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04:00 - 18:0018:00 - 20:00

good morning :)
GM all :)
@Joe'sMorgue will b never..
morning morning all
good morning
How are you guys ?
@maveňツ nice
@Strider hehee tanks
@SweetWisherシ vgm (Weekend Greetings)
@maveňツ humm
@SweetWisherシ Busy ?
nope @Strider lost
GM @Strider @maveňツ @NarendraPrajapati
@Strider ya say
want to make same like this ? @NarendraPrajapati @SweetWisherシ @maveňツ @Pari
17 hours ago, by SilentKiller
@Strider have you checked with radial menu ?
gm @SweetWisherシ
@SweetWisherシ yes dear in that i didnt got which i want
which we talked yesterday
In that i can only set images. but cant set text above image.
@NarendraPrajapati i use that example only
I got like this.. but i need to add name over image .. same like previous one..!
@SweetWisherシ yes dear
@NarendraPrajapati @SweetWisherシ Any more idea ?
try customizing AppTextView.java
it is a TextView only
hii good mornig every one
hey @SweetWisherシ i am working on one chat app
i need suggestion
that is one sample project
i am try to improve that one
my problem they store user name and messege in Editview
so design is not clear
i want to store in data in Listview
morning @SilentKiller :)
so may you please guide
@MagicalPhoenixϡ morning good.
@Riturajsuman did u try customizing layout file after chking which xml it is?
i tried
but problem is that they storing value in editview
please use pastie.
please check this link
Good morning all :)
Q: How to move next page in android fragment tab using view pager?

ShadowI have two tabs.Login and Register fragment. I have register button click in login tab and when I click, it should move to register fragment I used this method in LoginActivity public void setCurrentItem(int item, boolean smoothScroll) { mPager.setCurrentItem(item, smoothScroll); } and I g...

Its possible to use my system IP in my android mobile ?
@Shadow what is line no 148 ?
@SilentKiller hello
@Strider yes Sir,.
@SilentKiller who is sir ?
@DroidDev is Sir. ;)
@Shadow remove this
loginActivity = new LoginActivity();
loginActivity.setCurrentItem(2, true);
try with ((LoginActivity)getActivity()).setCurrentItem(2, true);
@SweetWisherシ do u have answer to my Question
i used that but it displays error as setcurrentItem method not found
11 mins ago, by SilentKiller
@Shadow what is line no 148 ?
please sir.
@SweetWisherシ that won't solve NPE
but there is not the way to access the Activity's method
public void setCurrentItem(int item, boolean smoothScroll) {
mPager.setCurrentItem(item, smoothScroll);
agreed but issue is different
he is getting err at loginActivity.setCurrentItem(2, true);
public void setCurrentItem(int item, boolean smoothScroll) {
if (mPager!=null)
mPager.setCurrentItem(item, smoothScroll);
System.out.println("Foooouuuunnnnnnnnndddddddddddd Errrrooorrrr......!!!!!!!");
@Shadow getting err here ?
@Shadow repalce
ok will check it @SilentKiller
yes @SweetWisherシ which i posted code
ma pleasure
loginActivity.setCurrentItem(2, true); // here i am getting error. How to swipe to RegisterFragment
before that i have been participated in coding competition :P
@Shadow issue solved ?
nope before that competition started :P
after tat wl work
ohk sir. :P
this was question :P
can use any language to program and get o/p
@SilentKiller whats going on ?
@Strider coding coding and coding. :/ what about you ?
@SilentKiller error error error//!
@Strider pinching same
@SilentKiller sahi me yaar bahut heran kar diya hey
any one out there?
Good Nonn
someone told me good websites for progress circular but i missed that website can anyone tell me there were two ,three circular progress bar donut progressbar, circular progress bar, memory progress bar
@SilentKiller good Noon
going to SOP @SilentKiller
@TopCat if u remeber u told me about website that contains lot of circular progressbar can u pls tell mw now '
got it:P now only seen. i used this but i missed a bracket before :P
@user3233280 I don't remember
@Shadow yes bosss
yesterday, by SweetWisher ツ
@Shadow you can call a method of Fragment activity from Fragment only like ((YouActivity)getActivity()).callMethod()
i already told you :)
@TopCat @SweetWisherシ need help
how to detect backpress on Dialogbox
Do Key listen on dialog
A: How to handle Back button with in the dialog?

Yasin Hassaniendialog.setOnKeyListener(new Dialog.OnKeyListener() { @Override public boolean onKey(DialogInterface arg0, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { ...

@maveň I detected it in activity onBackPress only
@TopCat +1 :)
@TopCat tried not working
@SweetWisherシ np
What's issue?
override OnBackpress.. check if dialog is open the dismiss
@TopCat @SweetWisherシ pls check pastie.org/9775828
where is key listener?
i m askng fr dialog.setOnKeyListener
ok let me try that
OnCancelListener will only be called when the dialog is cancelled, Which probably needs an explicit cancel() call.
@user3233280 whos this ?
@Shadow ??
@Strider Best of Luck
donee @SilentKiller :)
@Shadow how ?
@SilentKiller new member
i missed a bracket ((LoginActivity)getActivity()).setCurrentItem(2, true);. printing mistake and moreover. i imported
com.facebook.loginActivity instead of my package.loginActivity @SilentKiller
@Shadow good.
@SilentKiller thank you sir ji
@Strider sir only @DroidDev is Sir. ;)
@SilentKiller really
@DroidDev Really Sir ji ?
@DroidDev lost
are you Rajni's fan ?
@SweetWisherシ No .. but we have to wish him
OKie. :P wished
how are ytou
who are you
@SweetWisherシ by forcefully do not wish.. !! ahahahaha
good thanks and you ?
2 mins ago, by SweetWisher シ
who are you
:D sorry i'am said from morocco @SweetWisherシ
thanks and you
Owner of this room..!
welcomee @Pari :))))))))) nice to see u again :)
@Pari tum aa gai ..!
@SweetWisherシ Thanks..
@Strider Yeah..
@Pari we are missing you only ,.,!
@Strider o_0 !!!
@Strider Why ?
@Pari find on google..!
@SweetWisherシ 0_0 !!
@SweetWisherシ ")
:) req of PM here.. :P
@SweetWisherシ just 6 trainees joined there i think in android !!
in progress... will come 8 more on moday
gud gud
our staff is growing day by day :P
@SweetWisherシ Ya but those 6 , i know as person !!!
@Pari all of them ?
@TopCat @SweetWisherシ still not working :(
@maveň show code
1 hour ago, by SweetWisher シ
override OnBackpress.. check if dialog is open the dismiss
@maveň why not working?
@SweetWisherシ it works only on activity
not in Dialog
@SweetWisherシ yes
@maveň u tried what i posted?
Hi All
I am using apple map. Issue is , user able to select drop off location in river/sea.
i want to stop user to select drop off location in sea/river. If user select river/sea then user location should move automatically to nearby bust stop/landmark. Please help me to solve this issue.
on android its possible but don't know how
@maveň I did it
@Override in activity ONLY
@SweetWisherシ means?
dialog must b cmng on an activtiy only naa
frm where are u callng showADialog method ?
@SweetWisherシ on btn click inside oncreate()
@maveň in taht activy override onback
In activity ?
missed :P
i think no can help me
not able to do so silly thing
dont think so :)
I also know it should work
last option
create a class which extends Dialog
nd override onBackPressed in that class
before going for last option check Thoroughly ur code @maveň
sry, onback in activity wont wrk
@SweetWisherシ Y so?
bcz alert bx wil b focused.. i debugged dat issue.
i did the way i showd as last option
checked on SO all say's use setOnCancelListener
but i think dat will not wrk
1 hour ago, by SweetWisher シ
> OnCancelListener will only be called when the dialog is cancelled, Which probably needs an explicit cancel() call.
@RohitWankhede sorry no idea about ios
you might b missing smthng..applied onKey ?
@SweetWisherシ @TopCat added setCancelable(false);
@maveň then how will it fire OnCancelListener
@SweetWisherシ user not able to cancel dialog :P
yaa nd u not able to fire OnCancelListener
he hee
1 min ago, by SweetWisher シ
you might b missing smthng..applied onKey ?
@SweetWisherシ not workin
is it even calling setOnKeyListener ?
waht is keyCode ?
if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) {
waht u get in keyCode when u press back
getting 0
chk it with and DONE
public static final int KEYCODE_UNKNOWN = 0;
maybe issue in kitkat
chk with other keys
@maveň check with other device then
@maveň Hi
@Elahe hello
@maveň I have a question about android applicatoin
can u come to persian chat?
bit busy
Ok call me when u be free
@Elahe u can ask here :)
here is some smart fellows :)
Hi @TopCat
its a simple question
hiee @Elahe ask
@SweetWisherシ its working fine in other device
ya topi here t help ;)
@Pari @SweetWisherシ @SilentKiller How to add support of mobile app to tablet ?
@maveň then issue with kitkat.. chk android version nd cahng if condition fr dat
@SweetWisherシ :)
@Strider dnt mass ping
@SweetWisherシ ok medam
@Strider I think fragments layouts
@Strider elaborate
MultiPane Layouts
have u designed layouts for them, or are they designed to support all devices ?
@SweetWisherシ app is running in all mobile device from play store .. but while download from tablet its not running
@TopCat my teacher want a kind of application that like a client and server application. when the teacher start application, the clients can answer question in that. but my teacher said I dont want to give to clients any application. they should just use browser. is it possible?!
@Strider define not running, are you here with same question u had before with some amazon app
@SweetWisherシ yes hdpi to xxxhdpi ..!
@SweetWisherシ amazon solved..
dnt have tablet rigth nw
this is the app.. and that you can install in mobile device. but not in tablet
@SweetWisherシ ok
@Strider not in TABLET means what ? is it not showing n play store in tablet? or not compatible ?
@SweetWisherシ in store i can see that
but cant install in tablet..
Got message like this : This app is incompatible with your device.
@Elahe i think possible as like webpage to make answer. But am not sure. U can communicate app and server through API calls
@TopCat can u explain more about it: U can communicate app and server through API calls
actually I want to know is there any better way than clients can answer teacher question in server application?
A: Why is App not compatible with Tablets after update

MichaelI contacted Google, and they looked into the issue. There were a combination of issues. First, they said that the switch to the new Developer Console played a part because the old developer console was more lenient. They said that my old manifest file worked in the old Devloper Console, but techn...

added supports-screen in manifest ?
@SweetWisherシ yes
android:xlargeScreens="true" />
@Elahe read it , this too
am leaving
@Strider chk the link i shared
@SweetWisherシ ok
@SweetWisherシ working with ..setOnKeyListener in lower version and setOnCancelListener on kitkat
@SweetWisherシ @TopCat tanks :D
but it was strange
@TopCat bye
hiii mate
i am new for android i want to install android s/w in our pc
after that i need to update andorid sdk manager or not ?
@AnilPrasad you need to do
k @Gajini
1 hour later…
@RobinHood there
@user3233280 u got circular progress?
i m trying to implement
but i was failed to set progress value
and one thing more can i implement animation in circular progress bar with ripple effects
i m using eclipse but how can i convert gradle prj in eclipse so that i can run easily
i m facing lots of problems its took time
@user3233280 i dont remember that we discuss on circular progress before :)
ok i m getting error
finishedColor = attributes.getColor(R.styleable.CircleProgress_circle_finished_color, default_finished_color);
unfinishedColor = attributes.getColor(R.styleable.CircleProgress_circle_unfinished_color, default_unfinished_color);
textColor = attributes.getColor(R.styleable.CircleProgress_circle_text_color, default_text_color);
textSize = attributes.getDimension(R.styleable.CircleProgress_circle_text_size, default_text_size);
what error?
error on these lines
and in xml
these lines are giving me error unbound xml
which library using?
Dont paste code here. Use pastie.org
@user3233280 Post Query ONLY after researching well
@maveň wekkum
circularProgress only
but lots of errors in xml file
@TopCat tanks
any one can pls tell me
i m getting errors in R.styleable lines
can u pls tell mw
i m using this library but i want to show progress values inside for loop
then after for loop how will i stop progress bar
i m not using thread
3 hours later…
@user3233280 hi
did you solved your issue?
no not yet
these lines are creating issues
in xml
and how can i change color fill coolor in circular progress
@user3233280 I am not getting it wait i need to look at library first
pls look into it
they have given xml here
cant i call non static asynctask class from static method
04:00 - 18:0018:00 - 20:00

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