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GM all
Vgm :) @SweetWisherヅ
Good Morning all :)
MG :)
GM all.
any ideas on graph for real time batter status
Good morning Frendz :)
hello all
Good morning all :)
how r u
i am good.you? @Mobile
@SweetWisherヅ i m getting issues in search listview custom
me also gud
i think
it has been a long
since we talked
sry i forgotten :( changed name?
no man
i am tushar sahni
u forgot i guess
@nida what issue?
no!! battery is low because of friday effect :P
showing u my code
any1 faced the issue of cuttng a textview's text when we apply txtTimer.setRotation(90);
not me @SweetWisherヅ but see if this helps
@FlamePrincessϡ any idea about search view for listview
already checked:/ but of no use
any exception or error in this? @nida
ok then no idea..
no but not getting desired search results even no results on search
Q: Android SearchView Filter ListView

Harsha M VI have implemented Search Filter to my SearchView in my SherlockAction Bar. When i type m i want to show filtered results in the list view below which only starts with M and so on. But now it shows random results. public boolean onQueryTextChange(String newText) { Log.i("Nomad", "onQuer...

@nida check this
here working example try this --- karanbalkar.com/2014/03/…
Morning @SilentKiller :) welcome...
morning morning. chenks
@NarendraPrajapati they are using db
@nida for search they use list or Arraylist of Object compare that and field new arraylist and set that check logic is same for both
i have done getFilter method
but i m not getting what i m doing wrong i m not getting results
no error but no resilt
debug your code and check Arraylist filteredItems.add(m); fill or not
actually i m adding data in original arraylist
bacuase my getview is using original arraylisy not filtered lis
the issue is right now when i clear text from searchview then no data is being isplayed herer
hmm then fill new list for search and set that list if it filled or show message no data when you clear text set original arraylist @nida
@SilentKiller Good Morning
@SilentKiller Good Morning
@SilentKiller Good Morning
@EthicsDev whos this ?
@SilentKiller ...:)
@Shadow morning Sir.
@EthicsDev you're not ethics. you manchurian.
@qɘɘbɒɿq good.
@NarendraPrajapati done but its working slow on last text removal
@SilentKiller :)
@Shadow dance then
@EthicsDev what about laptop ?
hmm set static to ArrayList<HomeBean> filteredListArray; original arraylist @nida
@SilentKiller i think you did something...:)
may i need filtered arraylist ?
because i m using originalarraylist
@EthicsDev yups. meet EOD
@NarendraPrajapati i m adding my code pls check this
disabledAppsArraylist or filteredListArray which one original ?
@SilentKiller ok
@SilentKiller very very good morning
@SweetWisherヅ you to.
disabledAppsArrayList is original array @NarendraPrajapati
@Riturajsuman morning
i want to discuss one thing i am working on chat app... and every thing working fine
but once i go back or just leave that activity
old messge are removed
i know there are way to to store into SQLite and retrive the old messege
while loading
i want to know is there only one solution for that
or should i use any other way
@Riturajsuman using fragment or activity ?
approx how many messages can be there in your chat ?
50 100.. or 1000 ?
depends on user
the more he will chat the more it will be there but it will go to history
after certain message like say 100
@Riturajsuman then better to fetch it from SQLite. because to hold so many messages is not an good idea.
but i am using bubble for left and right alignment
do you have any idea while loading the message that feather will not at all work
as i thnik
agree with that but you need to hold multiple arraylist of messages each list for each user best is load from Sqlite like lazy loading.
@nida it's look ok set original list to static
ok what will be the advantage if i set to static i can directly access from class name ?
@NarendraPrajapati i m detcting call but how will i detect miss bell ?
hmm sound helpful thank you @SilentKiller but still i have to implement that.so figure cross
@Riturajsuman you should call messages from sqlite only but without showing loading dialog. because of this user will able send message as well it won;t be hectic loding screen.
@SilentKiller thank you for your kind help
and will disturb you again if require :)
@Riturajsuman lols no issue we are here to help and get help :)
pattern library any help ? i m also googling it if someone know pls post here
@nida please Google properly. its free and available at many places
good noon@every 1...
@Jigs access approved
@SilentKiller hi
@SilentKiller will this work properly
any one worked on android wearable ??
@SilentKiller thnks..
1 hour later…
@Jigs share you issue
Q: Navigation Drawer icon not showing android

RiserMainActivity.java public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity { public DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout; public ListView mDrawerList; public ActionBarDrawerToggle mDrawerToggle; // nav drawer title public CharSequence mDrawerTitle; // used to store app title public...

@SilentKiller hi
Q: How to Refresh ListView after deletion of list row

SunI have written a code to delete a row in a list view but that row is still visible in a list, I am using notifyDataSetChanged() and here is what i have used: public class MyAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Transport> { Context context; ArrayList<Transport> arrayList; LayoutInflater layoutInflater; i...

@SilentKiller hello bro have a look at my issue
@EthicsDev yes
@Sun you need to call that delete method in doInBackground and on PostExecute you need to call notifyDataSetChange();
i followed the way you taught me but still not done
@Sun show code.
what is taggedPosition here arrayList.remove(taggedPosition);
@Sun check whether you got taggedPosition or at onclick
@SilentKiller want to know how designer run the script for creating multiple resources from single resources for android resources
@SilentKiller What is a code to rotate camera ?
that you have done
A: Is there any tool which can a resize png image into a image for ldpi , mdpi, hdpi and xdpi screen density?

hotveryspicyAssetStudio will do the Job. here you can find this http://android-ui-utils.googlecode.com/hg/asset-studio/dist/index.html You just have to upload your image and rest work will auto done.

@EthicsDev rotate or flip ?
on multitouch ?
@SilentKiller issue is want to show a camera preview which is same as in front object
@EthicsDev will use open CV ?
@SilentKiller no library of Barcode scanner
@EthicsDev you'll open front camera in zxing lib ?
@SilentKiller and for resize inpixelitrust.fr/blog/en/…
using this
@SilentKiller bro yes getting but still not done
@Sun what you getting ? you get position properly ?
@Shadow there ?
@SilentKiller getting position
@Sun you arraylist is wrong in doInbackground method. it should be "arraylist". not "workforceArrayList".
i tried by arrayList as well bro
@Sun oke and also removed arraylist from postexecute?
i already made these changes
@SilentKiller How to set single Grid item in center?
@SilentKiller can u pls tell mw any userful links or tutorial for auto focus and capture bar code
i have done till open scanner using xzing
@EthicsDev what ?
@nida then what rest ?
i want some help regarding auto detection of bar code and then capture there is some app that are doing this how it can be achieved ?
@nida have you checked zxing lib for bar code detection ?
yes i m using core.jar and IntentResult IntentIntegrator
@nida so you can scan bar code. what else you want ?
i want auto detection of bar code and capture
will capture be done using normal camera ? or zxing lib ?
@SilentKiller if there is to row in gridview firt row has two item as default position and in second row has only one item
@SilentKiller so how can i set single item in second row in gridview in center
@SilentKiller you got my point?
bye all

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