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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 14:00

GM all
@SweetWisherツ good morning I need a very small helop
i hope you may help me
Fire ur issue
Q: ArrayList check if data already exists

OreoJust want to check if data already exist(s) or not in ArrayList, but everytime getting : Not Exist(s) whereas data exists in ArrayList, and as a result i am getting duplicate records in a list.. DataArrayList.secondArraylist.add(new Second(actorList.get(position).getName(), actorList.get(po...

have u used contains method ?
I want if data doesnot exist(s) then only add to arraylist otherwise show in a toast data already exist(s)
have u overriden toString method ?
yes, but i think i am doing mistake in condition
if (DataArrayList.secondArraylist.contains(strName)) {
System.out.println("Data Exist(s)");
} else {
System.out.println("Not Exist(s)");
@Oreo show DataArrayList class code
public class DataArrayList {

static ArrayList<Second> secondArraylist = new ArrayList<Second>();

show code of Second class
a simple POJO class with getter and setter
public class Second {

private String name;
private String image;
@SweetWisherツ I want if data doesnot exist(s) then only add to arraylist otherwise show in a toast data already exist(s)
@Oreo use this
and in adapter class using getName() like this: holder.tvName.setText(actorList.get(position).getName());
override toString method and return name
A: ArrayList check if data already exists

SweetWisher ツ The contains method calls the equals method with signature equals(Object), so you requires to override this method in your POJO class. If you override equals(Object) then you should also override hashcode() Code snippet : @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return !super....

try this and let me know
@SweetWisherツ hi
list.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {

public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1, int arg2,
long arg3) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

i try this but not work
wht u wanna do?
@SweetWisherツ but i would like to you something like this: paste.ofcode.org/cphMhAcHSvagUxJRGgqLi
Good morning All @SweetWisherツ mam
@SweetWisherツ if i click image of list item can't click
@SweetWisherツ this is not showing any toast message to me ...
@senti make focusable to true in custom view
@senti use android:descendantFocusability="blocksDescendants"
and android:focusable="false"
@Oreo i give this also but not work
@SweetWisherツ goodmorning
use this line
@Oreo if (DataArrayList.secondArraylist.contains(actorList.get(position)))
@Venu Mrngs
contains check for two Objects. You are Checking for Object Vs. String
@SweetWisherツ so exactly what i need to use, if i would like to add item to arraylist if already not exists otherwise i would like to show Toast "already exists"
on the basis of name
Ya I got ur requirement man
@SilentKiller Where bro?
thanks to understood me
try that code
@SweetWisherツ ?
@SweetWisherツ i have given try to your code as well but getting: 05-04 04:47:05.843: D/name:(742): Tom Cruise
05-04 04:47:05.843: I/System.out(742): Not Exist(s)
05-04 04:47:09.532: D/name:(742): Johnny Depp
05-04 04:47:09.532: I/System.out(742): Not Exist(s)
05-04 04:47:11.653: D/name:(742): Tom Cruise
05-04 04:47:11.653: I/System.out(742): Not Exist(s)
05-04 04:47:13.653: D/name:(742): Tom Cruise
05-04 04:47:13.653: I/System.out(742): Not Exist(s)
05-04 04:47:14.252: D/name:(742): Tom Cruise
05-04 04:47:14.252: I/System.out(742): Not Exist(s)
As you can see in log Tom Cruise already exist(s) but getting Not Exist(s) and in arraylist i am getting duplicate items again and again
Shw ur updated code
this is what i used:
use pastie plz
sorry dear
@SilentKiller Gm sir. Final done??
nd Second class tooo
you may check now
i think we are missing .getName()
what do you think ?
35 mins ago, by SweetWisher ツ
override toString method and return name
@PiyushGupta was in meeting.
@PiyushGupta yup done
@SweetWisherツ public String getName() {
return name;

public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
@Oreo if you think that you're missing something then why don't you try that one ?
@SilentKiller bhai good morning
chill yaar
@SilentKiller won?
@PiyushGupta obviously
@SilentKiller great. Party then?
@SweetWisherツ not getting where to make change !
public String toString() {
    return getName();
@Oreo ^^ try too put your more efforts
@PiyushGupta ya sure.
@SilentKiller :P
53 mins ago, by SweetWisher ツ
@Oreo use this
havnt u checked this?
good Morning all
@SilentKiller There?
Good mornning :)
i have one small doubt i.e how to restore transactions in my application i used in-app purchases version 3. I have seen this link but for this we have to store transaction in some database or google will store these transaction. stackoverflow.com/questions/17647508/…
@PiyushGupta say
Good morning all :)
Good morning guys all
@SilentKiller Asslam oalekum
@Oreo why u used contains method when u wanted to iterate array ?
@QuokMoon Walaykumassalam
@SilentKiller Push notification not working for only live server
@PiyushGupta have you set any ipaddress while creating API key in google console ?
@SilentKiller yes yar. i did that. finally i have set by 0.0and its working good for staging API
not 0.0 just don't add anything.
yes added already. But working good for staging only. But not for live.
I think i have only one way to check it the regID has been stored to database or not?
ya understood. ask web team to check for restrictions and firewalls.
@PiyushGupta Mornning
@SweetWisherツ i just wanted to add item to arraylist if not exists
anyways i have ticked your answer as useful
@SilentKiller And for video recording for application from mobile do you familiar with some good software?
@PiyushGupta FFMPEG
@SilentKiller Can i get from Play Store?
@Oreo with iterating the loop ?
@PiyushGupta its not application its lib you can use it for.
@SweetWisherツ this stackoverflow.com/a/30002543/4675078 solution worked fo r me
@SilentKiller Oh.. nah. I need from mobile now. If do you know then please let me know
any app ?
@SilentKiller mare play store ma video upload karvano che to ena mate software hoy to k tu hu mari app run karu to video record that ena thi
@Oreo that is what I'm asking u. If u wanted to iterate the array, no need to using contains method, you have just created a method named contains which iterate array. It has nothing to do with Collection's contains method
@SilentKiller bro bor
@SweetWisherツ dear i was looking for the solution and it worked for me... i know that's why i asked you to help me, but what we both tried i did not get solution, so finally i have implemented that code
i know that's not perfect, but for now it's best for me
@SilentKiller bhai are you my enemy ? :)
@Oreo u r ma enemy :P so is he ;)
@SweetWisherツ what you saying yaar You hate me !
i have not expected this by you
O_o then wht u expect
ok so you are the one, who marked negative :) cool sweety, those hates me I love them
@Oreo behave with your words.
@SilentKiller In iphone live push notification working but in android it is not
@SilentKiller bhai i love you
what's wrong in this
@PiyushGupta GCM and push notification both are different thing.
@Oreo SO is not a social site.
love has many forms brother, don't think cheap
be a silent
not to be a killer
@SilentKiller Bro but they both related na yar. Cause using GCM we can get API key from GAC
cheap has many forms, dont get panic
yes loL
@Oreo Do u really knw who he is ?
@PiyushGupta no dude its not both are different.
he is Silent
@Oreo stay with technical discussion.
ok boss
@SilentKiller So what do you want to tell specification. Because in application that developer registered with GCM
@Oreo He is NOT, But ya we can make u silent for sure
@SilentKiller And ofcourse we can't get notification which is send from server
@SweetWisherツ what's going on.. friends why you both want to do fight with me.. I RESPECT YOU BOTH
i did not wrote wrong for any of you.. Did I ?
5 mins ago, by SilentKiller
@Oreo behave with your words.
ok i got what you want to listen -- i hate you
byes... no value of respect in your eyes ok bhai bye
@SweetWisherツ Katti :(
@Oreo who are you ?
@Oreo you're still continue with your non tech discussion.
@PiyushGupta just a sec dude
@PiyushGupta ask your web dev that what they are passing in collapse_key param for GCM
OK let me ask
@SilentKiller its not set
Is it mandatory?
@PiyushGupta need to pas different all the time
@SilentKiller i don't understand.
And if we need to send different every time then there is no meaning
Because every time web developer can make a changes?
@PiyushGupta pass System.currenttimemils() as value in that param so it will be different all the time.
@SilentKiller at backend?
Ok let me ask to developer
do you know in which file it needs to be set?
send message?
@PiyushGupta in messagebody while sending Broadcast
@SilentKiller Ok. But web developer don;t know much about that. Bcoz he is in magento. So can you give a link so i can provide him
aama j che e rite kai dau?
@PiyushGupta Search Send Multicast Messages Efficiently in given link
you'll get to know
Ok.. But can you tell me is that useful after set it?? Because i m not sure for that.
yes it is
Ok.. Np. I will ask to developer to use it and after that check that. Okay going for lunch. Bye. Will back soon
1 hour later…
@PiyushGupta having adt bundle ffor windows 7 64 bit pls share
@Erum how many time you'll asking for bundle ?? :P :P
kindly give me its urgent
@Erum Yes i have
everytime changing office
kindly share link of dropbox
I haven't drop box account. and it is above 1 GB
@Erum you should store it on cloud somewhere so you don;t need to ask further for same :)
@SilentKiller Bhai Lunch done?
@PiyushGupta use google drive.
@PiyushGupta whats that ? :P
@SilentKiller i know bhai... that means have you taken your lunch?
@PiyushGupta can u share pls
Yes please wait i will in 10 mins
ok kindly share
@Erum may be he is uploading so you have to wait till there.
ok np and how can i put files in cloud ? r u talking about gmail ?
@Erum Dude it is 1.67 GB. but no worry the file is attaching
@Erum cloud mean you can upload it google drive or dropbox any of them
@PiyushGupta thanks once its done kindly ping me
@Erum yeah sure
i am sending image to server
@PiyushGupta which java version is required for your adt right now i have java 8 installed
every thing is working fine
but one internet connectivity goes off
user need to send image again...
i dont want to do that
@Erum i haven' t updated. My latest it JAva 8 and it ask to me update it
suppose i took 4 image from the camera and send to server
but after sending one image internet connection goes off then i need to send image again
will your eclipse work with java 8 ?
any help
@Erum Yes
@Riturajsuman Use broadcast for check internet connection
@Riturajsuman then you should create different AsyncTask for each image or you need to manage which image is uploaded or which is remain.
i am using file
for storing image
i am using Broadcast to check internet connectivty
@Erum 160 MB completed from 1.67 GB
@Riturajsuman not image storing you should keep track with boolean or something that this one is uploaded kind of
@PiyushGupta done
Just 290 MB completed
@PiyushGupta ? how much >
@Erum Don't worry i will sure ping you when it will complete
@QuokMoon Mota bhai
@PiyushGupta I am not a mota bhai ..Tame che sautha mota bhai
@QuokMoon ha ha lol.. No no.. Hows you?
I am pretty good and you say ? @PiyushGupta
Hello Friends
@QuokMoon me too same as you
@Strider hello frnd.
@PiyushGupta You may not i am stuck with FFMPEG video library for creating so file.
@QuokMoon bro u r too intelligent. because i never used ffmpeg yet
@Erum 720 MB
@Passiondroid access granted
hws u?
i am good. you?
how is work going?
Its going 50-50
Yes and please don't say that ur work is 20-20
y which pjt u r working?
Its huge project related with child. KidsXap
i am working in chat app more or less similar to whatsapp
OMG. U r so talented person
@PiyushGupta ?
It will take a time bcoz 855 MB completed and it is a 1.67GB
oh no
my eclipse downloading still slow downloading
if i download eclipse and download sdk as well
So i cancel my uploading?
then just i need to give path of my sdk to eclipse
no no
dnt cancel yr upload
adt bundle is more appropriate instead of eclipse and then download sdk separately
No. U said thats y. Nope i will not
Yes it is..
and now in official site its not available
for eclipse may i need to download sdk separately in drive
yes its not available now officially
No . I m sending you adt package so in that you can find all things
So it is good for you?
its good i used only adt in past as well i forgot to bring in my usb
Nice :P
Now always use to keep a back up in different drive and also in USB and also in GDrive
1015 MB completed
let me know one thing
i m loading a web page in my webview
now my web page has 3 buttons
user click on 2nd button how can i know that user has clicked on button 2
@Erum U need to use JavaScript for that and make a function using JS which will let you know
but using JS can i call java method ??
Yes you can . Wait..
because i need to check that either location of device is enabled or disabled
Q: Webview's Html button click detection in Activity(java code)

iAmLearningI was trying to detect the html button click of webview into java code(In activity) . I referred another SO Detect click on HTML button through javascript in Android WebView but is not working.My code: index.html <html> <head> <script language="javascript"> function js1() { document.l...

so for that i need html5 based app code
Q: Click on button in Android WebView programmatically

Ken NicholsI am trying to fill in a few fields(Working) then click the login button(Not Working) I have tried: document.getElementById('loginButton').click();" and document.forms['form'].submit(); The button name and form name are correct, what am I doing wrong? webview.setWebViewClient(new WebViewC...

I think this will help to understand to you!!
1.16 Gb completed
What is your reaction when 1.30 GB completed from 1.67 GB and net getting close@Erum
no no pls no
Test.HTML (asset folder)
is locater js own method ??
Sorry dear. Firewall restriction
1.31 GB completed
@Erum Its interface name
browser.addJavaScriptInterface(JSAndroidBindingClass, "locater");
oh my God
Yeah !!
@PiyushGupta pls do something
@SweetWisherツ dnt u have ?
I can't do for open that site because strict restriction here..!!
give me only sdk link my eclipse is near to finish downloading but my sdk ??
You don't need to download separately. I m giving full adt Package.
I m just afraiding that net should not be disconnected
oh my God u r trying for my heart failure
Oh. No no . Don't be do that. That position will be for me
Just my ios developer asked to me if net has been gone. I just told him to be shut up
i have to call method from html button onclick to check
location services
now i will call js method from html
and that js method will call my java method using interface
m i right >
@SVMRAJESH access granted
Hi i going to implement localization in ios. My concept is to fetch localization content from web service. Am going to store localization contect into documents folder. In each view controller i gona fetch localization content each time from documents folder.. How performance will be when i use like this.
@SVMRAJESH sry. m not iOS dev
@PiyushGupta done ??
@SweetWisherツ It's ok sweet..
ote :P
@Erum Yes. you need to give ur id so i can share. Sorry I was in meeting with CTO
once u send inform me
@Erum remove
oh no
now its not removing
@Erum Don't worry. Owner will remove
who is admin
we also CANT
@Erum don't know. Don't worry nobody can misuse it
u got my mail ?
i too got.. ;)
@SilentKiller :O
@SilentKiller I will on holiday for 2 day from wednesday
thanks @Martijn :)
i forgot my password gmail
have u restrict access of this
@Erum oh.. But that was yahoo id na?
@Erum check with forgot password
yes clicking on downloading is callback to google link
why ?
@PiyushGupta docs.google.com/…
i m getting this error
pls allow to all so that anyone can download i think its restricted to me only
@Erum U can click on download anyway
yes i click
but still it bring me to the page i paste link above
yes have done but still no luck @PiyushGupta
Ok let me try again!! But wait for some moments
Check now @Erum
its in download
a lot
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 14:00

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