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A: Apache Kafka and Avro: org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData$Record cannot be cast to

Javier HolgueraI think you need to add the following to the list of properties that you configure for your consumer: props.put(KafkaAvroDeserializerConfig.SPECIFIC_AVRO_READER_CONFIG, true); That would trigger using a SpecificDatumReader instead of the generic one that shows up in your stack trace. You can s...

If that doesn't fix it, consider these steps: 1. Check that your schema registry contains a schema for the corresponding subject. 2. Use kafka-avro-console-consumer to consume your event. That would narrow the scope of the problem to either your producer or your consumer.
Hey @Javier, I ma using ./kafka-avro-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:2181 --topic CustomerSpecificCountry --from-beginning --property schema.registry.url=http://localhost:8081 for executing consumer, but nothing is received bu this consumer, Is something wrong with my command?
bootstrap-server should point to one or more of your kafka brokers, not your zookeeper node.
I got it, I am getting this exception ` ERROR Unknown error when running consumer: ($:105) org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException: Failed to construct kafka consumer at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer.<init>(Kafka‌​ at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer.<init>(Kafka‌​ at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer.<init>(Kafka‌​ at kafka.consumer.NewShinyConsumer.<init>(BaseConsumer.scala:65‌​) ` How can I resolve this?
That's not very helpful. Are you passing more than one kafka broker? I'd consider passing just one, I can never remember what's the format to pass multiple, if separate them by commands or semicolons or what. You only need one because it just needs to reach one broker to get the metadata about the cluster.
No, I have only one kafka broker.
Give this a try: kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server your-kafka-broker:9092 --from-beginning --topic TOPIC-NAME
It will read the event without avro format, so it will be messy, but at least it should allow you to check if you can at least read something from the kafka cluster
once you get that working, you can add avro "on top" with the other utility
without avro, the things are running fine
but the problem with avro occur
have you checked if your schema registry contains the schema for that topic?
Oh, brr, I got it
I am passing, wrong port number to broker
I ma getting this output:

good so it means you're publishing correctly
now the problem with consumer with code
have you tried your java app with the correct broker port?
what's the exception, if it still fails?
okay, wait, i will send you
take time for running
give me 2 min
Now i am getting this error
[error] (run-main-0) org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error deserializing Avro message for id 1
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error deserializing Avro message for id 1
Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: string specified by the writers schema could not be instantiated to find the readers schema.
@JavierHolguera are you still there ?
You have any idea, what are the resons for this error?
so I first would check if the Schema Registry has a schema for the topic with ID = 1
you can do that with
if there is only 1 version, add /your-version-number to the previous URL and it will return the actual schema and its schema-id
if you don't know the name of your subject, you can list all subjects in /subjects
if there is an ID = 1, then it means that somehow it's either failing to read the schema from Schema Registry, or failing to do whatever with it during serialization
how we can add, schma into schma registery
the schemas are added automatically by avro producers
when they produce
they will registry the write schema with SR, get an ID for that schema, then they will "stamp" the event with that number
your consumer is getting "1" as ID for the schema of the event
then somehow fails to do the next steps
I say your problem is either it fail to get the schema from SR
or it fails to use it to deserialize the bytes that reads from Kafka
okay, first i need to get all subjects
if it is the later, chances are your Java class represents an Avro schema that is not 100% compatible with the schema that is stored in the Schema Registry
maybe you added new fields or removed them or renamed them
I am getting this [
in all subjects
ok so this is interesting
it looks like you're producing
and using avro for both your Key and your Value
which means that on consumption, you need to use an Avro Deserializer for both your Key and your Value
that's why there are two subjects with your topic-name plus "-key" and "-value"
to represent the separate avro schemas that describe both
okay, but for string, we have no spcific schma
When i am hit localhost:8081/subjects/CustomerSpecificCountry/1 url. the output is {"error_code":405,"message":"HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed"}
you need to add /version/ between subject name and the version number
give me example ?
"error_code": 40401,
"message": "Subject not found."
you have some documentation about the SR api here:
yes, the URL is wrong because you're not using the name of your subject
you're using the name of your topic
get it
"subject": "CustomerSpecificCountry-value",
"version": 1,
"id": 2,
"schema": "{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"Customer\",\"namespace\":\"\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"id\",\"type\":\"int\"},{\"name\":\"name\",\"type\":\"string\"}]}"
ok that's good
the ID is 2
and your error is for ID = 1
which means it fails when deserialising the Key
not the Value
i think ID=1 for key ?
yes, you can check it yourself
but it's more than likely to be the case
go to the url but with the key subject name
and you can see how the schema looks for the key
"subject": "CustomerSpecificCountry-key",
"version": 1,
"id": 1,
"schema": "\"string\""
you are right
how can we resolve this issue ?
I haven't had this issue before
it may be your problem
in this case, I would consider changing your producer
to use string serializer for the key
and your consumer, to use string deserializer for the key
Yes, this is our issue, but still this is open
if you're not planning to do anything sophisticated with your keys
then I don't see why you'd need to use avro for them
if you still want to use avro
then I'd consider using a proper class to represent the keys
since it looks like using primitives can be buggy
yes, I think for key, i am go with StringSerializer not with avro
keys are much less likely to change than values
hence schemas are less needed
I am creating new topic, but still my consumer code not listening the messages
did you check in SR that the subject for value is created, but no subject is created for the key?
Now I am getting this error:
[error] (run-main-0) org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error deserializing Avro message for id -1
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error deserializing Avro message for id -1
Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Unknown magic byte!
ok did you change your consumer to consume keys using StringDeserializer?
but, in my consumer code, i am not specify any deserilaizer
I am just following example code
you were specifying it with these two lines:
    KafkaAvroDecoder keyDecoder = new KafkaAvroDecoder(properties);
    KafkaAvroDecoder valueDecoder = new KafkaAvroDecoder(properties);
so the keyDecoder should change to StringDeserializer
okay, so insert of KafkaAvroDecoder we need to use Decoder only ?
StringDecoder stringDecoder = new StringDecoder(new VerifiableProperties());
something like that
if you have already verified that your producer is using string serializer for the key
which means that SR only contains a schema for the value of your new topic, but not for the key
Now this row give us compile time error
Map<String, List<KafkaStream<Object, Object>>> consumerMap = consumer.createMessageStreams(topicCountMap, keyDecoder, valueDecoder);
Incompatible equality constraint: Object and String
I haven't used Kafka Streams before, but I wonder if KafkaStreams<Object, Object> should be KafkaStream<String, Object> now
because you're no longer using an avro record to represent your key, but a primitive string
Now this error facing
[error] (run-main-0) org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error deserializing Avro message for id 2
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error deserializing Avro message for id 2
Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Could not find class specified in writer's schema whilst finding reader's schema for a SpecificRecord.
[trace] Stack trace suppressed: run last compile:run for the full output.
ok this could be related to the namespaces of your Customer class
if your customer class leaves in a different namespace in your consumer than in your producer
There are so many things are happens, I am forget changes that I had done :D
@JavierHolguera how we can update schema in registery ?
SR is immutable
you can only registry a new version
and depending on the SR config, it will allow you as long as it is backward compatible
by using new queue ?
yes, you can always create a new topic and "start fresh"
if you plan to do changes that are not backward compatible
like adding new fields that don't have default values
@JavierHolguera you are good in kafka, you know lots of things about kafka
can you guide me, what is the good source for learning kafka ?
thanks, have been doing this for a year now
confluent documentation
in my opinion
especially if you're planning to use Kafka, Schema Registry and Avro
and eventually you'll use Kafka Streams I guess
so they know better than anybody else
actual, I am just looking example, that you send
then I follow, kafkaStream
But I am facing another issue with KafkaStream consumer is, at least on topic have 3 messages, then stream start processing messages
Because, when topic contains only one or two message, and after that, i am start running my kafka consumer code, the consumer not fetch messages
depending on how you configure your consumer, it may not start from the beginning
check if, once your consumer is started, if you produce more events
it will consume them
if it does, then the problem is
it's not configure to start from the beginning
which is fine in most cases, anyway
on console, the message start from begining, but in code, i am facing problem
I am not sure, where are the configurations are
look into consumer code in my stackoverflow question
try this: properties.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest");
[error] (run-main-0) kafka.common.InvalidConfigException: Wrong value earliest of auto.offset.reset in ConsumerConfig; Valid values are smallest and largest
kafka.common.InvalidConfigException: Wrong value earliest of auto.offset.reset in ConsumerConfig; Valid values are smallest and largest
Now the Key value working fine
smallest instead of earliest, then
What is the purpose of this property ?
telling the consumer where it should start consuming in the topic log
from the beginning (smallest)
or from where the latest value
okay, now this is running fine
I think by default it goes for latest, which means it won't consume events before the consumer started
this is because of kafkastreams ?
KafkaStreams wraps around the KafkaConsumer
not sure if the KafkaConsumer has a default and KS applies another
or both have the default of starting at the latest event
instead of earliest
Actual, if we reset the offset, every time, it picks from starting, when we start consumer
so, if we have any other option ?
yes, which is usually not the desired behaviour
can't remember the options, but there should be
- one for starting from the beginning
- one for starting at the end of the log
- one to start from whatever event your app committed last
browse around the documentation and you'll see the options
what is the prefere behaviour ?
it depends on your app
most common
to start from whatever event your app committed last
hey you can post your answer on my question, so, I will accept it
static {
kafkaProps.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "smallest");
kafkaProps.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, "CustomerCountryGroup1");
kafkaProps.put("zookeeper.connect", "localhost:2181");
kafkaProps.put("schema.registry.url", "http://localhost:8081");
kafkaProps.put(KafkaAvroDeserializerConfig.SPECIFIC_AVRO_READER_CONFIG, true);
public static void infiniteConsumer() throws IOException {

VerifiableProperties properties = new VerifiableProperties(kafkaProps);
StringDecoder keyDecoder = new StringDecoder(properties);
KafkaAvroDecoder valueDecoder = new KafkaAvroDecoder(properties);

Map<String, Integer> topicCountMap = new HashMap<>();
topicCountMap.put("BrandNewTopics", 1);

ConsumerConnector consumer = createJavaConsumerConnector(new kafka.consumer.ConsumerConfig(kafkaProps));
Map<String, List<KafkaStream<String, Object>>> consumerMap = consumer.createMessageStreams(topicCountMap, keyDecoder, valueDecoder);
please post above source code
which is running fine
Hey @JavierHolguera can you look into this example
I can post this if you want
in the end, there were multiple things that had to change
sure, please post, because may be some one also required
If you have some time, please look into this problem…\
I haven't used Akka or Scale in general before
since it's a timeout, I'd double-check your url for the brokers
remember you used ZK url before where you should use Kafka broker url
also check the port, just in case
the configuration are pecified on application.conf file
@JavierHolguera If i am facing problem again, can i contact you ?
I think it's better if you post your question on StackOverflow
more people will be able to help you
yes, thanks @JavierHolguera for your help and your time
no worries, good luck with kafka
may be in future, we will start discussion further

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