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A: python json error Expecting property name: line 1 column 2 (char 1)

Mohsen_Fatemiyou can do it in two ways : 1 - define your data like a json , and pass json to method : def checkActionType(jsondata): print("In checkActionType method") print type(jsondata) action=str(jsondata["action"]) defining data : data = {'userId': 3, 'module': 'report', 'clientId': 3, ...

action=str(jsondata["action"]) TypeError: string indices must be integers, not str got this error with the first apporach
so use action = jsondata["action"]
action = jsondata["action"] TypeError: string indices must be integers, not str
which version of python you are using ?
python 2.7 verson
import demjson and use the above code , i will send it's screenshot , so that you see it works
use this code instead
it will work
import demjson
class StartTask(object):

    def on_post(self, req, resp):
        # start task
        #data = req.query_string
        data =
        #print data
        #print data
this is falcon api which is calling checkActionType
def checkActionType(jsondata):
    print("In checkActionType method")
    jsonformat = json.loads(jsondata)
    action = jsondata["action"]
import demjson
def checkActionType(jsondata):
print("In checkActionType method")
print type(jsondata)
jsonformat = demjson.decode(jsondata)
data = "{'userId': 3, 'module': 'report', 'clientId': 3, 'action': 'tablestats'}"
r = checkActionType(data)
java is sending api request
{u"destQueues": u"", u'userId': 3, u'module': u'report', u'clientId': 3, u'action': u'tablestats'}
this unicode will hava a problem still right
remove these us from start of elements
replace("u'","'") and replace('u"','"')
you've tried the above code?
is that the right way
JSONDecodeError: Missing value for object property, expected ":"
yeah , it works
import demjson
def checkActionType(jsondata):
print("In checkActionType method")
print type(jsondata)
jsonformat = demjson.decode(jsondata)
defining method
testing it :
data = "{'userId': 3, 'module': 'report', 'clientId': 3, 'action': 'tablestats'}"
r = checkActionType(data)
i've tested the exact code and it works
"{'userId': 3, 'module': 'report', 'clientId': 3, 'action': 'tablestats',"Con":"pymssql://a"}"
JSONDecodeError: Missing value for object property, expected ":"
I have this con which has extra : wich is causing a problem

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