@SweetWisherツ In my phonegap iOS app when I start app I see default splash screen of cordova. I have removed all splash screens and added my own in config.xml still its showing same
Iphone App video link
How i can design & develop view which is posted in above video.
this is basically the item expansion of recyclerview with animation. i have tried with onItemtouchlistener of recyclerview and also with some custom view with animation, but didn't get the accurate result .
i m taking extra imageview that has id : castLogoCategoryItemImage ..... and in some condition it will be visible that has id : castLogotop and castLogotop will be on top of castLogoCategoryItemImage
there was also an imageview castLogotop and textview castviewmore that will come on top of relativelayout in specific condition like in last position : imgur.com/AjwpZ1H how will i do this @SilentKiller
coming after lunch
at only last position this will come while the top layer is white backgroud color with alpha 0.7
I found this library to use Discrete Slider/Seekbar in my app, but what if i don't want to use any external lib, i am using AppCompat Lib - 23.0.0
So my question is how may use Discrete Slider [Numeric/Range Picker/Seekbar] (using AppCompat Lib)
server will give u the list on contacts, that contact u need to add in device's contacts under ur app's account. so those contacts will show with ur app's logo And u'll get ur app name under "Display contact " option.
@SweetWisherツ else send your mobile contacts to the server and server will return you those contacts which having accounts and add those contacts again this is what whats app do.
I have one task, which one is the best way for downloading video file from server in Android? And assume if video downloading 40% means, that time any interrupt(network, user back to previous screen means) occurred while downloading, then again to click and download means the downloading file will start with 40th%. How to achieve for this one?
hi all i am working in chat app where customer message with expert. it's working fine. my question is, is it possible to track if expert goes to some other application by minimising and switch over to some other app?
@SilentKiller still same issue i m getting image from server and it not taking space equal to the background image in some images while in rest its working fine
When I opened android studio today, it showed me the following errors:
Then, when after I restart Android Studio, I get these errors:
After I enable "Android Support", and restart, the first two errors show again, and when I restart again, I get this 3rd error again and the "Android Support...
in java file it will also work? then its better to define width in px in dimesn and load servers image and resize in defined width and height of dimens ?
When I try to Open project from File-> Open a popup window open but its not showing any path inside nor showing any directory structure
Whenever I open a project from recent Projects android studio shows error
Event log shows:
Do not call synchronous refresh under read lock (except from ED...