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Good mornning.
@QuokMoon @SweetWisherツ Assalamualaykum
hws ya all ?
Fatek :P
@SilentKiller WalekumAslam ..me is good and you say ?
@SweetWisherツ @QuokMoon me too fine.
@SilentKiller :)
great ..@SilentKiller last saturday i exlplored new design api .
which one ?
22 design api and made some good example as per lollipop design.
salamo alaikum @SilentKiller @SweetWisherツ
@zohreh Walaykumassalam. hws mam ?
I have a scrollview inside of other scrollview i want know witch scrollview first get touch event?
@SilentKiller @SweetWisherツ
@QuokMoon already seen that link. nice samples
good thanks @SilentKiller
@zohreh scroll with in scroll is not a good idea in android
@zohreh walekumAssalam
A: Android scrollview inside another scrollview doesn't scroll

i.n.e.fcheck this link which shows that how to use two widget with scroll functionality in same activity. check this below code in that. parentScroll.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() { public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { Log.v("PARENT", "PARENT ...

check this one
@zohreh another one
@SilentKiller hmm
A: ScrollView Inside ScrollView

XYZTry this one Note: Here parentScrollView means Outer ScrollView And childScrollView means Innner ScrollView parentScrollView.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() { @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { Log.v(TAG, "PARENT TOUCH"); ...

any one can tel me ......... if my class extends From ViewPager and have edittext in it ... now changin text of this edittext from outside the class by making editext instance static but text not changed why ?
Good morning all :)
@Erum does that edittext is initialized ?
i think viewpager contain fragment and then there should be edittext
yes but inside @Override
public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup collection, final int position) {
can usee code ?
@Erum what you want to perform by making edittext static ?
actually seee the scenrio i have class that extends with ViewPager ..... now this has edittext inside it .... now i call method to send notification to user and inside that method i want to set text of that edittext .....
@Erum so can you do like this ? mViewPagerFrames.getCurrentItem() this will give you current fragment and with that you just need to create gatter setter of that edittext you don't need to make that edittext static.
unable to do this ?
how ?
public class FragmentMapPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter{ see this is the class
this has edittext
right ?
how it can be edittext should be inside fragmnet not in adapter
see i have fragment that contains .... mapview and viewpager
and where is Edittext ?
to fill view pager from model class list i use pageAdapter = new FragmentMapPagerAdapter(context, invitationList);
public FragmentMapPagerAdapter(Context context,ArrayList<Invitation> fragments) {
this.fragments = fragments;
this.context = context;

and FragmentMapPagerAdapter contains @Override
public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup collection, final int position) { and inside this method i have inflate a layoutthat contains editext
@Erum inside that you're inflating that edittext and fragment from the same XML ?
no from different xml
no need to ping on each line i understand its for me
that only contains edittext and textbox as per condition edittext and textbox will be displayed
@Erum instead of edittext you can create getter setter in fragmentadapter class.
try with gatter setter;
@ZigmaEmpire @chirag access garnted
have made like this public static void setEdittextText(String mesage)
public static String getMessage()
return tapButton.getText().toString();
ight ?
@Erum I would recommend using interface callbacks to communicate viewpager
@Erum you are still using static.
then how ?
just a simple gatter setter without static
but how will i set ??
Good Morning @all I have One problem with add AddMob I have used this google given tutorial but when I run that application it is not any advertisement please see this developers.google.com/admob/android/quick-start
using object of FragmentMapPagerAdapter
but its contructor needs this public FragmentMapPagerAdapter(Context context,ArrayList<Invitation> fragments) {
this.fragments = fragments;
this.context = context;

so everytime i need to pass arralist ?
@Erum use listener pattern using interfaces ..... some idea laaptu.wordpress.com/2012/09/02/…
this is not the communication between fragment and activities
@Erum same methodology can be used
@SilentKiller what the way to resolve ?
@Erum you need to come out of that static logic .......and use either listener logic......or broadcast receiver logic to change the text
Good morning guys
@ZigmaEmpire mViewPagerFrames.getCurrentItem() if you do like this you can get the object of the current item which contain EditText as well
as you are inflating edittext in initiate item
if @Erum uses customized Fragment derivative the......obviously fragment page change listener can be used to identify current page and typecast getCurrentItem() to the custom fragment an call the functions
pastie.org/10240787 @ZigmaEmpire see this detail
@SilentKiller Mota bhai Good morning
@Erum is it possible to override "getItem" in that adapter?
@PiyushGupta Good Morning Sir. you'd miss called yesterday.
@Erum use "extends FragmentPagerAdapter"
@SilentKiller Yes. I had... Hows you ??
or "extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter"
then ?
how will i initialize items of my viewpager that contains edittext from arraylist <Model class>
where you are using this FragmentMapPagerAdapter class
inside my MapFragment classs
there you might have an instance variable for this class?
from where you want to change the textbox value? another class?
but how will i initialize values for all my pagers lets say i have arraylist of 5 items then i have to initialize that 5 items in edittext text or in textview text
@PiyushGupta alhamdulillah fine and you ?
where you are using viewpager?
@SilentKiller me too fine.. All going well ???
Not enough space to show ad. Needs 320x50 dp, but only has 200x452 dp. What is this error when I am adding any advertisement @all
@PiyushGupta somehow.
inside the framgentclass at bottom only not in whole page .... just bottom viewpaging @ZigmaEmpire
@Erum ok, let me tell you want I did in my project
@Allu The issue is because it has not enough space to display your ad. This is the size 320x50 to display your ad in your device. Are you using in xml or by dynamically?
@Erum first I did <com.example.CustomViewPager
nops i have fixed height
lets say 50dp
I am using xml to display an add <com.google.android.gms.ads.AdView
@Erum fine.....np....then I have create 5 custom classes with "extends Fragment"
@Erum each custom classes of those 5 classes has "onCreateView" which will be used for layout inflate
now I create a static arraylist in my main activity will all the 5 classes instance from "onCreate"
say "listFragments"
but i have dynamic classes from db i dnt know how many viewpager will i have @ZigmaEmpire
@Erum now I create "public class ViewPagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter"
view pager items are coming from db
@Erum yep that is also possible with this logic
@Allu using relative layout ?
ha this is my total xml file where I have to change to display an adv <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"


android:text="@string/hello_world" />

@Erum now I override the getItem() ..... in case your logic I use "TAG" to itentify the required fragment instance
i m not getting u @ZigmaEmpire i have done all work ... ab itne se kaam k lye me pura sub kuch change krun ?
@Allu please use pastie sites to post long code here
ok @SweetWisherツ
no need, just introduce getItem() @Erum and try to differentiate each view with an itentifier
I mean each fragment
in a loop call getItem(i) and identify which fragment you want
and you can use getChilrens() logic to get all views in any view
try to show me code @ZigmaEmpire
@Allu It should work
@Erum for(int i=0; i<((ViewGroup)v).getChildCount(); ++i) {
View nextChild = ((ViewGroup)v).getChildAt(i);
where shoudl i write this code ?
after calling "getItem()" do you know where you want to call "getItem"
how can i call getItem () ????
from the instance variable of the PagerAdapter
myPagerAdapter.getItem( i ) in a loop
what this method will return me ?
will this return me edittext ?
it will return the inftated view (View) from which you can get the textbox
show me code
can i only call this method from class extends Fragment class ?
if i get edittext then cant i change its text easily ???
if yes then how ?
(TextView) (myPagerAdapter.getView( i )) .findViewById(R.id.textView)
but you have lot of getView ( i ) you must have a unique differentiator for each fragment
otherwise all fragment will be affected
@KaranMavadhiya access approved.
but i m not using multiple fragments
@SilentKiller can u kindly see my isue
@Erum public FragmentMapPagerAdapter(Context context,ArrayList<Invitation> fragments) {
this.fragments = fragments;
this.context = context;

this is your code rt?
@Erum bit busy with ma own issue
what you are doing with ArrayList<Invitation> fragments
yes i m passsing cutomclass after getting values from db ...i got values from db put in model class and then pass model class to araylist
HI.. all
@SweetWisherツ do you have any idea regarding stackoverflow.com/questions/30837880/…
@Erum fragments.get(position) ..... you are using this rt?
here Invitation is model class that will set text from model class once user presses button then i need to change text of that edittext
return this.fragments.size(); you are using this rt?
it is possible for you return getItem( int position ) { return this.fragments.get(position); }
this is actually means that you are using multiple fragment
event if you don't have custom classes
each scree inside the viewpager is a fragment
@ZigmaEmpire return this.fragments.get(position); // this will return view ??
@SilentKiller My mitra can you tell me can we extract 5 mins audio to 3- 4 mins programmatically ?
I want you make another collection and set each view inside it
View view = LayoutInflater.from(collection.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.myfragment_layout, collection, false);
this is your code
put that view inside another static arraylisty
or non static arraylist
as parameter to the constructor
still not gettin u ?
I want you make another collection and set each view inside it
public FragmentMapPagerAdapter(Context context,ArrayList<Invitation> fragments)
introduce another collection ArrayList<View>
let be empty
arraylist is mutable so
@PiyushGupta extract or convert ?
when you add a view it will go that list instance in your calling place
@SilentKiller I need my 5 mins video will be played for 3 - 4 mins only
you already have a model arraylist from which you can identify "indexOf" which view you want to get
@PiyushGupta then you need to keep timer for that.
get "view" from from the otherlist
will that be easy for you?
and after 3 or 4 mins simply just call stop
@SilentKiller But will it play full audio?? Means compress our audio ?
no it will not
@Erum I mean to say ...... you need a reference for the inflated view..... thats all
@SilentKiller I need that. I want to extract full audio
@Erum this why we always use custom classes with extents Fragment.... which is actually a proper way to do it ..... your way will lead to many issues in future.......anyway I need to continue my work.....let us meet another day
I used wrap-content for both height and width for that advertisement then it is working fine thank you @Erum @PiyushGupta
@PiyushGupta you want to convert video to audio ?
@SilentKiller Na bhai. Its audio but audio will be 5 mins and by programmatically i want to convert it to in 3 mins
@Allu Good. But for some device may be it will not work . May be
why?, what will be the problem.
@PiyushGupta then it call convert or compress
@SilentKiller So second time i called compress too
@Allu I am saying may be not sure !
ok If I got any problem then I will ping you @PiyushGupta
@Allu Sure. Np !
@SilentKiller So is it possible using ffmpeg libs?
A: Compress (reduce size) of audio and video files in Android

gilonmYes, you are able to do it using FFMPEG. Quick Google search: Here.

@PiyushGupta hi @SilentKiller @SweetWisherツ
i want different types of animation without fadein,fadeout,slidein,out
i want like glass breaking ,rotating ,zooming
@SweetWisherツ ?
1 hour later…
1 hour later...
3 hours later…
3 hours ago...
@Erum hi
@AndroidDev will talk at 9pm stuck in severe issues
@Erum ok
5 hours later…
Shog9 on June 15, 2015

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