anybody help me....while sending datetime in string as request url.... java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character in query at index 69: 1:08:57 AM
I need to check whether the given combination of city and state are correct using Google API.
Ways I found so far
1. USING GeoCoding API:
We can a make a call with zipCode which ll return a JSON. There is a field describing formatted address which contains city,state,zipcode,area,etc.
@MysticMagic I have listview in which I have radiobutton. On radiobutton selection I have to store that value that whenever I come to this page it always show the same selection.
now when I select any new radiobutton the old should be unchecked
My requirement is like this: I say I am calling a number on that time and I want to call another number Programetically. So far what I have done is: I am able to call to particular number while already some call is going. For example, suppose I am calling on number 123 and after 1min With Alarm M...
@MysticMagic @Aamirkhan i pass pull request through command line and fetch all changes from remote server now i want to revert that pull changes from my local repository
I used the Jquery Jail plugin to lazy load the images on my Mobile WebApp.
The plugin works fine other than its does not uses cache to keep the images once it loaded .
For example I wanted to stop the the images loading again from the scratch once the images are loaded .
As of now it loads all...
@Prabuddha there are two folder for values i have created. one values-en and value-fr. Now i want to launch my app as a french not in english. so how. There is no any option to change language in app. just for client need to launch as a french and when i am using it will be in english
I'm working on a app in which dynamic views are being generated onClick.
The code is working fine but the problem is,when I drag the button to the previously generated buttons,it overlaps other button(s),which is not my requirement. What am I doing wrong? Or what is missing?
so you need to push your code with following commands
git add -A
git commit -m "AnyText"
git push origin [YourRepositoryName]
git status <= this command is for confirming if the push has done or not, or for confirmation you can also check your git repository on browser to check updates