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03:00 - 11:0011:00 - 16:00

@QuokMoon there?
@Indian thanks dear
@NareshSharma happy b'day
@NareshSharma bhai party
@UnityBeginner YES
@UnityBeginner thanks :)
n after that i gave a button that is get images
@NareshSharma Still in office ..! on Birthday
on click of this
a dialog appears
containing images
n on click of 1 image in dialog
the image is set on the layout
on which earlier i set the image that i picked from gallery
@Strider yes :)
@Indian Party any time.
i may set 5 images on the background image
move then by dragging,zoom them
but the problem i am facing is
firstly as i set image in imageview1
n drag n zoomed that
n after that i didi same for 2nd
now i want to amke some change in 1st
i am not able to touch 1st
the code i used paste.ubuntu.com/8308299
@QuokMoon got my query?
yeah sure i will back from tea break after few min
@PG_Android sorry sir
what is a best way to call JSON webservice in phonegap?
what you had tried so far.? :P
I have just started
phonegap room is empty
@Aamirkhan i am facing a problem will you pls help
@Aamirkhan hi
i am making a project in which i have to import image from gallery
n i have 5 images in my app
n i may set any 1 or 5 of them on that image that i picked from gallery
i may resize them
drag them

i did this much of work that i want to do
but there is a bug in this
that is suppose firstly i set image on iv1
i dragged that, zoomed that
n after that i set image on iv2
now i want iv1 to drag again
but not able to do this
i think i am not able to touch iv1
@SilentKiller I am learning gather knowledge and will get back to you with full of preparation
@Aamirkhan @SilentKiller
@nikki Hi
@UnityBeginner ok
issue solved due to Locale i was facing issue.I did not create android_metadata in db
now fixed
the code i used
you may see image what i am trying to do postimg.org/image/xacm67bkz
@Aamirkhan please don't
@NareshSharma How was your day?
@SilentKiller no solution for my issue?
@PG_Android onLocatoinChange method
@SilentKiller yeah i know that but how to put marker on route and moving marker on that route bro
mean pointer moving as you rotate your device.?
@SilentKiller let guess that i m able to put marker on that route but moving on route is how??
@SilentKiller No not rotate as we walking
@SilentKiller if you are not busy can yu pls help?
@PG_Android as you will implement LocationListener you'll get each changed location in onLocationUpdate method so you just need to addMarker each time when you got new location and remove the old marker
@SilentKiller I understand all the concepts bro and as my knowledge i will do. But problem is with my route. Ok nope. thx. i will send you code and and at evening or night call you
@PG_Android sir good afternoon
@NitinGohel are big sir good noon
@NitinGohel so now a days seems busy
hello @PG_Android
@PG_Android not much
like you
@SilentKiller hello man....you solved my big problem...
@SilentKiller congo
@SilentKiller if you remember me.... thank you...
@NitinGohel yar two apps running
@UnityBeginner hello
anybody there???
@PG_Android mine only one since 1.2 year
how are you @PG_Android
in universal image loader....
how to clear cahe of image loader before that page is being loded....
@NitinGohel Oh. ha ha
@Aamirkhan still going good
@UnityBeginner fine. thx
@NareshSharma good evening sir
@anupamaJ where and how.? :/
@SilentKiller before my image loader activity get loded , where i have declared ImageLoader variable....
gotch you
@SilentKiller ImageGridActivity.imageLoader.clearMemoryCache(); ......method sets null pointer exception...
can anyone suggest how can i use gesture imageview
@UnityBeginner what you want to do.?
@anupamaJ may be imageLoader is null
i am using two imageviews in my app
n as i set 1
n make changes over that
n i set second
n if again i want to change
i am not able to touch that
cos iv2 comes in front
thats why i have to gesture imageview
@nikki Great
thanks for update
can you pls tell how can i use gesture imageview
@SilentKiller yes .... but how to solve this...
@hotveryspicy busy?
@SilentKiller image loader is suerly null , coz it is initialized at another class..
@NitinGohel Good Eve Sir :)
@SilentKiller here i want to check it is present in cahe before that class get called...
anyone interested for talking about iOS 8?
@anupamaJ create a gatter setter of ImageLoader or create a new Object of ImageLoader
anyone know to do sandbox testing here?
@Nirav currently we are busy android
@Nirav Welcome
@SilentKiller simple.......thank you..
@anupamaJ welcome
@SilentKiller busy?
bro i did that n i found n tried many of these
anyways thanks
i try self
@SilentKiller u knwo javascript well ?
@SilentKiller I am so sillent
@Gajini even i know bit of Safarjan(iOS) too. :P
@PG_Android good..
@SilentKiller i need help in javascript
@Gajini go and ask in that room. :P
@SilentKiller ok
@Gajini lols tell me what happen.?
i need a suggestion to display a tree heirerchy using js without any library
how can we do that
@Gajini without any lib.? are you testing me or asking help. :P P for Punch
@SilentKiller HELP
@SilentKiller on demand
@Gajini what about NODE Tree .? isn;t it help full.?
A: Javascript Hierarchy/Tree creator

Sen JacobYou may just need to reverse this.. CSS3 Family Tree Otherwise you can use Canvas for drawing your required tree structure Or you can use jsPlumb Library. See some samples here Also checkout JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit and GoJS libraries. Also checkout D3 library. Demo1, Demo2, Demo3

A: I need to create a custom tree data-structure using JavaScript

MongolojdoThe most managable approach for this structure is IMHO to use linked lists. function Node(parentNode) { this.Parent=parentNode; this.FirstChild=null; this.LastChild=null; this.PreviousSibling=null; this.NextSibling=null; } Node.prototype.AddChild=function(child) { child.P...

@NitinGohel :P
lemme give a try @SilentKiller
thank you Sir.
How to show list view on class extending edit text
@maven wt happen?
and finallyyyyy done with reseting image in view pager :) @SilentKiller
byee all :)
c u al on tuesday
@PG_Android noithn
u keep trac king me
@PG_Android piyush :) bye bye
bye bye
u wanted to ask something ?
please help me todo inapp purchase by amazon in android
@Shadow please help me todo inapp purchase by amazon in android
@RoshanJha please help me todo inapp purchase by amazon in android
@PG_Android please help me todo inapp purchase by amazon in android
Q: How to roll calendar to the next given weekday?

NezamI am fetching a number of weekdays from the server,which correspond to Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK.That is SUNDAY=1;MONDAY=2; so on and so forth.I am working on a way to roll the current calendar to the next weekday from the array of weekdays fetched from the server. Here is what i have been through: ...

Happy Birthday @NareshSharma :) All the best for future.
@Aamirkhan yes bro
posted on September 10, 2014 by Android Developers

By Bruno Oliveira, tech lead of the 2014 Google I/O mobile app Keeping data in sync with the cloud is an important part of many applications, and the Google I/O App is no exception. To do this, we leverage the standard Android mechanism for this purpose: a Sync Adapter. Using a Sync Adapter has many benefits over using a more rudimentary mechanism such as setting up recurring alarms, because t

@Prince :)
03:00 - 11:0011:00 - 16:00

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