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Gm all
@Shadow :P
@SweetWisherツ hello good morning mam :)
mam i have a query can i fire ?
I am using same String array to populate data into two spinners, Now, I want whenever i make selection in spinner1, like i have selected August then show September as initial value in spinner2 (And also remove all the previous months in spinner2)
Q: Populate Spinner based on Selection ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

OreoI am using same String array to populate data into two spinners, like this: String[] arrayMonths = { "January", "Feburary", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November","December" }; adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(MainActivity.this, ...

let me check
  System.arraycopy(arrayMonths , position, newArr , 0, arrayMonths.length);
@Oreo why 0 and arrayMonths.length ?
@SweetWisherツ really don't know, amy gave me the solution, but i am not confident and still i am looking for the solution
sure mam
the source array to copy the content.
the starting index of the content in src.
the destination array to copy the data into.
the starting index for the copied content in dst.
the number of elements to be copied
read the description
so instead f 0, arrayMonths.length, use selected+1, arrayMonths.length
@Oreo as u want to populate data after the selected item of spinner1, right?
so first change this
moeover, the size of newArray needs to b chnged
you mean position+1
 newArr = new String[arrayMonths.length-selected_pos];
@Oreo ya the selected_pos+1
newArr = new String[arrayMonths.length-position];
 newArr =new String[arrayMonths.length-selected_pos];
 System.arraycopy(arrayMonths , position, newArr ,selected_pos+1, arrayMonths.length);
ok finally like this:
newArr = new String[arrayMonths.length-position];
System.arraycopy(arrayMonths, position, newArr, position+1, arrayMonths.length);
GoooooD mooooooooooooooooornnnnnnnnnnnnnnning mumbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiii
yes try n lemme Knw
How to resolve Gradle dependencies behind a proxy with no admin right for the system?
@zIronManBox Gradle dependencies behind a proxy ?
@SweetWisherツ Yes
@SweetWisherツ post it as your answer
@Oreo Done ?
yet not checked .. will check later.. but i am confident this code will work
@SweetWisherツ haha
@Oreo hehe try once
@SweetWisherツ In gradle.properties, I've done the proxy setup, yet still I cant sync the project
@Naresh Sharma
Q: Browse File or Capture Image and Upload to server using Cordova Inappbrowser in Phonegap

Nak Android DevI am using Cordova Plugin Inappbrowser to run my external website on device. In this external website I need to upload an Image (Gallery/Capture camera) or file on server. For this I have implemented HTML5 File API to make this feature run into my app too. I have tried various demo 1, demo 2 and ...

@SweetWisherツ checked not getting value in spinner2
check this
exception ?
@Oreo can u jst debug n check the items in newArray?
@SweetWisherツ can you suggest something for my issue ?
jst a min lil bit chnge @Oreo
Good morning all :) @SweetWisherツ @Aamirkhan @SilentKiller
@Oreo System.arraycopy(arrayMonths, position, newArr, 0, arrayMonths.length-position);
trY this ^^
@Oreo chked ?
@SweetWisherツ sorry mam, i went to outside for some reasons, yeah i checked it and my 50% problem has been resolved, now its not showing past months in spinner2, but the major issues are : 1. I selected August in spinner1 it starting spinner2 with August (which is wrong) spinner2 must start with September in that case
2. When I select December in spinner1, at this stage spinner2 should start with January
but always getting December
@Oreo ok, for this a small chng
@Oreo System.arraycopy(arrayMonths, position+1, newArr, 0, arrayMonths.length-position);
First try it nd check if u'r gettng expected result
sure mam
let me check it
getting spinner2 blank
hello all
my app is not working on api 18 level device but running on api 19
minsdklevel is = 10
targetsdklevel is = 21
compilesdklevel is =21
@Oreo oOpss
show ur code @Oreo
wat did u select ?
There @Oreo ?
when i run my program getting January in both the spinners as default value
16 mins ago, by SweetWisher ツ
@Oreo System.arraycopy(arrayMonths, position+1, newArr, 0, arrayMonths.length-position);
wat's the o/p with this line ^^ ?
position+1 even not showing value in spinner2
nd with position, wrkng fine except the array gets filled with same month u select in sp1
can u plz debug this position+1?
7 when i select July
@Oreo position = 7 ?
i selected in spinner1 and getting same in spinner2
wait, m checkng
@Oreo Done :)
Check answer
now for the case when u select dec, u can put if condition and if the position is the last item, make nextPosition=0
@SweetWisherツ checked getting spinner2 blank
i m not getting
itz wrkng for me
try {
int nextPosition = position + 1;
int newSize= arrayMonths.length-position;
newArr = new String[newSize];
System.arraycopy(arrayMonths, nextPosition , newArr, 0, newSize);
adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(MainActivity.this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, newArr);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO: handle exception
show me your activity code
i will replace mine one with yours
@Oreo int newSize= arrayMonths.length-nextPosition ;
chk now
@SweetWisherツ finally you solved my issue :)
Happy to help
Thank You so much mam :) buy
@Oreo buy bye :P
hello all
after installed app is not being open (crashed)
giving error
unforturenetly app has stoped
what logcat saying??
at android.graphics.BitmapFactory.nativeDecodeAsset(Native Method)
at android.graphics.BitmapFactory.decodeStream(BitmapFactory.java:503)
at android.graphics.BitmapFactory.decodeResourceStream(BitmapFactory.java:356)
at android.graphics.drawable.Drawable.createFromResourceStream(Drawable.java:800)
at android.content.res.Resources.loadDrawable(Resources.java:2110)
at android.content.res.Resources.getDrawable(Resources.java:695)
at app.gallery.ddev.staticgallery.Adapter.instantiateItem(Adapter.java:48)
@codesave too heavy image
@SweetWisherツ plz tell me what size image is comfertable
use some library like aquery or picasso @codesave
@warzone_fz access granted
can anyone tell me how to show control buttons in mp movie player controller?
@warzone_fz do u want default one > ?
yes default
@codesave use fressco by facebook
A: How to show MPMoviePlayerController controls?

Vimal Venugopalancreating the MPMoviePlayerController object in the following way would give you an interface for video controls yourMoviePlayerController = [MPMoviePlayerController new]; yourMoviePlayerController.controlStyle=MPMovieControlStyleEmbedded; [yourMoviePlayerController setContentURL:[NSURL file...

brb lunch time
1 hour later…
@warzone_fz any help ?
@SweetWisherツ u ppl are not helping :(
@warzone_fz Did u try?
I'm not an iOS dev still i tried to help u. Most of the dev here are of Android.
hihiihih :P
I can atleast try , u knw ;)
hm MTP :D
pic not changed yet, huh
@Shadow hehehe trying to be ;P
is on the way. will soon change
ye ye yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) :D
Done dona done DONE :)
@Shadow good morning sir.
@SweetWisherツ Nice DP
nind uud gai
@SilentKiller assalamualaikum
@Aamirkhan Walaykumassalam
hello all
app is not running on below 19 but it is working on 19 and upper level
@codesave Post your manifest file
@Aamirkhan Assalam u alaikum bhai
how are you doing
@Maid786 Walaikum assalam
allhamdulillah i am fine
how are you?
Bhai I am looking for you from last monday. But I uanble to reach you. I have an issue. I hit api from fragments . populate data. back to previous fragments . again hit api . try to populate its crash the apps. List size is more than 700. and one item have 28 fields . How can I free memory from fragments or guide me how can I solve this type of scanario.
@Maid786 Can you show me log?
error log
Has anybody tried using an animated .GIF as an icon?
no support for .gif
@Joe'sMorgue icon of ?
do u want in imgeview?
Good morn :P @SilentKiller
gn :P
@Joe'sMorgue use glide gif will work
@Joe'sMorgue we can show it
@SilentKiller (Y)
@Aamirkhan 08-31 16:39:57.177: A/libc(27330): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 27389 (RenderThread)
Back for a moment...
@Aamirkhan (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false

validate_display:255 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)

ApplicationContext is null in ApplicationStatus

[2015-09-04 14:43:22 - ddm-heap] *** Received REAL
I'm not sure what a glide gif is. Can a larger gif be shrunken down, or will it be basically destroyed?
Or something of the like...
@Maid786 Can you try same scenario with less record?
like 100 record
so that we can get exact idea how app is crashing
@Aamirkhan we are using third party webservices . there is no issue on iPhone and Web. ONLY ANDROID IS CRASH ISSUE
I want my app to have an animated icon, not an icon in the app itself, unless it's on the top of the screen by the app name...
@Maid786 in api response while you are putting response data to array
on that time you can put condition to store max of 100 record only
try this and check performance
check performance
than we can decide where issue is exactly
hi. anyone have worked in writing unit tests for volley request call ?

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