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@SilentKiller Very Good Morning
Any idea about background Service ?
Good morning all :)
@SweetWisherツ vgm :)
Gm @NareshSharma hw was ur birthdaY ??
@Wizard vMG :)
Happy birthday @NareshSharma
@Wizard be lated :)
@SweetWisherツ ok... belated :) :)
Goodd Morrnniing @Dhruti @SweetWisherツ Assalamualaikum Have an awewsome Day
@Strider ya say
@SilentKiller how to upload video on background service ..!
@SilentKiller WalekumAssalam :)
hws ya.?
Good :) u?
@SweetWisherツ Me Awesome/MindBlowing/Fantastic/Wonderful
@SilentKiller expected the same :)
A: how can we call webservice through background service

Rob KentThis question covers the general issues. You will need to look elsewhere for the details of wiring up the web service: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2775628/android-how-to-periodically-send-location-to-a-server

A: Android: How to periodically send location to a server

Rob KentI recently wrote one of these and decided it is not a good idea to leave a background service running. It will probably be shut down by the operating system anyway, or it could be. What I did was use a filter for the boot intent and then set an alarm using the alarm manager so that my app was res...

first containing Sample link too.
@SilentKiller Very good morning..
Good Morningss @SilentKiller @SweetWisherツ @Dhruti @Wizard
@Dhruti hows you.?
@TopCat gm :)
vGM :) @Dhruti
Good morning All
@TopCat Very Good Morning
@TopCat Vgm :)
@Wizard Hows u?
@TopCat @SilentKiller @SweetWisherツ @Dhruti stackoverflow.com/questions/25766987/…
@SilentKiller thank you so much bro
@Strider :)
@TopCat m great how r u?
@SilentKiller doog ^ n... you? :P
same :)
@SweetWisherツ GM..
@Dhruti :P
morning all
@Dhruti kese ho ?
@SweetWisherツ doog.. you?
@SweetWisherツ @TopCat hello GM
@Dhruti Me Awesome/MindBlowing/Fantablous/Wonderful
@Dhruti same here :)
@AndoMasahashi hello GM
@AndoMasahashi didn't work on it :/
@AndoMasahashi whats the issue Sir.?
@AndoMasahashi GM
@SilentKiller :P
@TopCat thank you but what happened? :P
@NareshSharma mood swings :)
@TopCat :P
@SilentKiller issue is that when i add headerview listview scroll to last item
@Dhruti @NareshSharma Sir came and left
@RoshanJha Namaste2
@AndoMasahashi you want to scroll automatically at last Item in listView.?
@SilentKiller hmm :| post birthday syndromes :P
Good Morning Everyone
Gm to All
@NareshSharma Doog morning :D
@NareshSharma Good Morning Sir. :P
@SilentKiller GM BOSS :)
@SilentKiller no bro its happning right now so no need to scroll
@TopCat :)
@SweetWisherツ acha gya sab
has itunesconnect change app upload concept ?
@NareshSharma greatoo :) waitng for party ;)
@sanjeet no idea
@user3800154 access granted
@AndoMasahashi have you tried this one.? mListView.setSelection(0);
Gm All
@Aamirkhan morning brother
@Aamirkhan Assalamualaikum
@NareshSharma hw was your b.day.?
@SilentKiller walaikum assalam
@Dhruti You should close the umbrella now
@SilentKiller scrollTo(0,getChildAt(0).getTop() - vHeader.getHeight());



smoothScrollToPosition(getChildAt(0).getTop()); i tried all this method but not working
@SilentKiller awesome
@SweetWisherツ very soon
@NareshSharma :)
@NareshSharma What is your current lat long?
@SweetWisherツ kya ye tum ho ?
@Aamirkhan 29.9657° N, 76.8370° E
@AndoMasahashi do one thing whenever you had kept these lines comment them and just print selected Index of the listView
@SilentKiller how are you ?
@RoshanJha ha me hi hu :)
@RoshanJha its optical illusion :P
@Aamirkhan ok :P
@NareshSharma Come By train or Car
via National Highway Number 8 , 15 h 26 min
@RoshanJha me fine and you. and please try to chat in english
@SilentKiller ok wait i am checking
@Aamirkhan I will prefer Train :)
@NareshSharma you can use cycle too
@PG_Android Good Morning Sir.
@Dhruti what doing.?
@SilentKiller GM. Big Sir
@SilentKiller Ohh Sure sir sorry for that
@RoshanJha R u also here?
@SweetWisherツ :) how are you ?
@Dhruti hello Madam
@PG_Android :D
@RoshanJha fatek :) u ?
@SilentKiller Sorry yesterday forgot to call you
@SweetWisherツ :) great, I am also fatek(well dont know what it is)
@RoshanJha :)
@SilentKiller selected index(29921): -1
this value
Doog doog
@SilentKiller I understand, now I will not give a chance of my complain
@RoshanJha hahaha :P :P :P
Good Morning
@NareshSharma so when are you coming? i
@AndoMasahashi still your listview getting scrolled..?? or you are setting focus to some index or scrolling somewhere.?
@user3800154 Very Good Morning
@Dhruti I am u 2
in winter
@SilentKiller :)
@SilentKiller yes my listview scroll to last item i am scrolling to smoothScrollToPosition(getChildAt(0).getTop());
@NareshSharma which winter Sir.?
Without using auto complete text view i want to display such drop down below EditText
@SilentKiller @NareshSharma
@AndoMasahashi remove alll scrolling code and then check.
i have already searched , did not get any idea
@SilentKiller coming winter :)
any one iOS Developer ?
@NareshSharma Winter is starting just after 15 days
@Aamirkhan why you don't want to use AutoComplete.?
@Dhruti :P
@SilentKiller Because i have lot of requirement which is not possible to do with auto complete
yes @user3800154
@Aamirkhan elaborate :P what have you tried?
@Aamirkhan Use list, in relative layout give its id below to that edittext
i have one issue from long time can u hele me ?
@RoshanJha List in the sense list view?
@SilentKiller bad me bol na mat
@Dhruti I have searched on google,
@Aamirkhan yes
@sanjeet stackoverflow.com/questions/25762208/… you can check it here
@Aamirkhan then you can have ListView below EditText
@RoshanJha I can't use that bcs my layout is inside scrollview
@Aamirkhan hmm. say whats issue?
@PG_Android what.?
@SilentKiller I can't use that bcs my layout is inside scrollview
@Dhruti I want to get same dropdown without using auto complete text view
@Aamirkhan show your UI
Good mornning :)
@SilentKiller still sam e value
@AndoMasahashi still scrolling.?
@QuokMoon Assalamualaikum
Hmm, In scrollview take relativelayout, give id of list below to edittext and above to view which is below of edittext
@SilentKiller k I m have not read your msg esa
just give a try, I know you can't have two scrollable view but just give a try
pastie.org/9543861 this is a class which extends edit text , and here is xml pastie.org/9543864 on which at line number 86 i have used that edit text class @SilentKiller @Dhruti
@RoshanJha listView with inside ScrollView..?? :P
i have never tried this @user3800154
@QuokMoon assalamualaikum
@SilentKiller still scrolling to last item
@AndoMasahashi let me check.
I am going to buy Moto g 2nd gen.. what you suggest do you guys have else best option
@sanjeet ohk btw tnkx bro
@SilentKiller @Aamirkhan Walekum Aslam bhai...
@PG_Android here or in device.?
@SilentKiller Here
@SilentKiller :D yes
@QuokMoon It's amazing . go for it
Check kar link moto g next @SilentKiller @Aamirkhan
I am also looking for new device
@PG_Android i had seen that you forgot to call.
@Aamirkhan yes i will do .. do you have review
@QuokMoon it is good. But is there external card available?
@SilentKiller Yeah
yes 32 gb supported
@PG_Android yes 32 gb supported
@QuokMoon No but previously mogo G was providing nice feature on this price, but issue was screen size was small, but on this device screen size is 5" which is amazing for developer
@PG_Android :P
@QuokMoon Ok in old one there was not
@Aamirkhan show image how you want to show.
@QuokMoon Go for it
yes PC_Android ..
now 2nd gen have option to expand memory upto 32 gb
@Aamirkhan screen UI
@SilentKiller ok 1min
A: Stopping the auto scroll of listview android

larham1sdk since 9 has: listView.setOverScrollMode(View.OVER_SCROLL_NEVER); and see ListView Scrolling

try this answer
@TopCat sure thx
@Strider :)
@SilentKiller i made class of listview because i made pull to refresh so just check my class in stackoverflow.com/questions/25766987/…
@RoshanJha Vgm
Ab to roj aana jana rahega .>! @RoshanJha
@Aamirkhan open a dialog while touching comment box.
@SilentKiller Yes dialog hi open kia he mene abhi
@AndoMasahashi check this method. onScrollChanged. may be you need to debug this method to look out the issue and check what value you are getting for deltaY
@Strider :)
@Aamirkhan i dont think there is any other option
@SilentKiller this method just give me how many pix i stretched listview fromm top
@SilentKiller Issue ye he ke jab dialog open hotahe to us waqt user edit text me kuch type nahi kar sakta, bcs dialog is disabling background portion of layout, so took decision to remove dialog and put something else so that user can see search result simoultanously he can also type on edit text
@AndoMasahashi this method will call each time when your listView will Scroll
@SilentKiller @Aamirkhan @TopCat assalamualikum mates.

Good morning to all
WalaikumAssalam. @shihab_returns
WalaikumAssalam. @shihab_returns
@shihab_returns Kibhabe apani ?
@SilentKiller ok well scenario is i need to check if little bit stretched then add headerview and more stretched then pull to refresh
@Aamirkhan :D :D me awesome, mindblowing..
@shihab_returns i m ok
@shihab_returns wa alaiisaalaam
one query.. @Aamirkhan @TopCat @SilentKiller
I have to collect data from gps n i can get this data as well. but if some one switched off their Access to my location option in settings , i move user to this setting page..
@shihab_returns so whats the query in this.?
after switch on the Access to my location , when i get back to the apps, i have no Location data right now. so what should i do?@SilentKiller
@shihab_returns Refresh the activity when you are back
do your operation inside onResume method
@NawazSE Access Approved
@Prabuddha morning Sir
@RoshanJha lol
@SweetWisherツ ?
@SweetWisherツ I think he mean "fataka" or "patakha":P :D
@Prabuddha not at all sir
@SweetWisherツ ok madam/mam/teacher
@shihab_returns Hi
b 2 w :P
left , top, bottom ,front, middle , infront of , behind,
@SilentKiller not done yet
@AndoMasahashi buddy bit busy with urgent task
busy with doing top bottom.... :)
gm frndz
today office starts at 11 am
@SweetWisherツ MorNing ...
@FruitNNuts... @RoshanJha @SilentKiller @Dhruti @SweetWisherツ @Aamirkhan gm all
@maven gm
I have searchview, when activity starts I see only search icon, when I click that icon then full search comes(with icon,edittext and close icon), I need this full view by dafauly, any property for this ?
Ok I got it
property is iconifiedByDefault
yes it has
Yes I found while asking question :)
any one have any idea how to start the call intent when option menu item is clicked
Hi All
@Adi its simple
@maven thanks :)
plz tell me @maven
i have used intent
i need swipe like that any one idea then tell me please
but its is giving me error as activity not found
how to implement in android
where you putted it @Adi onOptionsItemSelected?
@Adi @Override
public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    switch(item.getItemId()) {
    case R.id.menuitem:
        Intent intent = new Intent(this, Activity1.class);
what is activity1
is it to start the call?
but i want to use intent to start the call
not the activiy
u want to do call ?
Intent callIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DIAL);
maven thanks i have done it
searchView.setOnSearchClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

public void onClick(View arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
System.out.println("-------------Search clicked---------");
this event is not firing
anyone have idea?
@Adi r u girl ?
@maven :D
@maven yes
Ok I got it
why ?@maven
@AnilPrasad ?
@KeTaN solved ur back stack issue?
@PG_Android PG hi ;)
@maven hi
kaise ho
@maven good .u?
There Are Far Better Things Ahead Than Any We Leave Behind

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