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Q: How do I put AsyncTask code to Thread Handler

Chethan ShettyI'm trying to develop an android app that could list all app and their cache's. But I'm facing a problem that whenever I tap on generated list I'm getting force close because java.lang.IllegalStateException: The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification. Ma...

can someone pls tell me issue
@ErumHannan r u facing same issue
yes i m suffering from same issue and stuck from three days
i have used async task and inside doInBackground method i have loop and for every loop value i want to execute try {
final PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();

Method getPackageSizeInfo;

getPackageSizeInfo = pm.getClass().getMethod(
"getPackageSizeInfo", String.class, IPackageStatsObserver.class);
getPackageSizeInfo.invoke(pm, appPackageName.get(i), new IPackageStatsObserver.Stub() {

public void onGetStatsCompleted(PackageStats pStats, boolean succeeded)
throws RemoteException {
but this is not working fine how can i execute this .... i have to put check condition and then put data in list but its throwing same error
@ErumHannan the same code u had?
yes the same code i m using to find cache size
did u tried debugging the code
the issue is in @Override
public void onGetStatsCompleted(PackageStats pStats, boolean succeeded)
throws RemoteException {
in this method this method runs in background
how can i handle this ??
on which line ur getting an error show ur logcat
the issue is in this line systemAppArrayList.add(systemAppsObj);
when inside onGetStatsCompleted i m addding data in list
this throwing error
@ErumHannan ok wait m checking
@ErumHannan i didn't find this line in the code
u mean this details.add(Detail);
wait i m posting my code
gm frndzziiieeee .........!
@WellWisher VGM :)
good morning
how are you ? @W-I-Z-A-R-D
@W-I-Z-A-R-D pastie.org/9753269
pls check this the issue is in this line
@WellWisher m great, how r u?
@ErumHannan okay
M Fine ....! @W-I-Z-A-R-D
i m again telling u pls just check how can i handle this code inside handler ? this is the main issue here and nothing else
try {
String appSizeLocal = "";
getPackageSizeInfo.invoke(packageManager,p.packageName, new IPackageStatsObserver.Stub() {
public void onGetStatsCompleted(PackageStats packageStats, boolean succeeded) throws RemoteException {
@W-I-Z-A-R-D any luck
@ErumHannan listAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); whenever the list is changed
no luck with this
the issue is with this method it runs in background getPackageSizeInfo.invoke(getPackageManager(),
p.packageName, new IPackageStatsObserver.Stub() {

public void onGetStatsCompleted(
PackageStats packageStats,
boolean succeeded)
throws RemoteException {
how can i put this code inside handler ?
any idea
systemAppAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); try this after this line systemAppArrayList.add(systemAppsObj);
ok trying
but still my code is not executed in sequence like for loop ith value : 0 it should come inside onGetsStatsCompleted method to check cache size for value 0
but this is not happening
@ErumHannan now what error it is showing
some pakages are repeated for 10 times
and also i m unable to update any textview from onGetStatsCompleted block
where u are getting the retured value from the method getInstalledApps()
ArrayList<SystemAppsBean> arraygetInstalled = new ArrayList<SystemAppsBean>(); arraygetInstalled = getInstalledApps();
inside onpostExecute but issue is: i m getting values from arraylist in onPostExecute but still after that my onGetsStatcOMPLETED method is executing some code and after execution its not calling onPostExecute method again
this is creating issue in calculation of totalMemory and i m getting no last two or three memory values in my totalmemory variable
where is onGetsStatcOMPLETED
try {
String appSizeLocal = "";
getPackageSizeInfo.invoke(packageManager,p.packageName, new IPackageStatsObserver.Stub() {
public void onGetStatsCompleted(PackageStats packageStats, boolean succeeded) throws RemoteException {
Good Mornning
its giving me this error
12-01 09:59:24.683: W/Binder(15338): Caught a RuntimeException from the binder stub implementation.
12-01 09:59:24.683: W/Binder(15338): java.lang.NullPointerException
12-01 09:59:24.683: W/Binder(15338): at com.example.cleanerapp.SystemAppActivity$3.onGetStatsCompleted(SystemAppActivity.java:298)
12-01 09:59:24.683: W/Binder(15338): at android.content.pm.IPackageStatsObserver$Stub.onTransact(IPackageStatsObserver.java:63)
12-01 09:59:24.683: W/Binder(15338): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:407)
@ErumHannan on which line
what u told to follow
where u initialized systemAppArrayList
the error is on systemAppAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();
it has been initialized in onPostExceute
@ErumHannan because u have initialized that inside post execution and notifying it before initialization
yes what can i do ?
but without notifiying its giving me error that the listview is being modified from background thread
@ErumHannan this line systemAppAdapter = new ListViewAdapter(SystemAppActivity.this,R.layout.listview_item,systemAppArrayList‌​); make it global
before AsyncTask
yes it already global but because of uninitialized its giving me null pointer exception on this line
@ErumHannan u have declared it globally, m telling initialize it globally
@SweetWisherツ nice
is there any possibility to find junk file names that are using cache or memory android
@SweetWisherツ gud
good morning guys @ALL
Hello All
@RoshanJha hi
any one help to resolve this -
Q: How to update canvas draw text instead of redraw canvas

KirtiI am able to draw a text on canvas on motion view now the problem is that when i draw text & go for the next draw on same canvas my draw text is getting disappear i mean screen is getting redraw because of invalidate i want keep my previous draw and make new draw on same canvas ...

you should call invalidate method inside onDraw
hii everyOne
what is QBR Reading functionality in android ?
@AnilPrasad QBR ?
@DroidDev seen just now, talked 3d ago
have a sound sleep ;P
@SweetWisherツ AsslamAlkum
@AnilPrasad never heard such term
@QuokMoon walekumAssalam
@SweetWisherツ I was trying to kill a process in saucy from command line
one way failed
ok i have not knowledge of android i work on iphone but my BDM ask me this i try on google but not get this so i thik ask here @SweetWisherツ
I tried another
and succeded
how can i apply gif animated images in android ?
A: Showing gif in android

Sujan ShresthaOr you can simply add WebView to your xml and load the gif image inside the webview. You donot need to do anything else. The image will loop automatically inside the webview

but i want to show in imageview just like regular image
use tween animation
@ErumHannan did you try to find something related to it?
still searching on it
@ErumHannan so, were you not able to find anything related or are you stuck on something you found?
if it not work tell me i have done GIF animation
animate multiple image
disable system apps will free memory space ? android
I am trying to display custom ads on fragment using FragmentStatePagerAdapter but how i can access the method of fragment through other class??
@droid_dev you can try to make those methods public static; the ones that you want to access from other classes
i have to access them inside fragments. Is there any way we can prevent fragments from creating in advance in FragmentStatePagerAdapter
@DroidDev at last u met
@maveňツ weekend, vacation, home, no internet :P
@DroidDev i was talking abt ur counterpart :D
Nov 28 at 6:56, by maveň ツ
@DroidDev i found your counterpart :D
@maveňツ ha! we even talked a bit :P
@droid_dev nice to meet u Mr. D
same here @maveňツ
@W-I-Z-A-R-D still suffering from same issue its not resolved till yet
@ErumHannan y?
@W-I-Z-A-R-D hi
when i m initizliaing adapter at very first line its giving me error
@DroidDev @SweetWisherツ @SilentKiller Cropping with zoom and rotate funcationlity github.com/segi07/Crop-Zoom-image
@Slade Nice:)
@SweetWisherツ made by me
@Slade str6.add(js.getString("Servicesname").toString()); i have this item how to view this item alertdialog multiselect listitem
@SweetWisherツ achaa dafol :P
@senti i cant understand
@SweetWisherツ nakaami
@senti hi
@ErumHannan where u ar initializing
inside onCreate
@ErumHannan then ,, wat error?
@Slade i have arraylist string item .how to view this item in alertdialog builder?
@ErumHannan after initializing ArrayList or before check
@senti you can set it into spinner
@Slade does it hve functionality to save image ?
hi @SweetWisherツ
@SweetWisherツ yes, when you click on crop, it will save.
@AniketDeshmukh hi
@Slade good one
@Slade if i clik one button means it view the list item in alertdialogbox and select multiitem show in editbox how?
bar chart map u done
whr r u from @SweetWisherツ
@W-I-Z-A-R-D thanks
@Slade welcome :)
@senti you have to create custom listview for multiselect.
@AniketDeshmukh from Saturn..
@SweetWisherツ abe yaar load ape che tya.
Saturn.. first time i here that word
@SweetWisherツ hehe
@AniketDeshmukh google it
@Slade transferred to u ;)
@SweetWisherツ chapli, fasavi ne jati rahi.
@SweetWisherツ duplicate removed
sometimes error occurs and sometimes not
@ErumHannan wat error?
london right
@AniketDeshmukh what you want to do ?
london left
ur java developer
@Slade thanks :D
@DroidDev :)
:) @W-I-Z-A-R-D @DroidDev
the one with room topic changed was awesome
you could have kept it here
:P mass moving
one day, I'll get that kind of "non-tech message" pinned here
but, I don't think that'll do much good, because you guys can even unpin that
yeah :P
good luck, though ;)
I'll have to call some friends over here from den and done :P
Hehe.. :) surey..
@MysticMagic hey how to print the multiselect listitem
who will move these messages to non-tech now
oops! I already have one from den, but that friend is moving messages
I'll have to call someone else
@senti did you google before asking?
@DroidDev oops
@DroidDev :)
@MysticMagic sadly, den is sleepy right now. I'll come here, when everyone is gone. Its around 8 pm :P
@DroidDev yo.. I will be surly today :)
@MysticMagic I can even come at 4am in morning. Den isn't that much sleepy at that time :P
hehe. ya. and Smart dev lab will be sleepy at that time..
ab kaam bhi kar liya karo sab...timepass bahut ho gya..
@MysticMagic me to bat hi nhi kar raha :P
tell me what is vector
google first, Aniket.
@MysticMagic hey..
I am trying to display custom ads on fragment using FragmentStatePagerAdapter but how i can access the method of fragment through other class??
i have to access them inside fragments. Is there any way we can prevent fragments from creating in advance in FragmentStatePagerAdapter
@QuokMoon hi :)
@droid_dev other fragment class?
@MysticMagic i am good :P you say
@QuokMoon I am doog :) :P
not other fragment class
Fragment fragment = activity.getSupportFragmentManager()
I tried above code from other class to get the fragment but FragmentPagerAdapter provides two different fragments so it doesnt work for me
can you help?
nope @droid_dev .. Ask @DroidDev :D
sorry, never worked with fragments.
same pinch :P
@MysticMagic @QuokMoon Hello
@Aamirkhan hi..
ok Miss Owner :)
you all can continue there
slides over to den
ok coming
she is going, starts making plans about posting messages related to lady gaga
i just watched out she look good
with all that make-up, I can even make Morgan Freeman look like her
yup he is person after make up is know as Morgan gaga..
how can i find userinstalled apps date only not time
Date installTime = new Date(p.firstInstallTime);
You want to find date when user install the application?
@ErumHannan you can easily get just date from date time.. where is problem?
how ? @MysticMagic
Q: How to get date time stamp in android?

Beginnerjava.text.DateFormat dateFormat = android.text.format.DateFormat.getDateFormat(getApplicationContext()); String date = dateFormat.format(new Date()); Currently i can use this code to get time in dd/mm/yyyy format. what i would like to get is date and time with no formatting..so for 15/04/2011...

google is your friend
I found that in less than 10 seconds
please focus more on research
Date installTime = new Date(p.firstInstallTime);
Date updateTime = new Date(p.lastUpdateTime);

userAppsObj.setUserInstalledDate(new SimpleDateFormat(
userAppsObj.setUserInstalledDate(new SimpleDateFormat(
weccum @Shadow :)
i m doing like this
A: How to get app install time from android

yanchenkoPackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); ApplicationInfo appInfo = pm.getApplicationInfo("app.package.name", 0); String appFile = appInfo.sourceDir; long installed = new File(appFile).lastModified(); //Epoch Time

@ErumHannan check your "long installed" variable value after you can convert to whatever formate.
@ErumHannan what does it give?
haha, the chain of messages
What does it give?
12-01 17:16:32.351: D/AppManagerActivity(9011): userAppsObj.getUserInstalledDate:2014/11/25
Palindrome String
So you are getting just date from datetime. @ErumHannan ... what's issue?
date in format like 21 Nov 2014
so, are you basically asking "how to convert 2014/11/25 to 25 Nov 2014?"
or vice-versa?
new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM YYYY") @ErumHannan
ctrl + f for MMM in that. And observe whole table.
javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress.parse(InternetAddress.java:609) @MysticMagic @QuokMoon
can i sort data datewise from arraylist i have objects in each list item
@MysticMagic while sending To address it is giving this exception..
@Harish no idea.. never faced such issue
SimpleDateFormat returns Strings
@ErumHannan wht u want ?
i want to save date in Date Format
but new SimpleDateFormat(
"dd-MMM-yyyy").format(date) but this is returning me string
and issue?
@ErumHannan parse it
new SimpleDateFormat( "dd-MMM-yyyy").parse(dateInString)
i already done google net is working slow
then I don't understand how is your chat working :/
Great, SO isn't affected
@DroidDev hehe ya..... Trueee
I think room title shold be like "1. Please google first, then ask, 2. don't mass ping, Read 1 and 2 again"
@DroidDev again and again
no chat is working slowly
@DroidDev :P I had wrote instruction 1 before a few months... deleted by some other owner.
have posted chat before
@SweetWisherツ haha, again and again, yes, that emphasizes it more :D
@DroidDev :P
@MysticMagic you can write, help-vamps are not welcome, but I think, it is not something that could be implemented in this room
@ErumHannan please google first before asking anything here
@DroidDev hmm :|
room topic changed to Smart Developers' Lab: Don't mass ping and try to stick to English, Post Query ONLY after researching well and elaborate as best as you can and show what you tried already, For Code use pastie.org , Facebook Group : facebook.com/groups/484927231520028 about-me : about.me/smartdeveloper [android] [blackberry] [html5] [ios] [jquery] [jquery-mobile] [openerp-7] [phonegap]
@MysticMagic haha, actually, changing room topic doesn't matter much. I am sorry to say, but, it will only help, if it is followed and taught by the users in this room
-_- trying
I don't try much, because, it will make my image as the one, who is stubborn and not ready for help, while everyone else is helping same people at same time.
That's why, most of the times, I just sleep here. But, I really want to improve this room
that's why I always criticise
hmm :)
I turn my back on the room for 5 minutes and everybody chats! Are you all watching me?
lolzz..we are watching u :P
How are you?
m Fine :) you?
@SweetWisherツ ;)
Trying to wakes up
@Slade hehe
This getting up at 7AM stinks
tadaa Tc all :) Cyaa
I have an alarm in my cellphone set to 9 AM which is always snoozed to 9:20
@SweetWisherツ cee yaa!
@Slade @DroidDev @Harish @Joe'sMorgue i am heading home BYE
@maveňツ cee yaa!
@maveňツ bye
anyone used mail api in android

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