Many many happy returns of the day @NareshSharma :) Have a fun filled day and a year full of achievements ahead... May God bless you with all the happiness which you deserve :)
@NareshSharma Many Many Happy returns of the day. God Bless you and gives you all what you want as well as all what you deserve because you want a little but you deserve a lot. Happy BirthDay Brother. have a Greatest/Awesomest/Wonderful/Fabulous/Fantablous Day and Year ahead...!!!
@Aamirkhan i am facing very strange issue for sqlite db.I have a table in which i have some entry of hajj date related like hajj_start_date ,end_date.I have to calculate hajj countdown days between current day to coming hajj day.I am firing a query based on year from table for getting start_date of hajj and calculating the hajj remaining days.Sometime i am getting right result from db and again it is given exception when i come next time coming from other activity to HajjCountDown.
09-10 11:09:39.915: E/SQLiteLog(16419): (11) statement aborts at 17: [select * from hajjCountdown where year=2014] database disk image is malformed
09-10 11:09:39.915: E/DefaultDatabaseErrorHandler(16419): Corruption reported by sqlite on database: /data/data/
@nikki Comment this line getDataFromDatabase(); on init(); function, and overwrite onResume(); method in your activity and inside onResume(); put this line getDataFromDatabase(); and run your code again, and see the result
@nikki You are getting this error database disk image is malformed which is bug in Sqlite Database, and lot of developer has reported same issue as mentioned here -> Google Result
I need to pass this Array of parameter to Ksoap webservice in android. This is my soap action.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="
Some of suggestion i got from this search result is that we need to upgrade SQLite Version and for that some one suggested to use kind of adapter for db
there is an app.. which convert image to voice.. for converting to text i m using ABBYY SDK .. it returns the text in string format.. then i do TTS ... text to speach translation .. in that google unable to detect between dash and minus sign
n i have to give 1 button aside to get, i.e we can say set image when we click on set image button 5 images will appear i may do that also n on click of image i have to set that image on the earlier image
how to do this
a user may set a single image or he may set 1,2,3,4,5 images on the above image
@SilentKiller something like this. I know using LocationListener we can do that but i want to navigate on my drawn route
@Abhi navigate means suppose u r in the car and ur current location is updating and you can see route or path in your map using current location blue marker pointer
I'd like to get the exact, pixel position of the ListView scroll.
And no, I am not referring to the first visible position.
Is there a way to achieve this?
I'm trying to detect when a list view is scrolled beyond certain fixed threshold in pixels (half way through the first item). Unfortunately listview's getScrollY() seems to always return 0 instad of the scroll position. Is there any way to get the actual scroll location by pixel?
Here's the code...