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Good morning :)
Hi Guys all
@DroidDev no revenge. i just wanted to wake you down. xP
@EthicsDev Assalamualaykum
@SilentKiller Walaikumusslam Bro
@SilentKiller How are you?
have you solved your issue ?
@SilentKiller yes
alhamdulillah you say ?
@EthicsDev lol
@EthicsDev Good Morning )
Good Morning
@AndroidDev LOLSSS Good Morning
@RoshanJha gm..
@RoshanJha you still alive ? :O ;)
@EthicsDev Do not copy man
@SilentKiller :O Yes :)
btw hws you ?
I am good you say @SilentKiller
@AndroidDev :)
@SilentKiller there ?
@QuokMoon Assalamualaykum.
@RoshanJha me too fine sir. where lost these days ?
WalekumAslam @SilentKiller
I am create one IntentService for set up device active to avoid screen off and lock .
I make alaram manager to keep to screen on and broacast to receiver class if they nearer to get screen lock but i am not able handle device timeout to make screen remain active(means not locked and screen light off).
Device ko active karna meri app agar background me hot..to
@QuokMoon you want to stop letting device to sleep ?
Alaram manager use kiya hai..
but lock ho ti hai.
give me a min
@SilentKiller Visit less now days
@RoshanJha same here. why so ? hws your BB ?
Moved to Android... hardly worked on it 1-2 months :P
how can i get timezone from latitude longitude
@RoshanJha O_o
A: How to prevent automatic screen lock on android by code?

Stefano Ortisiyou have to declare this uses-permission on AndroidManifest: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" /> And in your code Activity: PowerManager powerManager = (PowerManager)context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); WakeLock wakeLock = powerManager.newWakeLock(Power...

A: Timezone lookup from latitude longitude

Frederic MorinTake a look at Geonames.org It's a free webservice that allow you to get a lot of informations from a long/lat They also provide a free (and open source) Java Client for GeoNames Webservices library (library for other language also provided: ruby, python, perl, lisp...) Here's some info you ca...

@RoshanJha ya watsup
@EthicsDev wats going on ???
@AndroidDev fine but who r u?
@SilentKiller :D
@AndroidDev I am good you say
@EthicsDev bahot aache
@RoshanJha ya i m also fyn
@SilentKiller Ohk check karu
@QuokMoon okies.
@SilentKiller one more thing as soon as alarm times fires now i want to show my activity on top if device is lock and user unlock device then my activity should appear
@ErumHannan instead of that you should call your activity and unlock device programmatically
@AndroidDev I just checked man
@EthicsDev hmmm fine
@SilentKiller No for android venturebeat.com/2012/12/18/…
Good morning all :)
@SilentKiller why am I afraid after reading that?
@DroidDev you afraid ?
@EthicsDev got any other option ?
@SilentKiller I can pretend to be...if you want
@DroidDev no no please don't. xP
haha, so basically you are afraid of me getting afraid of you :P
@DroidDev respect is always better then afraid. xD
@SilentKiller hmm...agree :)
@DroidDev thank you principal :P
@SilentKiller lol, sir
@SilentKiller No I just developed from scratch
@SilentKiller getting error in tmezone api
hw will i pass timezone google key
@EthicsDev effects are avail on github
@ErumHannan what error ?
give me a link
@SilentKiller and one more thing what is name of value folder for standard 7" and 10" devices and what is a diff of dp in all folders?
@EthicsDev better to use sw-minwidth/minheight of the tablet.
like sw-720dp
please help
m getting this error while trying to updating eclipse
@SilentKiller what is standard for 7 and 10 720 is for 10" i think
Q: Using getFromLocationName() to find Latitude and Longitude getting null

SunI am using getFromLocationName(..) to get Latitude and Longitude but always getting null, this is what i am using: Geocoder geocoder= new Geocoder(MainActivity.this); try { List<Address> addresses = geocoder.getFromLocationName(strNe...

wait i m posting code
check this hope it helps. @Sun
@Shadow i want to get timezone from laitude and longitude using google api
i m using this code
1 hour later…
which code??
what's the response u r getting?
String data = EntityUtils.toString(httpEntity);
Log.e("check what data you are getting here",data);
i m coming inside catch block of
moroever u didn't used this.. processJSONString(String response), if the parsing is right with success 200, send the data in this processJSONString(data);
pls tell me my code is printing catch block of requestRecord
what's the status code you are getting? debug and checked?
its coming inside catch block its not coming inside try block
check this @ErumHannan
you are using input stream everything....i don't know y r using that..
@ErumHannan it must be firing any exception please check logcat
can someone pls check this code in device is it returning correct timezone double timezone = (Calendar.getInstance().getTimeZone()
/ (1000 * 60 * 60);
@SilentKiller @Shadow
if this code works fine then i will not use google api
to find timezone
@ErumHannan what ?
@SilentKiller can u pls run this code in your device and let me know is it returning u correct time zone
Q: Using getFromLocationName() to find Latitude and Longitude getting null

SunI am using getFromLocationName(..) to get Latitude and Longitude but always getting null, this is what i am using: Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(MainActivity.this, Locale.getDefault()); try { List<Address> addresses = geocoder.getFromLocatio...

@Sun try with
List<Address> addresses = geocoder.getFromLocationName(strNewClientCompleteAddress, 5);
A: Android Geocoder getFromLocationName always returns null

Shobhit PuriGeocoder doesn't always return a value. You can try to send a request 3 times in a for loop. I should be able to return atleast once. If not then, their might be a connection issue or can be other issues like server dis not reply to your request. Try and see these threads: Geocoder doesn't alway...

A: How to get the timezone offset in GMT(Like GMT+7:00) from android device?

Naveen KumarThis code return me GMT offset. Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"), Locale.getDefault()); Date currentLocalTime = calendar.getTime(); DateFormat date = new SimpleDateFormat("Z"); String localTime = date.format(currentLocalTime); It returns the ...

@SilentKiller tried but still getting null
lat: 0.0 and lng: 0.0
@Sun both ?
yes the same issue here
ths is because i think try to move device
or google is blocking ip
tried everything ...
do you have any working example ?
yes i have tried everything previusly i was also getting same problem
when u resolved let me know pls
guys anyone worked on moving images from left to right when user clicks on right side button and vice-versa
@Shadow could you please help me how to do it..
Simple! use TranslateAnimation does magic :)
@SilentKiller hi
yes Sir. @EthicsDev
@SilentKiller If i create values-sw600dp and values-sw720dp for different dimens.xml respectevely for 7" and 10"
after this need to create layout folder for seperately?
@EthicsDev yes will work fine
no no need.
@SilentKiller ok boss
but better you should keep scrollview in each layout.
ok got it
till when you'll be at ma location ? @EthicsDev
@SilentKiller if i use scrollview
and values for different folder too both
its good?
or not
@EthicsDev if you keep common then also it won;t bother.
as 7 and 10 is not a vast difference.
but it is better if you keep separate.
and other thing what is diff between all dp values
let me give ex
value =10dp
you need to calculate proportion.
value-sw600dp = 10 + _dp
10 for 600 what for 800 like wise
it usually increase 25%
@SilentKiller I will come after 7 15
1 hour later…
byee all :)
3 hours later…
Anyone is there?
2 hours later…
posted on February 18, 2015 by Android Developers

Posted by Timothy Jordan, Developer Advocate With so many recent updates and improvements to Android Wear, it's high time to share an updated overview of the platform. We're certainly not done—there's a lot more to come—but this is the picture today as you start or continue developing your groundbreaking Android Wear user experiences. Guns'n'glory Heros and Strava The Android Wear plat

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