First time, I have added item to cart > switched to cart activity (not getting total)
Log.d("TOTAL:", String.valueOf(CartArrayList.cartArraylist.get(d).getTotal()));
As a result, I am getting value like this: D/TOTAL:(1834): 0.0
Second time, I clicked on back and again from menu activity mov...
When installing an APK in android system, what's installed is the DEX file. Which contains your code, resources etc compiled as binaries. Your dex is generally the same size of your apk, unless you have resources not compiled in assets.
Well, we all know that. What's not widelly spread is that ...
I think Nutiteq looks pretty promising. Their API has a lot of features. Also, their demo projects are inline commented. You can check out this project. Especially, MBTilesMapActivity might be something that you're looking for. The class shows how to work with mbtiles:
// 1. Get the MapView fr...
@RobinHood no it's a blend of Hindi and English, in particular a variety of English used by speakers of Hindi, characterized by frequent use of Hindi vocabulary or constructions.
I was just casually here, there is no point to jump in-between even you jumped and messed the things and proved yourself something as you do always, sorry but I observed.
I am setting value in CartAdapter class, but Activity calls before Adapter class, due to this for the First time, when I have added item to cart > switched to cart activity (not getting value for the total)
Log.d("CartActivity-TOTAL:", String.valueOf(CartArrayList.cartArraylist.get(d).getTotal()...
@SilentKiller actually for loop is executed first and after that adapter is executing this line: CartArrayList.cartArraylist.get(position).setTotal(totalPrice);, therefore for the first time i am getting 0.0 as value of Total
now how may i resolve this.. earlier i was not getting the issue, now i found the issue but don't know the solution
now when i set api level 19 that mapid error resolved but giving me this error and failed to build prj E:\workspace\appcompat_v7\res\values-v21\themes_base.xml:191: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:colorPrimaryDark'.