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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 20:00

Jon Ericson on December 14, 2014

There is no better antidote, at least for the worst hours and eclipses of the soul, than to conjure up … serious frivolity.—Friedrich Nietzsche

No, it’s not a new flavor of Unix shell. Rather, Winter Bash is an ancient tradition of Stack Exchange. (2011 is ancient according to Internet time.) Here’s how it works:

Starting right now, when you complete one of 30-odd challenges while logged on a participating site, you will be awarded the associated hat. To notify you, an icon will light up on the top bar. In addition, admire your hat collection on the Winter Bash 2014 site …

4 hours later…
GM all :) have a coooollll mrngss.... Winter bash back:) earn hats :P
@Joe'sMorgue hehe Nice :) atlast Asus did your favor :P
morning all :))
good morning :)
@SweetWisherシ but i don;t have any :P
i have 2 :)
wearing bugDroid :P
anyone worked with alarm service, how to cancel it ?
@SweetWisherシ (Y)
@maveň am.cancel(pendingIntent); ?
I tried this but not working pastie.org/9780995
A: How can I cancel an alarm in a service?

CommonsWareYou need to use a PendingIntent with cancel() that is equivalent to the one you used with setRepeating(). In other words: If you call setClass() on the setRepeating() Intent, you need to call the same setClass() on the cancel() Intent If you call setAction() on the setRepeating() Intent, you ne...

@SweetWisherシ is my code correct?
yes seems correct
still not getting :(
any one has idea how can i hide my app folders for visibility user cant see my folders which is being created by user inside my app
use "." to hide folder eg. ".FloderName" @ErumHannan
no this sort of folder can be visible using File manager
@DroidDev Hey Buddy :P
Ohh u backkkk
@maveň HB...?
@SweetWisherシ yup :D
Hats People!
@DroidDev where were you lost
Need 3 more up votes on this answer to earn a "werewolf" hat.. stackoverflow.com/questions/23579438/form-validator-message/…
@SweetWisherシ Some things came up suddenly. Had to go home...
@ItachiUchiha seen u after long time
@maveň yeah, I have been busy :P
Hi guys @ALL
@DroidDev Ohh..hope all fine :)
@SweetWisherシ yup, everything good...but, I need some coffee...
@DroidDev have it :P
@SweetWisherシ ...and ya, your new avatar reminded me of it
@DroidDev hehehhe...tooooooooo much colddd
i have created folder in sdcard in some of devices that folder is not visible in Gallery whats the reason ?
any one can pls tell mw
me too need the same brb Coffee time
any body use openfire here?
@SweetWisherシ can u pls tell mw one point
Don't mass ping
i m going to encrypt my imagefile but as well as i need to share the image file then will i decrypt file first and then save it on sdcard and then will share ?
i m not sure how will i do that can u guide me ?
Googled ?
yup i got one idea to encrypt files stackoverflow.com/questions/10782187/…
but failed to share that image ...
Good morning...
A: how to Customize the Contextual Action Bar using appCompat in material design

Dharani Kumaruse actionModeBackground in your AppTheme.Base style. <item name="actionModeBackground">@color/colorPrimary </item> (or) <item name="android:actionModeBackground">@color/colorPrimary </item>

hi all how to use sliding menu in my existing android project
good morning
@Pans how can we help u without knowing about your existing project.!!
what is the best way to design for multiple screens in android
can you give me some tools
for creating drawables for hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi
@Slade my project contains login screen next 4 menu icons , i need after login instant of menu icons i want to swip from left and i want to get menu slide
@Pans u can use androidhive.info for that.
@Slade where i have to use this
@hello every one
Stop starring messages, hat-seekers :@
@SweetWisherシ hey
@SweetWisherシ that's because of hats, people are going mad :P
limit :/
@sharath google has answerss
hey @SweetWisherシ my onkeypress is having some issue
@Riturajsuman wht issueee
2 mins ago, by SweetWisher シ
Stop starring messages, hat-seekers :@
@Pans for your sliding menu dude. :@
@SweetWisherシ lol
@SweetWisherシ it take more space than expected
who's starring ??
@SweetWisherシ my self ? y ?
@Pans Don'''t please
@SweetWisherシ people
Dec 10 at 6:26, by SweetWisher ツ
@johnsakthi did you google before asking here ?
@SweetWisherシ y ?
do u have any pro?
Yes.. if u will continue , i will kick u out
hey dont fight!!!!
that's d only option i Have :/
@SweetWisherシ if u not interst just go away ok
Then You go away
@Pans talk properly :/
@Riturajsuman yes say
@maveň any problem ?
@Pans if you want to star your talk you can create your own room and star messages.
where i am doing wrong
this java code doesn't impact the desgign
@Pans I think room admins are stopping from starring random messages because star wall is only for relevant messages, that are important.
6 mins ago, by Rituraj suman
@SweetWisherシ it take more space than expected
show sceenshot
@SilentKiller one issue :(
like some code or library
@maveň you can ask here.
on key presss i want my view to be seen on top of the android key..
,,,and to admins, please also teach guys why not to do certain thing instead of only telling "Don't do it".
it is never a good thing to do...
any suggestion @admin @SweetWisherシ
you've gotta be reasonable
@SweetWisherシ y i want to go
1 min ago, by DroidDev
@Pans I think room admins are stopping from starring random messages because star wall is only for relevant messages, that are important.
@DroidDev you alive. :P
hws you ?
@SilentKiller haha! I am fine...how are you...btw, still waiting for your ping on fb :P
@DroidDev goodd.. mobile net finished. :P
@SweetWisherシ hey sry just leave it ok i have lot of wrk to do u carry on take cre
@SilentKiller what worse could happen :(
@DroidDev still worse can happen like having meeting on 9.30 Am.. :P
@MagicalPhoenixϡ hiya.. welcomesss... good morning.. have an awesome day and week ahead.
@SilentKiller I am Cancelling Alarm but nothing works
@maveň mean ?
@SilentKiller 9:30!!! My friend called my on 9:40 today to ask, if I was awake or not....:P
@SilentKiller thanksss. very good morning.. have a dowesome day and week ahead..
@SweetWisherシ u too ask me sry dude
2 hours ago, by maveň
I tried this but not working http://pastie.org/9780995
@Pans have you any issue in programming?
@MagicalPhoenixϡ s
@MagicalPhoenixϡ welcome again
Then continue with that and stop disrupting room environment. @Pans
@SilentKiller thanks again and again..
@MagicalPhoenixϡ afternoon miss
@maveň afternoon Mr.
@MagicalPhoenixϡ k
@DroidDev welcome back :)
@MagicalPhoenixϡ need help :P
@maveň ask.
A: Cancelling a PendingIntent

Chris KnightWhere you want to cancel it, you would do the following (somewhere else in your code base): PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT).cancel(); where intent is the same one as referenced in your code above. PendingIntent.getBr...

@SilentKiller already tried
and as your code is same and not working keep it in try catch and check exception if occurs..
A: How to cancel a PendingIntent when is set to repeating?

StoneBirdIf you save a reference to your pending intent then you can just use AlarmManager.cancel(). Pass in your pending intent and you are all set.

Do I need to make static AlarmManager
@SilentKiller i did the same way alarmManager.cancel(pi);
1 min ago, by SilentKiller
and as your code is same and not working keep it in try catch and check exception if occurs..
@SilentKiller ok
@SilentKiller no exception buddy
@maveň try to set it as null.
@SilentKiller means?
@maveň set alarm and intent as null
@MagicalPhoenixϡ Thanks :D
@Slade r u there ?
@SilentKiller still the same .. not getting cancelled
@maveň Gone for lunch
@DroidDev :P
@SilentKiller yup.. tc
@SweetWisherシ hmm
@SweetWisherシ Zzzzzzzz hungryyy 2
@MagicalPhoenixϡ tadaaa :)
I am :P
@SilentKiller How to get onclick events on drawable of textView using setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds?
@johnsakthi duplicate googled
@Pans yeah
12-15 12:51:05.281: W/OpenGLRenderer(29594): Bitmap too large to be uploaded into a texture (4160x3120, max=4096x4096)
following this tutorial androidbegin.com/tutorial/…
@maveň yes, I tired it, but not work for me. for assume that event.getX() = 120, dpTopx(MainActivity.this, 19) return 29 something, here not satisfied this condition. so that its not worked.
@SilentKiller There???
@Slade @SilentKiller @SweetWisherシ I unregistered Brocast Receiver then Alarm stoped
Don't mass ping
@DroidDev srry
@Priyanka yes
@SilentKiller Sahab video view rotate hota hai kya ??
@maveň show code.
@Priyanka default one ?
@SilentKiller sir
@SilentKiller I have video path and want to play in VideoView but i am unable to rotate video view accordingly video orientation ,, i worked on orientation of video path and got it
i also tried videoView.setRotation() method and its not showing video black screen is appearing on video view if i used setRotation method black screen is showing and audio is playing
@maveň and where you are cancelling it ?
@Priyanka i dont think there is solution available with default control
see this.
A: Android: Videoview does not play after rotate

CalvinHaven't got any luck finding the proper solution. I use a walk-around instead. First apply a rotation to the video view within the parent rotation. <VideoView android:id="@+id/videoView1" android:layout_width="75dp" android:layout_height="75dp" android:rotation="180.0" /> Thi...

A: Rotating an android VideoView

UmkaVideoView does not support rotation of video even if composition matrix is set correctly and rotation attribute is used. What you can do is to use TextureView and set its attribute rotation="90" (for example). It then will rotate the frames but the aspect ratio is something that you need to hand...

working code.
@SilentKiller sir i m calling this method
@MagicalPhoenixϡ hiya..
@SilentKiller hi :)
@Unihedro poke
@SilentKiller not here, although in den, tavern and about 10 other rooms on MSE
@DroidDev his last post on SO before 6 mins
@SilentKiller not present in this room on SO, although present in about 19 other rooms on SO.
@DroidDev whats that red color below your face ?
@SilentKiller that's a hat I earned :P
hat (or shirt) :P
although, its a shirt
guys is there any software using that we can see application data like db structure, images etc,
@maveň gud..
folowing this tutorial but its givingme out of memory error
how can i get rid of this error
Q: How to show toolbar action items at bottom in Material Design using Appcompat

Slademain.xml <item android:id="@+id/action_back" android:orderInCategory="100" app:showAsAction="always" android:icon="@drawable/ic_action_back" android:title="@string/back"/> <item android:id="@+id/action_save" android:orderInCategory="100" app:showAsAction="alway...

hi :) @Pari
@MagicalPhoenixϡ Hi.. :)
The method displayImage(String, ImageView, DisplayImageOptions, ImageLoadingListener) in the type ImageLoader is not applicable for the arguments (String, ImageView, DisplayImageOptions, new SimpleImageLoadingListener(){}, new ImageLoadingProgressListener(){})
hi all.how to place icon exactly at right of dialog title in android?
nope. i am using dialog and not alert dialog
@Shadow show image
@Shadow use custom class for dialog, and inflate your own layout file with image in title
this is my code and i am getting o/p like this
@MagicalPhoenixϡ @SilentKiller
just for list or whole dialog?
just displayed list
use custom dialog @Shadow
@ErumHannan error itself is answering you
if any one here android developer i want help
ask query. if anyone knows, will help.
@SilentKiller i m using UniversalImageLoader.java no error but no images are being shown in my screen whats the issue ?
here is the code
@ErumHannan comment if condition of convertview null and check
@SilentKiller where will i set bitmap to imageview
i have comment condition but still its not working
1 hour later…
1 hour later...
1 hour later…
@Pans what question
@Prince u there
can someone pls help in Universal ImAGELOADER
@user3233280 yes
i m getting images from sdcard now facing issue to show in
D/GridViewAdapter(17685): filepath[position]:/storage/sdcard0/FOLDERNAME/FOLDERNAME_20141215_205027.jpg 12-15 21:00:25.277: E/ImageLoader(17685): UIL doesn't support scheme(protocol) by default [/storage/sdcard0/FOLDERNAME/FOLDERNAME_20141215_205027.jpg]. You should implement this support yourself (BaseImageDownloader.getStreamFromOtherSource(...))
@user3233280 this are log errors? o_0
there are 4 images on disk and they are showing me correct path of images as well
but this is the error
@user3233280 correct path? how you know ?
this image is already in this path
i m working from disk images
i m listing images from directory/folder and that folder is showing me 4 file names that are inside the folder i have just copied 4 images in the folder and list them
Show me code.
A: UIL doesn't support scheme(protocol) by default You should implement this support yourself

Siddhpura AmitHi Raksha I got your problem, The great developer Nostra has suggested that if you are loading image from SDCARD you should use prefix "file:///" String imageUri = "http://site.com/image.png"; // from Web String imageUri = "file:///mnt/sdcard/image.png"; // from SD card String...

Check this answer.
The great developer Nostra has suggested that if you are loading image from SDCARD you should use prefix "file:///
12-15 21:00:25.267: D/GridViewAdapter(17685): filepath[position]:/storage/sdcard0/FOLDERNAME/FOLDERNAME_20141215_205027.jpg
u mean i need to insert image
i need to write
file:///storage/ .....????
i m copying images lets say 15 images inside of the loop now sometimes it only copied image 5 or 3 and loop values continuously increament how can i ensure that images are copied in the folder then increament the loop
@user3233280 you can ensure using number of images inside loop.
actaully its copying first image only out of 5 images and loop ends
is there any possibility of countdownlatch ???
countdownlatch ? o_0
There are 10 images & loop being executed only 5 times?
no only 5 images are copied and rest of the images are not copied
while loop executes completeley till 10 times
Hmm then issues in copying images.
Now i got exect prb
what can be the issue ???
pls ping me
yes what can be the issue
5 images copied and 5 images not ?
this is example sometimes 2 copied out of the 4
i have copied 33 but only 9 image copied there
hello @Prince bro
Show me copied code only in pastie @user3233280
@UnityBeginner Hi
how are you bro?
@Prince bhai koi alarmmanager ka example pda h?
Not much good. working :/
How are you??
am also fine
Opps. first Congratulations for new opportunities.
Which type of app bro?
And what issues?
@Prince there?
Working yar :\
@UnityBeginner @user3233280
@user3233280 How many times this function is called ?
@UnityBeginner app me issue kya aa raha he?
alaram manager me?
@Princelet me check
there ?
i will check this issue abhi ek aur issue phans giya hae
@Prince bhai you are busy
i try self
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 20:00

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