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Goooooooooooooood Morning SD
Good morning
Does anybody know how to play part of music? For example, i want to play only the first 10 sec of a song
@CoKoder vgm @Wizard
Good morning every one
@Strider :)
@CoKoder no idea
Anyone Working on S3 Amazon Video Upload ?
Morning all
@Wizard SD?
@SweetWisherツ Vgm :)
@SweetWisherツ Smart Developers hehe
heh OKies :) thought Sweet Dreamzz :P
@Strider I haven't worked but have you did all functionality using Amazon?
@SweetWisherツ ok :)
i need help
my app should work offline and i save data in sqllite and when user goes online i need to fetch the records from sqllite db and send it to server how can i do that ?
any one help..
check for the internet connectivity in bg service.. as soon as u get internet, call webservice to send data from sqlite
GM @TopCat why r u here ?
Daily visits..
Good morning all
at home?? @TopCat
@PG_Android yes
@SweetWisherツ ok thank you ....... :) i will try
Salam @SilentKiller :)
@TopCat VGM..
@SweetWisherツ WalaikumAssalam.
@Strider my friend did all things but in ios.
@SweetWisherツ @SilentKiller @TopCat Working on S3 Amazon Video Upload ?
@SilentKiller GM
@Strider nopes.
@Wizard VGM
@Strider Nop
@sweet yes
happy Onam in advance :)
In mobile so can't mention
Thank you and same to u
Happy Onam In advance to all
Good morning all :) have a grt day :)
Gud Morning...
@SunnyShah Olley Sunny. Good morning
@PG_Android :P
@SunnyShah Hows you brother?
I m fine... How about you..?@PG_Android
@SunnyShah I am fine.
hummmmm nice...
@SilentKiller if m i not here??
Great animation in Android L. Liked it androiduipatterns.com/2014/09/…
@SilentKiller where are you disappear now?
@PG_Android send me sample code of this links. :P
@SweetWisherツ :P
@SilentKiller which animation link?
5 mins ago, by PG_Android
Great animation in Android L. Liked it http://www.androiduipatterns.com/2014/09/material-design-activity-transition.htm‌​l
@SilentKiller Ni I think no sample code
GM to All
@SilentKiller is this possible?? Can developer switch of traffic info? The google map shows traffic on the map and sometimes blocks the line of the route.
@PG_Android then create samples and mail me task for tomorrow. ;P
Gm Everyone
gd mrng !@PG_Android @SweetWisherツ @ all
@SilentKiller is this possible?? Can developer switch of traffic info? The google map shows traffic on the map and sometimes blocks the line of the route.
@neerajkirola GM
@PG_Android have you checked OSMDroid.?
@SilentKiller No.
Very Good Sir.
@SilentKiller Thank you GuruJi
@PG_Android do you want to disable that data.?
@SilentKiller But i reall don't know that what does it mean? can you explain me?
@PG_Android its showing traffic details that which route is clean and which are blocks due to traffic.
@SilentKiller Okay. So how can we achieve that ?
@PG_Android mean you want that data.?
@SilentKiller yes
@SilentKiller So programmaically we can check with its availability ?
that's R&D part.
Good mornning friends :)
@SilentKiller Asslamoalekum :)
@QuokMoon Assalamualaikum
Walekum Aslam dear
kitni bar ??
good morning everyone
@SilentKiller OK bhai
@DemCodeLines access granted
@SweetWisherツ Thank you.
I have a question in C#, do you guys know the language or is this primarily for Android and iOS stuff?
@DemCodeLines i'm android dev :)
Good morning all :)
Mrngss @Shadow :)
ofc ?
Good morn :) @SweetWisherツ
nope :)
@DemCodeLines Thats not correct .. you have to build logic not matter what type of language use to write code
ask @DemCodeLines
@QuokMoon he is not asking that.
@SilentKiller ??
@DemCodeLines most of the users are from JAVA, Android, iOS and HTML background. you can ask your query if anyone have any idea about it they will surely help you. :)
@QuokMoon read again
@Aamirkhan Assalamualaikum
I posted it on SO, here it is:
Q: Implementing grouping in a custom WinRT ListCollectionView class

DemCodeLinesI am using the ListCollectionView class provided at the following link: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/527686/A-WinRT-CollectionView-class-with-Filtering-and-So However, it doesn't seem to support grouping the items. I tried doing the following to group the items, but it would throw an err...

@Aamirkhan @SilentKiller :P
@SilentKiller walaikum assalam
@QuokMoon @SweetWisherツ assalamualaikum
@QuokMoon You can do it from local history
@Aamirkhan walekumAssalam
@QuokMoon which.?
@Aamirkhan i am not sure after restarting eclipse
@QuokMoon Right click on project-> click on Restore from Local History
than select listed file
yes i got it.. cause i am using android studio ...
ok , no idea about android studio
    Go to the Project tool window and right-click the project node or just a folder, where the file used to exist
    On the context menu, choose Local History, and click Show History on the submenu
    The local history view for a project or folder shows you everything that you have done during the last few days. In the Action column of the lower part of the dialog box, select the action you want to roll back. In our case, this is the Deleting action. So doing, the upper part of the dialog box shows the tree view of changed files.
From the article: "Note that ListCollectionView class does not implement grouping. That is a more advanced feature that will be left as an exercise for the reader." — Athari yesterday
@Aamirkhan Hello @QuokMoon
Busy all
saturday fever :P
@SilentKiller bhaiya
ok ..! and still you working
hello any one why my admob not working last two days?
@PG_Android ya
@Ramani i didn't block them
@Strider yaa need to :/
@SilentKiller Today don't forget to do that what u had to do earlier
@SilentKiller have any reason for google?
@Ramani check on google.
@PG_Android sure sir
@SweetWisherツ deadline ?
can i help you ?
@SilentKiller But sir u always forgot. But this time not yar
@SweetWisherツ call web service only once when internet connection is established how can i do that
@Wizard take a boolean
@SweetWisherツ ok
@SweetWisherツ got it thanks
@SweetWisherツ complete your deadline
@SilentKiller Oh oh oh. So so so i have to wait
@Strider will yu help me in PhoneGap ??
@SweetWisherツ ya
@PG_Android i'll try my up best
@Strider r u sure ?
@SweetWisherツ yes yes
if i can
@SilentKiller thx bro
@Strider Thnkss I will do
@SweetWisherツ ok
morning shorning
hi @Prince good morning :)
Helios Telios
@Prince live ?
Yup living :D and you?
O Helloo @Prince :)
@Prince yes me too
@Prince Working on S3 amazon ?
Hello @SweetWisherツ :D
@Strider nop buddy!
@Prince How's You ??
@Prince ok budy
Off today?? @Prince
@SweetWisherツ jakkas :D Yoo
@Prince as Usual Fatek :)
Good Good :)
Is there any API which will give me lat long on bases of place name ? Like pass parameter like "Food", it will returns me all the available food shop near to my location ?
no idea :( sholyyy @Prince
its ok :)
17 mins ago, by SweetWisher ツ
Off today?? @Prince
yipee game demo ready hogya...:)
@SweetWisherツ hove, aaj chutti :)
and yours?
@Prince we are workin g
Hmmm :-/
lunch time :)
@Strider @SweetWisherツ Tatus. take care :)
@Prince Office :/
@Prince Facing One Strange issue
@Aamirkhan what ?
@Strider inside fragment i have assign on click method of edit text
some times it call
and some time not
while in normal activity it works fine, but facing this issue inside fragment
@Aamirkhan fragment no idea
@SweetWisherツ ??
@Aamirkhan hello
@UnityBeginner Hello ... have you worked with Parse?
@Aamirkhan can u show me ur code for it?
@UnityBeginner Yup
yes i have
edtcomments.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

public void onClick(View v) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Log.i("click position",""+edtcomments.getSelectionStart());
if(edtcomments.getSelectionStart()<length && length!=1){
Here is code @PG_Android
@UnityBeginner hi
2-3 months ago i made a project in that i used parse.com
@Aamirkhan how are you?
@UnityBeginner I am fine
@UnityBeginner actually i am using ToDoList demo project i just set APPLICATION_ID, CLIENT_KEY of my parse app also added one table with some columns but i m not getting response
Getting this warning - 09-06 14:22:32.538: W/DefaultRequestDirector(351): Authentication error: Unable to respond to any of these challenges: {}
@Aamirkhan Generally its works in fragment also. But on click event of EditText you have checked condition. So i think when first time fragment visible its works fine and when second time you come in that fragment at that time your fragment not completely destroyed or deattached.
sorry priyanka i made only project in which i saved the highest score using parse, i haven't used parse somuch n i did that much of work by studying its tutorials that are given on that site
i am not in practice with that
but if you have query you may ask on that site also
@UnityBeginner Ok...Thanks for your reply :)
thanks kya i am sorry that i am not able to solve your query
@Priyanka hello i import playservice lib but what is test device id
@UnityBeginner No no, Its Ok... :)
@Ramani what are you doing.. ?
ads:adSize="SMART_BANNER" />
this is my xml
@Ramani adMob
admob not working that why i change the play service
@Ramani So you want to know how to get device id for adMob??
how to work for play service
adView = new AdView(this);
AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder()
this is my java code
@Ramani In Your SDK Manager Google AdMob SDK Manager and Google Play Services are installed ???
@Ramani Is your ad unit id correct?
this unit id is my old admob id
@Ramani you know na process of generating ad unit id for particular app???
yes this id is my app unit id
@Ramani we are using package name for generating ad unit id.. is this same package which you are using to generate id and currently use in your app ??
half day today
@PG_Android Same pinch :P Bbyeeee
@Priyanka Oh u have same half day?
@PG_Android Yup ..will leave at 4 o'clock
@Priyanka i have 2:30 but yar bcos of some work stayed
@PG_Android mine was 3 ;) and same reason ...but this time some work was not mine...helping junior ..
@Priyanka also help me yar
@PG_Android You...what issue you have
@Priyanka i am not create unit id .Is this maintain in our boss only give the id for me
@Priyanka wait
@Ramani that id generated using package name.. playstore link with package name..so ask him how he generate that id ???
@Ramani see this link is showing how to add app at admob site and how to generate ads...
@Ramani here at step 4 ...we give the package name after App name..
@PG_Android what to buy :P
@SweetWisherツ Hi
@SweetWisherツ but means buy
Taking auth, not to repeat it once taken an auth
Class is extending EditText
not able to write onTextChange Listener on it
any one have idea?
lol..is it an auth @Aamirkhan??
@SweetWisherツ Solution batavna
show code
Ye lo
@SweetWisherツ Got solution
method is wrong
by mistake i use onTextChanged
inplace of addTextChangedListener
If any one require Tag Functionality code than i will create a Git Repository
Q: Android Tag Functionality Customization

AamirkhanIn my application i am giving spannable to different word of single edit text, for that i am storing start and end position of different position on which i need to apply span method. like this i have used setChips method public void setChips() { // split string wich comma Log....

i had this query
I achieved some succes on it after several hours of work
It's not perfect but still under construction
@Aamirkhan is it wrap your contain with text size
@SweetWisherツ Howz you...where are you??
@QuokMoon Means? Didn't get you
@Priyanka m Good..n here only :)
Means whatever you written down into edittext than it will stick as tag ok ?? than is it wrap text size contain @Aamirkhan
@SweetWisherツ my mean at home or office ?
@QuokMoon Tag is happening when user write @ charector
office na
@SweetWisherツ Ok..
listening srk song
@SweetWisherツ me also at office
just leaving now as today half day
@SweetWisherツ Hmmm Bbyeee
Bubye Cyaa
@Ramani @PG_Android @Aamirkhan @QuokMoon Bbyeee All :)
@Priyanka Bye :)
@Priyanka Bye
@Priyanka bybye... :)
A: Stripe Card id using token in Android

StriderAfter Generating token Use this... Customer.all(new HashMap<String, Object>()); Using this finally i got Cardid which i want. Here is the total response of Customer. { "data": [ com.stripe.model.Customer JSON: { "object": "customer", "created": 1410001523, "id": "cus...

Finally i got this answer guys
it may help you ..! in future
1 hour later…
bye bye :)

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