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03:00 - 10:0010:00 - 15:00

There are somethings,we can’t buy,one of such thing is our childhood….enjoy the spirit of children’s day..
happiieee children’s day :)))))))
Morning.. Happppppy Children's' day... May the Almighty help us to make this world
a safer place for the li’l ones! :)
Good Morning
@SweetWisherツ @MysticMagic same to you.
@CapDroid gm :)
@MysticMagic mera bhi sunday ko hi tha :)
@CapDroid B 2 W :)
@MysticMagic back to work
Vgm @PiyushGupta
@MysticMagic Hows you?
good morning everyone
@MysticMagic hello
fine @PiyushGupta hello @UnityBeginner
@MysticMagic Have you tried back up for contact numbers and email in excel sheet before??
no. @PiyushGupta @UnityBeginner will ask today again
@MysticMagic Ok. np.. Happy Chirdren's Day.. @MysticMagic @RoshanJha GM
thanks @MysticMagic
@CapDroid Sleepy?
@PiyushGupta working.
want to setup a logic, tried somany logics, but unable to get the required result
these are 14 imageviews(5 red, 5 green, 4 yellow)
i want when the condition is true
it start from 1st and after every 1 sec each and every starts getting visible
and as it reaches to 14 then again start from 1
@PiyushGupta Very GM :)
tried so many logics can anyone give idea?
Good morning guys all
Q: button click inside listview item mixing up action on items

sharathI have a listview with a button.When I click on the button I want the whole item to be set an alpha value and make the text of the button change. The base functionality (the item being set an alpha value and button text change) works but multiple list items are getting the same effect due to this...

guys, please help
@MysticMagic can you pls tell?
@UnityBeginner shoe your code
what happens currently?
are you able to see red, green yellow lights
kindly see the class updatethread code in that
i want it to be visible as a progress bar
increasing one by one
by there it is throwing exception
sorry i forget to add one thing
but still its not working
do i give you the project so that by executing you come to know
@UnityBeginner which?
sorry, resolving bugs n have to give release.. cant see whole prj right now
@MysticMagic pasted code with logcat
see the class UpdateThread in it
Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views
tried runOnUiThread?
try once
o thats the new thing that i learnt today
& google for this err once, you will get many sol. n understand issue, too.
that we can change the view by original thread only
@UnityBeginner that's in logcat :P
@MysticMagic google is giving soln runOnUiThread n runOnUiThread is giving ANR
kindly check this small code
@CapDroid can you pls tell?
@UnityBeginner bit busy :/
ok @MysticMagic
wow! latest Alienware has 5G Wi-Fi adapter card :O
@DroidDev cost only Rs.1,33,9901 :P
@SweetWisherツ ya, but well spent :D
@SweetWisherツ but only 8 GB RAM, if you want same model with 16 GB RAM, then its only worth 1, 86, 690 :P
I never knew 8 GB RAM was this costly...
yaa only 52700 :P
oh yes! only lol
where is @Unihedron ?
@SweetWisherツ wondering same. He was in JAVA chatroom earlier, but now, he is nowhere to be found, even on MSE
can you check this exception n tell what mistake i am making
java.lang.NullPointerException: println needs a message	at android.util.Log.println_native(Native Method)
@UnityBeginner NPE at println
in starting i have to get profile values from server n that i get successfully, displayed them in proper edittext and on click of update button i have to update values but on click of the button update i am getting the exception
code i used
can you pls tell where i am making mistake
is it that i am using 2 AsyncTask in a class?
@SweetWisherツ will you tell pls if am not disturbing you
@CapDroid @PiyushGupta @W-I-Z-A-R-D @DroidDev
@UnityBeginner Did u debug for NPE ??
@Unit ^
yes @SweetWisherツ
i am getting exception at this line
result = httpclient1.execute(httppost1,
new BasicResponseHandler());
is result NULL??
i used logs at every line
n i got logs prior to this line
i haven't checked that
result = "aa" + httpclient1.execute(httppost1,
new BasicResponseHandler());
do i do like this?
Lunch Time will chk later
@DroidDev will you tell?
@UnityBeginner I am not sure where you are getting NPE
the logcat you posted above tells that its at line 216, but the class you posted has only 192
maybe you changed something
I need you recent code and recent logcat
@DroidDev check this
@UnityBeginner I think you are getting null from you webservice
or there might be exception in doInBackground
or you second async task
put a breakpoint on `result = "aa" + httpclient1.execute(httppost1,
new BasicResponseHandler());`
and e.printStackTrace();
when debug point hits
`result = "aa" + httpclient1.execute(httppost1,
new BasicResponseHandler());`
new BasicResponseHandler());
and press ctrl+shift+I
you'll get the response
if it is null
then you need to check for null response in you onPostExecute
did this made any sense @Unit ^ ?
ping me if it doesn't work for you
toggle breakpoint?
@UnityBeginner yes, toggle breakpoints at the lines I wrote above
3 mins ago, by DroidDev
put a breakpoint on `result = "aa" + httpclient1.execute(httppost1,
new BasicResponseHandler());`
ok i put toggle breakpoint on this line
@UnityBeginner exactly
ping me again, when the code hits this breakpoint
yr it means idk how to debug
when debug point hits
`result = "aa" + httpclient1.execute(httppost1,
new BasicResponseHandler());`
new BasicResponseHandler());
and press ctrl+shift+I
you'll get the response
if it is null
how to do this
@UnityBeginner that's what I am trying to teach you
lemme try to do this
i was simply using logs n was seeing on which exception came
thanks n pls help in doing this
its seems very very imp
@UnityBeginner were you able to toggle breakpoint on the line I told you?
@UnityBeginner ok, now debug your code. DON'T run it. DEBUG it
@UnityBeginner you have disabled the breakpoints in your code
enable those, but the button left to the debug button
how to enable
the tilted line on breakpoint will disappear when the breakpoint is enabled
@UnityBeginner by clicking the button left to the debug button on your toolbar
skip all breakpoints
do i click on this
for enabling
@UnityBeginner the button is directly under the t of Project option in your menu bar
@UnityBeginner yes, exactly. When the breakpoints are enabled, the tilted line on your breakpoint, that you just toggled will disappear
2 mins ago, by Unity Beginner
skip all breakpoints
2 mins ago, by Unity Beginner
do i click on this
2 mins ago, by Unity Beginner
for enabling
@UnityBeginner yes, click on this
it changed to .
lemme show you
@UnityBeginner ya, this is good.
now DEBUG your code
remember NOT to run it
n when debug point hits
`result = "aa" + httpclient1.execute(httppost1,
new BasicResponseHandler());`
new BasicResponseHandler());
and press ctrl+shift+I
you'll get the response
if it is null
do i have to press ctrl+shift+I ?
@UnityBeginner did it hit the breakpoint?
not debug yet
the application will stop any further processing when it the debug point
just asking before going to wxecute
@UnityBeginner I'll tell you, when it hits the breakpoint. Otherwise, you'll be puzzled again
getting this dialog what to do @DroidDev
@UnityBeginner anything, yes/no. it doesn't matter
clicked yes
ok good
now, select
new BasicResponseHandler());
from line
ok then?
result = "aa" + httpclient1.execute(httppost1,
new BasicResponseHandler());
after selecting, press ctrl+shift+I
select these two lines n press ctrl+shift+I
@UnityBeginner not two lines
just the snippet of line, that I pasted above
ok, this one:
new BasicResponseHandler());
@UnityBeginner don't worry, its ok
when you press ctrl+shift+i
you'll see another dialog appearing
it'll tell you what's the response you are getting
check if it is null or not
its not npe
@UnityBeginner exactly, now, put another breakpoint in your catch block
on e.printStackTrace();
ok @DroidDev
sorry @Unit wasn't able to catch it
it was nothing
@UnityBeginner ok, now, if the breakpoint hits on e.printStackTrace();
just hover your mouse over e
and you'll get the exception
then agin skip all breakpoints
@UnityBeginner no, never skip breakpoints
now no need to click that button
earlier you said me to click to activate that
@UnityBeginner now you enabled those, if you press that button, you'll again disable the breakpoin
which we dont' want to happen here
so as it will reach the first breakpoint do i need to press that again?
or do i remove the first breakpoint?
so that it can go to the second one
@UnityBeginner no. Once enabled, breakpoints will remain enabled forever
no need to remove breakpoints either. You can put as many as you want
so as it will reach first
do i press ctrl+shift+i?
or what must i do so that it may go to next step?
@UnityBeginner there is a button like play on top of toolbar
press that
i will click on playbutton
as it will reach 1st breakpoint
is it resume(f8)
or play button you are saying
@UnityBeginner yes it is resume
it looks like play button
i do now
did it reach the breakpoint in catch clause?
it gave exceptions over there
@UnityBeginner good, now hover your mouse over "e" and you'll again get the dialog
it'll tell you exact exception
it gave exceptions in dialog
@UnityBeginner yes, now, you'll now what exceptions you are actually getting
@UnityBeginner so, that's the main reason, you were getting null in your onPostExecute
internal server error
@UnityBeginner yes, search for what does response code 500 mean
and also put the check for if(result!=null) in your onPostExecute()
so, that you don't get any further crashes in future, if some guy at server end messed up in his/her code ;)
500 Internal Server Error
A generic error message, given when an unexpected condition was encountered and no more specific message is suitable.
@UnityBeginner it might be because you sent something wrong in your parameters or something might be wrong at server end
but, before we move on to allege people at server end, confirm that the parameters you are sending are 100% correct
then we can drag the guys at server end to court ;)
is your app still crashing @Unit ?
@DroidDev kindly check this
@DroidDev if you don't mind can i join you after having lunch?
@UnityBeginner hehe, there's nothing left to debug now. Just check the parameter spelling that you are passing in ws with the parameters that are written in the sample
i checked that
but still getting this
that's why i gave you code n link of webservice also
you may also see bro
@UnityBeginner then I think the problem is at server end
did u chk the req in SOAP UI ?? @UnityBeginner
just tell the guys working at server end that your are getting response code 500
if it wrks fine then surely there is prbm in ur code only
and they will see what might be wrong
at server end i executed this code on browser n its working fine
@UnityBeginner wow! then your parameters are wrong
check for spelling
@SweetWisherツ i took think so but not getting what it is
@UnityBeginner by spelling, I mean, spellings of keys in NameValuePairs
they should be exactly same as that given in WS document
meanwhile, I bookmarked the chat, hope you don't mind @Unit :)

When Unity Beginner learned debugging ;)

1 hour ago, 49 minutes total – 149 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 1 min ago by DroidDev

@DroidDev will be useful to others for debugging :)
...and what I see is that nobody in this room has ever bookmarked anything :O
explore guys
yaa :P no bookmark yet
you are programmers....
@SweetWisherツ yup, tutorial saved forever :D
will do it for sure :)
@Unihedron alive
hiya @Unih
@SweetWisherツ watching this endless list of new questions never gets boring
hehe good u added one more letter to Ping uni :P
good idea :P
@SweetWisherツ otherwise, it would have pinged Unit too ;)
hehe yaaaa.....
@Unihedron oh trust me! I am very innovative, once my pills kick in ;)
hi there :D
hi here :D
@DroidDev thanks for teaching
@SweetWisherツ hello
@UnityBeginner no worries, it was fun. You try to learn everyday. You are here with your doubts, not with your problems. That's why, you qualifies to be helped :)
btw, are you already done with your lunch @Unit ?
@Unihedron hw u manage so many rooms :O
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Oct 18 at 13:40, by Infinite Recursion
@Uni, how do you manage to balance everything? Talk in all SE/SO chat rooms, 112 SE accounts, so many area51 commitments, Smokey and Pham on git...play chess...omg!!
@Unihedron Ohhhhh
@Unihedron I am pretty convinced that you are either a bot or you have at-least 16 hands and 16 eyes :P
@DroidDev maybe :)
@SweetWisherツ kaam kar jaa be
since we'll virtually never meet in real life anyway, it doesn't really matter. xP
@DroidDev pulls his hair :P
@Erick just just justt
@SweetWisherツ kaa kaa kaa ?
@Unihedron don't be so sure, maybe one day world will shrink so much, the difference will be unnoticed
@SweetWisherツ his...?
@DroidDev urs only
@SweetWisherツ lo lo lo
@SweetWisherツ 123 accounts
@SweetWisherツ lol, go pull your own hair :P
Does anyone know about Magnification Gesture ?
@RoshanJha no no
Q: Google eclipse plugin is not working for juno 4.2

KirtiEclipse 3.8/4.2 (Juno) Plugin for Eclipse 3.8/4.2 (Juno) https://dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/4.2 using this plugin for eclipse it is showing me the error like this : An error occurred while collecting items to be installed session context was:(profile=SDKProfile, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.i...

if any one having any idea ?
about that
@SweetWisherツ :D nice
hey @SweetWisherツ how are you ?
i need a help
@GurumoorthyArumugam Yes?
@SweetWisherツ Can you tell me where is @Prince ? I found he posted same question on SO
he is in office:P
kaha ho tum ?
Anyone came across references for gridview with loading animation ?
@SweetWisherツ bulaao use
@RoshanJha cant come ..
@B.rohitNare nooo..issue ?
@SweetWisherツ how to programmatically call listview item selection ?
@GurumoorthyArumugam I think I know you :P
@SweetWisherツ Ok
@GurumoorthyArumugam mean ?? do u wannna call listener ?
@SweetWisherツ Always No :p
No issues just looking for references
hehe oKie
@B.rohitNare take No by default,will reply u whever No turns to YES :P
Loll ok
just to set it as selected , u can use listView.setSelection(position); @GurumoorthyArumugam
to call the listener, u can use listView.performItemClick(view, position, id)
@RoshanJha ha ha yes bro
@GurumoorthyArumugam May I know u ?
@SweetWisherツ i tried both
@SweetWisherツ yup
@GurumoorthyArumugam Nice, you are learning Andorid
@GurumoorthyArumugam then ?
@GurumoorthyArumugam intro plz
A: Android - ListView - performItemClick

sulaiThis works best for me. Run this on the main thread. new Handler().post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mList.performItemClick( mList.getChildAt(mActivePosition), mActivePosition, mList.getAdapter().getItemId(mActiveP...

> Run this on the main thread. @GurumoorthyArumugam
it's wrkng
@DroidDev yes
@RoshanJha what is the issue ?
03:00 - 10:0010:00 - 15:00

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