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Good morning
Q: Android lock device notification not sounding

TiborI have developed an application which starts a custom service that fires a countdowntimer. The service runs a notification on the start of the timer and other on the finish. During tests I am seeing a problem about the notification and the lock screen. I describe the tests I have done: 1) If I r...

can u tell me how to resolve this issue
locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
location = locationManager
LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 60000, 0, this);
not getting lattitude and longitude some sumsung mobile.lattitude and longitude get without net
Q: How to get current exact location in android without internet connection?

user1996510I want to get current exact location coordinates in android. I am able to get the location if mobile is connected to Wifi internet connection and but in other case when I go some where else and no internet connection available then it not giving the current location coordinates. instead giving la...

@ErumHannan answer is avail on that question.
i have done using wakeful broadcast but its not working
@ErumHannan then whats the issue ? any error or log ?
@SilentKiller Asslamualaikum v.v
@SilentKiller @AndroidDev This is Article which i was told you what is advantage of Volley rather than AsyncTask while calling webservice

@EthicsDev Walaykumassalam.
@SilentKiller hi
@SilentKiller there?
@SilentKiller Default 10" folder drawable folder is drawable-sw720dp?
@EthicsDev drawable-sw720dp or drawable-sw800dp any of this you can use
and what is a folder of 10in from xhdpi or xxhdpi?
@Dro morning.
@Prince Sir welcome.
@SilentKiller morning :)
@DroidDev sleeping here ?
@SilentKiller learning swift.
swift is much easier. :P
so you already know things about it
pokes @SweetWisher
@DroidDev after all lurker ;)
hello @Prince
@SilentKiller I also read basics. But, now I have shifted to iOS. So...today is Mission: Table View!!
Removing app from background clears shared preference ?
It maintains
Anyone worked with maps guys all
@DroidDev Heya :)
@Prince Ohooo
@SilentKiller there ?
Good noon all :)
@ErumHannan say
@DroidDev hahah best of luck then.
@RoshanJha ???
@SilentKiller thankses :D
@DroidDev hws den ?
@SilentKiller Pranam
@Devill english english. :P
hws ya.
@SilentKiller missing you
@SilentKiller fine. need to share image on fb with title and image
@Devill fb keyword is blocked can't even search with it.
oh bad luck
Has anyone used FFMPEG ?
@RoshanJha @QuokMoon had done.
Q: Android XML error message

Daiwik DaarunEverytime I open an XML layout file, the following error message displays: An internal error occurred during: "Check Android SDK". java.util.ConcurrentModificationException The error message is easily dismiss-able, and my program still runs fine. I have tried restarting Eclipse and my computer...

m getting similar error when i open an xml file
any help i recently updated SDK
@SilentKiller Ohhkk
3 mins ago, by HappyMan
Q: Android XML error message

Daiwik DaarunEverytime I open an XML layout file, the following error message displays: An internal error occurred during: "Check Android SDK". java.util.ConcurrentModificationException The error message is easily dismiss-able, and my program still runs fine. I have tried restarting Eclipse and my computer...

3 mins ago, by HappyMan
m getting similar error when i open an xml file
@HappyMan What you removed ?
@RoshanJha i didn't get you
@SilentKiller Have you worked on endless gridview in ViewPager ?
@HappyMan bit busy
@HappyMan No issue, ignore
@RoshanJha hi dude
@Devill Hey
Hows u?
I am good brother .. you say
@MysticMagicϡ okay NP
@RoshanJha what happen .?
@RoshanJha ya i can do that it is showing warring on the xml
A: Android XML error message

pelican_georgeCheck your AndroidManifest.xml and see if the targeted SDK version matches the latest Android SDK Build tool you have downloaded. Also check Eclipse under Window -> Preferences -> Android if the Platform is available and if the max API level matches.

@SilentKiller I made calendar view now trying to give view pager look
me good
calender and endless ?
@SilentKiller ya i saw that it doesn't work
I have done that... just fighting with code to implement swipe left and right functionality
@HappyMan as Roshan said its just warning and you can ignore it.
@SilentKiller for your kind information when i search i also see the answer not only question
@SilentKiller ya i can do that i just asked why that warning
@HappyMan don't you know why "ConcurrentModificationException" occurs ?
@SilentKiller i don't know that is why m asking
@HappyMan thne first check about this exception if you want to take information about exception.
whats your eclipse version ?
@SilentKiller Version: Luna Service Release 1a (4.4.1)
@SilentKiller hi
@SilentKiller H R u?
@EthicsDev fine n you ?
@SilentKiller Fine
@SilentKiller I met Mark Zuker
@SilentKiller only good ?
@EthicsDev ya ya got got. what happen ?
what ?
@SilentKiller okay thank you i will check it out
@HappyMan its well known bug in eclipse 2 option 1 to ignore and another to migrate to ADT or Android Studio
Has somebody share image with text and link to facebook using intent? @SilentKiller @HappyMan @DroidDev
@SilentKiller I want to download Bunch of resources images Files Pdf etc Is there any third party lib for speedy download?
@EthicsDev watsup
yes there s
create your own :P
@Devill i did. but currently don;t have that code. and cant search too. :(
@AndroidDev ya fine and u?
i am fyn
@AndroidDev Let make
@EthicsDev sure
@SilentKiller But with image and title image displaying but title not because i have used intent.setType(image/*);
@EthicsDev use volley
@EthicsDev no time to develop as of now
@AndroidDev You check my link which is share in this room?
for you
@EthicsDev w8 give ya a latest one if avail
@AndroidDev Y i know Volley is available any other way
@Devill you are passing image via share option. but i had shared it in bundle.
@SilentKiller Using FacebookSDK??
it may do better
but you need to implement all the things on your own
@AndroidDev let me check
@Devill yes sir.
@SilentKiller I am using Action_Send using intent. so
@Devill let me try if i can search it.
Thanks bro
A: Share text and Image together using Facebook SDK in Android

userHey this code might be helpful, Bundle parameters = new Bundle(); parameters.putString("message", category_item_name_desc.getText().toString()); parameters.putString("picture", categoryItemsModel.getImageUrl()); parameters.putString("caption", txtD...

@SilentKiller okay thank you i faced this error first time
@Devill No idea buddy
A: Android post picture to Facebook wall

Farhanfirst thing is that you are not using graph api to upload the pictures... u r using the old rest api... try to use graph api, its simple... Use following code: Bundle param = new Bundle(); param.putString("message", "picture caption"); param.putByteArray("picture", ImageBytes); mAsyncRunner.re...

@SilentKiller yes i know that but its using a facebook sdk . and i don't want to use it.
why so ?
Because i want it with ACTION_SEND
@Devill @SilentKiller I think Now Facebook is not allow this thing for text Sharing
ImageSharing is available using URI
so far no solution for sharing text in fb
@Devill umm...I don't think I've done it :/
1 hour later…
@SilentKiller I want to download PDF using Volley any idea?
@Erum what?
@EthicsDev try on ur own
that ^
@DroidDev evening
i have alarm onrecieve of alarm i m starting activity that has UI and starting service from activity as well now there is some task in UI of activity if i == 2 then stop service and stop application right now i m using System.exit(0) its stop the activity but still activity is present in recent list how can i remove completely from recent list as well @MysticMagicϡ
@ErumHannan use flag in manifest..
Don't be a HELP-VAMP
@DroidDev :P
Jan 2 at 11:53, by DroidDev
I think room title needs to be edited. "Don't help help-vamps"
@DroidDev ok, then I will remove myself from owner :P
sooner the better...
@MysticMagicϡ or you can just follow the vibe of that message :P
btw, Y U NO visit den 2day?
@DroidDev that's the reason I gave hint of flag, and didn't mention what exactly :)
@DroidDev stuck in issues.. :/
@MysticMagicϡ lol, you should enjoy yourself. You don't have much time left to enjoy :P
your workload reduced, it seems...
@DroidDev hehe... I wish ;)
@MysticMagicϡ learning swift(that's what I am telling my CTO), but actually I am skipping learning sessions and chatting here ;)
countdown has begun :P
@DroidDev lolmlolllllll
enjoy enjoy :)
brb thinking
using flag in manifest will hide from initially while i want to show but at certain conditions it should be closed
I am showing map on home page of my current location. if my location service is dissable and I enable location from setting,rather I get that current location after long waiting. not instantaneously. how can I resolve this issue
@AndroidDev Why you delete ....:P
hello all
@SilentKiller there? there? there?
hey can any one help me with skewing text
i m doing this:
    paintskew = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
canvas.drawText(SkewText, 100, 100, paintskew);
but i only show skew in x becouse im using skewx method but i wnned to do in both axis x and y
how can i do that?
@satyaprakash dont u have method like setTextSkewY?
nope... i dont
skew!! O_O
how to force close app to remove from recent list android using java code ?
Q: Skewing a bitmap only in the vertical direction

mduplsI want to skew (correct me if this is not the correct word) a bitmap so that it appears to have depth. A good way to visualize what I am asking for is how the credits of Star Wars are angled to show depth. I have tried the following: canvas.getMatrix().postSkew(kx,ky,px,py); and canvas.skew...

i will check that
@SilentKiller Whenever you come here just ping me in Androidians chat room
that doent statisfy my need... i can skew the whole canvas by using that.....
but i wnned to only skew that text in canvas not the whole thing
@Devill yes sir.
@SilentKiller thx. Please check this pastie.org/9965597
A: Skewing a text view in Android

Parth DoshiWell I even tried and I came up with something like this: public class DemoActivity extends TextView { Context context; String firstText = "$120.00"; public DemoActivity(Context context) { super(context); this.context = context; } @Override protected void onDr...

@Devill what happen buddy ?
@SilentKiller I want only left side top and bottom radious rectangle and at right side it will be flat side. so i used this but not working
right now i have no time to check event soi asked to you
@Devill can you show image how you want and code how you set it in layout?
@SilentKiller for button i have set background="@rectangle/half_rectangle" where half_rectangle my custom file
@Devill can you show image how you want and how it is visible now ?
@SilentKiller i have already seen that link and that doent satisfy my need tooo
i want to skew just text not whole canvas
@satyaprakash how you exactly wnat show image please.
@SilentKiller Ok wait
@satyaprakash can't we take canvas within canvas ?
A: How to draw Skewed textview Android

GareginSargsyanYou should use the Paint.setTextSkewX(float skewX) method. Here is an example. // call in onDraw(Canvas canvas) Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); paint.setTextSkewX(-0.2f); canvas.drawText("some text", 0, 0, paint);

how can i take canvas in canvas@SilentKiller
@SilentKiller that is what i m doing that only skew text in x direction not in y direction
@SilentKiller Like this one imgur.com/rsh7hux
@Devill left and top rounded right bottom not ?
@satyaprakash you want in both side ?
yes @SilentKiller
@satyaprakash let me search please.
@SilentKiller Explain again i don't understand..
According to image i have set this but not working
@SilentKiller what r u looking for , may be i can help you
@SilentKiller topright and bottom right 0 because i want to make that side flat
@Devill just a min buddy
Ok np
2 hours later…
@SweetWisherヅ hohoo
@nawabsaab hi

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