewWhereWillBeLocatedGoogleMaps.AddSubviews(googlemapsView,MyViewThatIWannaTo‌​‌​OverlayOnGoogleMapsView) is an bad idea.
NVM,i will try to do tomorrow with "insertSubview" and index 0.
Thanks again! i will up vote your answers on other questions as my thanks for you :)
you are welcome.. just trying to help.. I know how difficult it can be

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