I'm working on application which needs to implement In App-Billing payments and I was searching more info about it and find a library written by someone else and I'm curious about it. Is it good to be used and if anyone here already tried it. It seems like it's not so complicated to understand,bu...
I had successfully implemented InApp billing with managed products. Now i want to replace that with subscription (IAB V2). I had done all changes that required for subscription as mention in below link
As I purcha...
@AamirKhan I now have a problem... I use the canvas within the <div data-role="content">. And when I get the touch point in js and draw the point out, the point is not where it should be.
I want to display animated GIF images in my custom listview.my GIF image is get in web service url.GIF image displayed but not animated.
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URL;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.u...
@nikki hmm this is headech task to implement i had imaplemented it before with old sdk but client is telling to use new sdk and i can not use old method to new sdk as new one is having all new methods etc...