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A: Opencart Login custom api with mysqli prepare

billynoahProbably something like this should work: $db = new mysqli(DB_HOSTNAME, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE); $result = mysqli_prepare($db, " SELECT customer_id, firstname, lastname, email, telephone, fax, address_id, customer_group_id FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "customer` WHERE LOWER(e...

I've tried your example, but still it doen't work. I get 500 error.
if you're getting error 500 it's a server level problem and has to do with something else in your code.
I think the issue is this one SHA1(CONCAT(salt, SHA1(CONCAT(salt, SHA1(?))))
for instance - you are missing a semicolon in your example - you probably need to take a look at server error logs. but that's off topic for this question.
other API functions/files are working without error. Only this one and i've copy pasted your example since you don't have any mistakes in yours!
@KwnstantinosNatsios - You've got syntax errors in your code. I just corrected three of them and updated my question with the exact code I just tested on a live installation and it worked fine.
Hello. The last update that you made is ok with the error 500 although it brings null data for some reason
do you see any error here?
while(mysqli_stmt_fetch($result)) {
$id = $customer_id;
$name = $firstname;
$surname = $lastname;
$email = $email;
$phone = $telephone;
$fax = $fax;
$addressid = $address_id;
$customergroup = $customer_group_id;
$response['customer']['user_id'] = $id;
$response['customer']['firstname'] = $name;
$response['customer']['lastname'] = $surname;
$response['customer']['customer_group_id'] = $customergroup;
$response['error_number'] = 0;
that would be a different question
are you returning $response at the end of the method?
well then why would it return anything other than null?
should i wrap it inside a function and return these data?
but even inside the while if i try to print the id, it doesn't print anything
i have no idea how you're using this so i can't really answer that. i just assumed you were rewriting the login class method
which means that its not having a correct query
it works for me... it sounds like you need to learn some php basics.
no the query is fine
i just tested this and it works
and if you print the $id or $name inside while, they are printed?
it works fine
hmm really weird
are you doing this inside the customer class?
nope its on another file
why not?
in another folder, nothing to do with the classes of opencart
ok.. well you know more about your application than me
anyway i got to run.. are you going to accept my answer?
yes because it worked now with this line
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($result, 'ss', $_POST['email'], $_POST['password']);
i don't have access in the real files that i want
well if you're submitting a form then yes, you'd need to use the correct variables
the original class method gets $password from $_POST['password']
if you want update your answer
so if you're doing it somewhere else that would make sense
so it would be perfect :)
it's irrelevant
thanks a lot though!
if you want to update your question to specify that you are trying to directly access $_POST variables i will update the answer
otherwise it will confuse others reading it
you're welcome, good luck

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