i have searched on Google but not found any tutorial to measure speed of android wifi/2G/3G network speed.
By searching lot finally got Download speed for THIS any one have idea of upload speed.
any one guide me is there any API or tutorial exists for this? any help would be appreciated.
i am getting problem in image select/unselect in listiview.
in my case,
ByDefault->image color(Yellow)
First click->image color(Orange)
Second click->image color(Yellow)
If user click on over way then perfect,but when user first time click on first image and second time click on secon...
@SilentKiller I have one arraylist that contain. a,b,c,d and second arraylist they contain a,a,b,b,c,c,d,d now i want like this "a" have two value a,a and b have two value b,b..
I am getting data from sqlite and i want to display the data one by one as per records in sqlite with the help of viewflipper for that i am using hash map ..To be more clear i am having 2 records in sqlite now i want to display the first record and later 2 by flipping for that i am using
The getActiveNetworkInfo() method of ConnectivityManager returns a NetworkInfo instance representing the first connected network interface it can find or null if none if the interfaces are connected. Checking if this method returns null should be enough to tell if an internet connection is availa...
I am getting data from sqlite and i want to display the data one by one as per records in sqlite with the help of viewflipper for that i am using hash map ..To be more clear i am having 2 records in sqlite now i want to display the first record and later 2 by flipping for that i am using