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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 20:00

Hi Good morning :)
11 hours later…
Morning morning
@MysticMagic morning ..
Good Morningss
GM guys ......!
can anyone give me idea how can i find which app is consuming more cpu ?
@W-I-Z-A-R-D @SweetWisherツ
A: CPU usage per application in android

escalatorSource: Technique for indentifying android app CPU usage Linux: adb shell top -m 10 | grep packagename Windows: adb shell top -m 10 | FINDSTR packagename

@Harish @PiyushGupta @TopCat @shihab_returns @MRS1367 morning guys
@maveňツ VGM :)
and also can i find cpu level using Ambient temperature
and i have screen i.e to disable apps using Settings-->application manager--->any ssytem instaled apps---> click on it ---->will open that app for disable ..... force stop ..uninstall updates etc
can i open this screen from code in android
@ErumHannan Oh yes, yes you can.
@maveňツ morning mates,,
@shihab_returns seen u after a long time
yeah,,,me too ...how are you bro? @maveňツ
how ? i have got the code for delete user installed apps but i m not getting how to disable system apps or open this screen for disabling can somone pls tell me is there any intent that provides this android ?
@shihab_returns i m good :D
@ErumHannan Yes there is.
any hint so that i can further google on it just intent name
expected always with :) @maveňツ
@shihab_returns and you ?
me awesome, cool n mind blowing..@maveňツ
@shihab_returns hehehee :P
PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
pm.setComponentEnabledSetting(new ComponentName(this, com.packagename.MyActivity.class),

pm.setComponentEnabledSetting(new ComponentName(this, com.packagename.MyActivity.class),
will it open the aplications manager screen or will it directly enable disable apps
@Unihedron there ?
Hello Good Morning
How are you ?
How to show roman numbers in android?
anyone help
Hi All, Anyone tell top 10 best tablet in android.
@johnsakthi to buy?
@W-I-Z-A-R-D I can just give you a link which may be help you dreamincode.net/forums/topic/…
@W-I-Z-A-R-D yes
@PiyushGupta okay i will check it out
mrngs all
@SweetWisherツ Mrng...
@johnsakthi xperia Z2
@W-I-Z-A-R-D with low cost.
anyone has idea i m using delete apps intent to delete user isntalled app its showing me "ok" and cancel how can i read either user has pressed "ok" or "cancel"
@johnsakthi range ?
lenovo yoga
@W-I-Z-A-R-D Is that link useful?
Intent uninstallIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DELETE, packageURI);
Intent uninstallIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DELETE, packageURI);
Intent uninstallIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_UNINSTALL_PACKAGE,
how can i catch either user has pressed ok or cancel button of this intent ? ?
@PiyushGupta ye buddy it help a lot i just wanted to convert no. to roman no.
@W-I-Z-A-R-D Okay bro great!!
the 3rd one i am using
can u pls tell my issue
@ErumHannan Yes mate!1
@PiyushGupta :)
Intent uninstallIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_UNINSTALL_PACKAGE,
how can i catch either user has pressed ok or cancel button of this intent ? ?
@ErumHannan I haven't tried it yet bro
Good noon all :)
@ErumHannan Sorry my intention is not to disappoint you but really if i have implemented such a thing will help you though i will try to find on google
guys How to redirect to the particular activity from the mail page send button
hello all
@PiyushGupta busy?
Yo Hello
@ErumHannan PG said you bro :P
hello @W-I-Z-A-R-D how are you?
what told ? @UnityBeginner
nothing special
@UnityBeginner yes bro
trying a very small work from yesterday but able to that
able to or not able to?
its not able
trying to display counting(number in increasing order)
ok. so what is it
1 after 300ms 2 after 300 ms 3
used this code
whats the value for n?
suppose 90
tried so many ways but not able to do this
used handler, thread
@UnityBeginner Try to use Handler for it
tried that doesn't works
Do you have that code now so i can see it
for handler?
@UnityBeginner It is updating your value??
no try it bro once on your side pls
OK let me try and also 400 is too less time so might your value is updating but because of small time you can't see it
bro pls try you will come to know
@UnityBeginner I have implemented from side this way. So check it its works good. so check it pastie.org/9741889
@UnityBeginner I have used button instead of textVIew so manage that one
ok i try
n let you know
ok. np
your high level code runs above my head
@UnityBeginner Oh. no bro its also easy. But it should work because after tested it i have given you code
okies :P
it worked...
experience matters
thanks bro
@UnityBeginner Oh good
1 min ago, by Unity Beginner
experience matters
@UnityBeginner are bhai tu bhi sikhega hum se bhi acha
nahi seekh pa rha hu
@UnityBeginner U can do because u have a good ability
@UnityBeginner m fine, how r u?
@PiyushGupta lol thanks
@W-I-Z-A-R-D am also fine
hii frnd
can anybody help me
@PiyushGupta @PankajAndroid @Pallavi hi frnds
@Prince @PiyushGupta and all Can we send email with out user interaction if it is already scheduled.we have only network connection in our device but we are not interaction with any server is is possible..?
@W-I-Z-A-R-D there?
selectedAppSizeValueLong = Long.valueOf(selectedAppSizeValue);
while selectedAppSizeValue contains String selectedAppSizeValue = selectedAppSize.split(" ")[0]; // 40.5
its giving meerror
@ErumHannan wat error ?
@GB_Bhayaniツ yes?
hi to all
i need help Please any one tell how JSON data insert into SqLite DB in PhoneGap
i know how create table and insert data into SqLite Table in PhoneGap.I have JSON URL.url have( userName ,address,age).

table create but JSON data insert is my problem .SO Please any one help to me
@PavanAlapati shw code of insertion
11-25 13:32:41.316: E/AndroidRuntime(31044): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
11-25 13:32:41.316: E/AndroidRuntime(31044): Process: com.example.cleanerapp, PID: 31044
11-25 13:32:41.316: E/AndroidRuntime(31044): java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid long: "4.5"
11-25 13:32:41.316: E/AndroidRuntime(31044): at java.lang.Long.invalidLong(Long.java:124)
11-25 13:32:41.316: E/AndroidRuntime(31044): at java.lang.Long.parse(Long.java:361)
11-25 13:32:41.316: E/AndroidRuntime(31044): at java.lang.Long.parseLong(Long.java:352)
@SweetWisherツ can we send mail without user interaction by scheduling..
i guess its because of 4.5 ???
@ErumHannan u r formating number?
i have 4.5 MB now i want to separate 4.5 friom this string
and want to convert in long so that this long can be converted from main number that contains total values in long
@ErumHannan ok
but its throwing error
@ErumHannan show ur code
Hi guys I need to know is it possible to know whether a file(say word) is open before uploading it using ajax in js
@ErumHannan i wil check
@ErumHannan why ur using [0] remove that
try like this String[] selectedAppSizeValue = selectedAppSize.split(" ");
@W-I-Z-A-R-D is this wrong ? String selectedAppSizeValue = selectedAppSize.split(" ")[0];
where selectedAppSizeValue[0] equals 40.5
@SilentKiller not wrong
@SilentKiller he said he is getting error in that line so,
i think he is getting error in this line selectedAppSizeValueLong = (long)(Long.parseLong(selectedAppSizeValue);
bevcause he is doing wrong
he need pass that value to double instead of long
have you heard decimal value in long ?
yes @SilentKiller this is the issue
@ErumHannan replace long with double
@SilentKiller that is why said the in that line
11 mins ago, by W-I-Z-A-R-D
@ErumHannan why ur using [0] remove that
no [0] is not the issue
@W-I-Z-A-R-D every thing is correct in that code except long keyword.
yes u r right
i pass 4 except 4.0 for sample now its fine
1 hour ago, by Erum Hannan
while selectedAppSizeValue contains String selectedAppSizeValue = selectedAppSize.split(" ")[0]; // 40.5
@SilentKiller ok
Hi all :)
hi all
I posted a question but it got a very small number if views because of time :( please check it stackoverflow.com/questions/27122666/…
i have an application build in phonegap it works perfectly in android and ios, now i want to make it on blackberry. Can you help me out?
@Lana try to uninstall that package and again install it
@SilentKiller using sdk manager?
check that Broken Build one and click on uninstall from right bottom
then restart SDK Manager and check @Lana
@SilentKiller I chose delete package option, now build tools does not show under extras tap
@SilentKiller I found many build tools under tools option now which one should I choose?
latest one. @Lana
@that is 21.1.1 it will work even if I am working on api 19 ?
yes. need to install latest one.
@SilentKiller thanks bro, if you post this as an answer I will accept it
and if you do not want I could delete the question
@Lana hi :)
@Lana answered. :)
yes now its solved @W-I-Z-A-R-D @SilentKiller
@ErumHannan credit goes to @SilentKiller
@W-I-Z-A-R-D how much credit convert it to cash please.. .. ??? ;)
@SilentKiller credit is from @ErumHannan :)
yes ofcourse credit goes to @SilentKiller
Guys when dealing with json array is it compulsory to use simple.parser.JSONParser ?
what's your requirement?
@Lana in which platform ?
in android
1 min ago, by MysticMagic
what's your requirement?
I am getting a json array from web page that looks lie this : "array":["ss","ff","aa","mm"] and I want to save it in java array in order to fill in listview
okay,.. and issue?
what I have done : JSONObject json_data2 = new JSONObject(result);
JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) json_data2.get("array");
I do not know who to contiue
Did you google "convert jsonarray to array / arraylist"?
i m finding cpu temperature using sensors but its returning me null in case of LG devices
it indicates that temperature ambient is not available in device
while same code is working fine in S4
@ErumHannan S4 is best device. cause I own it. ;)
@MysticMagic :P
yes but in LG device i have downloaded cleaner app and its showing me CPU level is there any other method to get CPU level in degree celcius unit except sensors
because sensors are available in new devices
@ErumHannan Reverse Engineer it and get code
code for what ?
u mean code from apk ?
cleaner app code is encrypted
so what ?
encrypted code can be decrypt. noting is impossible
how ?
i m getting obfuscate and shrink code in proguard setting
@Slade here ?
if anyone has idea how to do reverse engg pls tell me
@ErumHannan are you doing it because of you LG device giving you NPE?
if yes, are you sure that it has that sensor, from which you are trying to get those values?
Not every device has every sensor
it has not sensor Log.d(TAG,"temperature sensor available or not:"+sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_TEMPERATURE));
this line is returning me null
cpuTemperature = sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE);
Log.d(TAG,"cpuTemperature available or not : "+cpuTemperature);
@ErumHannan put a breakpoint there and check what is null in actual
this is also null
@ErumHannan define this.
this is also null
it means sensor is not available
@ErumHannan then what are you going to do with reverse engg?
I don't understand
If there is no sensor, then your app won't run on those devices
just show a toast that there is no sensor in this device
but cleaner app is showing temperature in same device
how they are showing ? ??
if temperature sensors and ambient sensor is not available
@ErumHannan they might be fetching temprature from internet
and their server might have it
@SilentKiller yes bolo
the tempratures for different places
no its temperature for device not for location wise temperature
@ErumHannan temprature for device? You mean how hot is your device?
that temprature?
my device is cool :P
@ErumHannan then are you sure that the temprature sensors in device return you the temprature of your device and not the room temprature?
@ErumHannan what is the API level of you LG?
@Slade it might be decreasing because you are increasing the size of image after cropping it and then showing it. Are you?
@SilentKiller nope. i m not increasing buddy
@DroidDev ^^
@SilentKiller then it might be getting showed in an imageview that was initially used to show the original image
now the new image is also filling the imageview and hence getting increased
@Slade can you show both image ?
are you sure that size of image is never being increased?
if yes, then you need to check your cropping code
and also the bitmap creation code, which is written after the cropping code
its mentioned in 4.4.2
is that code maintaining same format and resolution?
@Slade all above messages are for you.
@SilentKiller wait.. in meeting
@ErumHannan is there any manifest permission that is required and you are missing it?
i have added internet permission
@ErumHannan A note written here
Implementations vary from device to device. This sensor was deprecated in Android 4.0 (API Level 14).
Deprecated in API 14 and you are at 18 or something I think
the app you are talking about might have written there own class to get values
but, I am not sure in this case
your best bet would be to research more and find concrete proof
yes TYPE_TEMPERATURE event.values[0] °C Device temperature.1 is deprecated but its written in their docs to use TYPE_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE
TYPE_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE will give the temperature of device
@ErumHannan That's not what is told here
TYPE_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE,°C, Ambient air temperature.
TYPE_TEMPERATURE Hardware Measures the temperature of the device in degrees Celsius (°C). This sensor implementation varies across devices and this sensor was replaced with the TYPE_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE sensor in API Level 14 Monitoring temperatures.
@ErumHannan yes and please also read the "Description" of TYPE_AMBIENT_TEMPRATURE
Measures the ambient room temperature in degrees Celsius (°C)
I am fed-up and irritated and annoyed, by the way android layout attributes work
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 20:00

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