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@NiravD hey mate
I got problem
A: How to get the WIFI gateway address on the iPhone?

Alex0072005Add to your project route.h file from http://opensource.apple.com/source/xnu/xnu-1456.1.26/bsd/net/route.h Create getgateway.h int getdefaultgateway(in_addr_t * addr); Create getgateway.c #include <stdio.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/sysctl.h> #include "getgat...

I tryed to get gateway ip like other here
I rewrited calling method
func getGatewayIP() -> String {
var ipString: String? = nil

let gatewayaddr: in_addr
let r: Int = getdefaultgateway((gatewayaddr.s_addr))
if r >= 0 {
ipString = "\(inet_ntoa(gatewayaddr))"
print("default gateway : \(ipString)")
else {
print("getdefaultgateway() failed")
return ipString!
like this but I get error in
    let r: Int = getdefaultgateway((gatewayaddr.s_addr))
Cannot convert value of type 'in_addr_t' (aka 'UInt32') to expected argument type 'UnsafeMutablePointer<in_addr_t>!'
I creaated bridging header too
#include <ifaddrs.h>
#import "getgateway.h"
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
So when you got some time it's really important to solve for me!!

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