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04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 17:00

Good Morning
Good Morning Everyone
@NareshSharma Work on stripe payment >
morning...to all
@Stella access granted
good morning frndz
@Strider I didn't worked with this gateway. But you can share your issue
Q: Stripe Card id using token in Android

StriderI am integrating Stripe Payment module in my application. In that i use this Stripe Library. Now using this code i generating token. Using this token i need card id before payment. How to get this card id'. ? Here i show you response of Stripe. When i enter Card Information about the card Like...

Good Mornings All :D
Good morning...
GM to All
Gm Everyone
gm friends
Good moring all :)
Good Morning ALL
@Prabuddha @Prince @hotveryspicy @TopCat gud morning
@maven Morningss :D
how's u dear
u say
m gud
@SweetWisherツ @maven how i'm using ratingbar and i have given numberof stars = 5 but still in the view it is showing more stars
@Prabuddha Hello While Saving recorded video application force closed ? why
@maven @Prince @PG_Android
@Harish can u show the xml ?
@Harish and what about style="@style/CustomRatingBar.xml" also show CustomRatingBar.xml
@Harish Couldn't resolve resource @style/CustomRatingBar.xml
can i test icloud in simulator ?
in IOS Developer Family, 3 mins ago, by Nitin Gohel
Q: Using iCloud in iOS Simulator

user772845In my App, when I try to run code in the iOS Simulator: NSURL *iCloudURL = [fileManager URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier:@"2VHM28566N.com.eept.TestICloud"]; NSLog(@"IS ICloud : %@", [iCloudURL absoluteString]); It shows that iCloudURL is nil. Can we use iCloud without an iPhone device?

in IOS Developer Family, 3 mins ago, by Nitin Gohel
Q: Testing iCloud sync with a single iOS device

ClafouI have just one iOS device at the moment, and it hasn't been a problem so far. But I now want to add iCloud sync support to my app (which uses Core Data). Will testing be simply impossible until I get a second device? Or is it possible to use iOS Simulator in conjunction with my device or to fak...

@Harish probably you are using wrong way.. show your styles.xml also
thanks @NitinGohel
@Priyanka styles.xml
hello @maven
@UnityBeginner how's u bro
am fine n you?
@Harish try like this
hello @Prabuddha @PG_Android @hotveryspicy @Priyanka @TopCat
@Harish don't fix the width of rating bar
}else if(a==c){
Log.i("","in else");
@UnityBeginner Hi
@Harish you there???
Good noon all :)
@Priyanka Yep same problem
i am facing a problem i am getting
in else
it is going in 2 conditions but it must go in one, can anyone solve this problem of mine or can anyone tell where i am doing wrong
the code i am using [is](http://pastie.org/pastes/9526051/text)
5 mins ago, by Unity Beginner
}else if(a==c){
Log.i("","in else");
good morning @QuokMoon
@SilentKiller Hey man where are you?
@PG_Android can you look over the problem i am facing
@UnityBeginner very good mornning
how are you doing ??
6 mins ago, by Unity Beginner
i am facing a problem i am getting
in else
it is going in 2 conditions but it must go in one, can anyone solve this problem of mine or can anyone tell where i am doing wrong
the code i am using [is](http://pastie.org/pastes/9526051/text)
just trying to make a game but facing some problem
11 mins ago, by Unity Beginner
}else if(a==c){
Log.i("","in else");
@Strider how would I know that?
whats a 'a' and 'c' ??
its just a small demo
nothing is a n c
just to tell that it is going in 2 conditions
n it must go in a single condition at a time
and i suppose its integer
this is actual code over which i am facing problem
but to make it simple i gave that small demo
@Harish its working for me on every device size try again like this
@Harish if same problem is arrive than show the screenshot
@Priyanka can you look over this problem of mine
@UnityBeginner try to debug your code and see what value is assigning in every variable ..
i tried its going in both
@Prabuddha Hi. I want this type of pointer imgur.com/BR0AsV1
@hotveryspicy Are you there Man?
for a moment
@hotveryspicy Please see my link imgur.com/BR0AsV1. I need this type of ponter
that is current location icon
@hotveryspicy Yeah i know that but in my app seems 3.bp.blogspot.com/-Sy61Gjk7aKA/Tw2Lo553AiI/AAAAAAAAAVI/…
this one and my TL wants as in first link
hmm, checking
take time
@hotveryspicy Ok take ur time. But please gimme a solution if there is
@UnityBeginner i dont know what exactly code are going if its only matter about integer condition it should be work...
this is the full code
but i pasted that much is of use
@QuokMoon data null in recorded
@QuokMoon there?
@Priyanka screenshots
can you pls look overthis line
// if number is in saveword1list
in code of mine
@Harish your xml is like this
@hotveryspicy IS that possible? Or we need to update google map from google play?
@Priyanka yes..
Can you send me your sample..
@UnityBeginner sorry .. i am stuck in build.xml file load .i will back after min
@Priyanka can you zip and send me the total app please
@Harish your id please
@Harish okies
hi all..anyone worked in image zoom in and long touch event in android?
imageview @maven
check this
@Harish :)
@maven y u angry?
@PG_Android i never do :)
y u think so :)
issue is i implemented long touch on imageview and also pinch in zoom..issue is when i zoom the image, long touch event trigger and it is displaying. i implemented this.
requirement is when i long press on image, (long touch event to handle) but not in while zooming the image.
@SilentKiller @hotveryspicy @Prabuddha @Prince I need help regarding proGuard.. did you use than how to i rename class using this ??
@PG_Android busy?
Q: Stripe Card id using token in Android

StriderI am integrating Stripe Payment module in my application. In that i use this Stripe Library. Now using this code i generating token. Using this token i need card id before payment. How to get this card id'. ? Here i show you response of Stripe. When i enter Card Information about the card Like...

@Prabuddha i aksed can you please try to solve
@QuokMoon @PG_Android @Priyanka @maven
@Strider sry no idea regarding that
@maven ok
@maven there?
@QuokMoon there?
@maven hello
@UnityBeginner Which is best way to save video ?
i haven't saved
no exp regarding this
do google you will surely get a good idea
@UnityBeginner ok
@PG_Android not sure, bit busy
In button click of logout i start a thread for update logOut time in server and then i call activity.finish(). then thread works complete or stops?
@Dhruti :)
@Strider @UnityBeginner yes
Which is best way to save video ?
@Strider from ?
i m record video .. and not save in sdcard still.. so what is the best way to store video ? finally i need to send that video over the server using webservice
follow this and this, too @Strider
@Strider if i am not wrong you are asking about parsing and get card_id from it
@QuokMoon yes but before payment
@Strider i use this way

@maven but have you stored that ?
@hotveryspicy Ok
my question is that ..
@Strider whatever ..i dont know much about your third party Lib but if you have reponse than only one thing remaining and its parsing
@Strider did you use fileUri = getOutputMediaFileUri(MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO);? and then put that as extra in intent when you use startActivityForResult?
@Furqi wake up :P
@Dhruti yes i used that
@Dhruti hi
@Strider did you debug what was null in output.setText("Video File : " +data.getData());
@Furqi how's work going on? :)
@Dhruti so much tough
@Dhruti data null
and resultCode = -1 i got
@Dhruti on success
Can any body tell me how can i get this pointer i.imgur.com/BR0AsV1.jpg
no idea Piyush :/
@Dhruti what to do ?
Folder is created properly?
@Dhruti No folder bhi create nai ho raha hey
@JaiSoni There???
wait. trying to run your project
@Dhruti ok thanks
@Strider app crashed but also could see the created folder, as well as captured video.
hello @Dhruti
@Dhruti so what is the solution ?
@Strider no idea. testing in other device as I have some confusion.
@UnityBeginner hi
how are you?
hahaha :D
@PG_Android Unfortunately may be you need to create your own
@Dhruti i tried on galaxy , motog
but i got the same error
of course, you'll get error as data is null and you try to access it!
@UnityBeginner I am good. you?
@hotveryspicy :P
am also good
i need a small help from yu
are yu busy?
hahaha :D
@hotveryspicy Oh. really means we can't use in built.??
yes. bit. ask. if anyone knows, will help..
i am developing a game
n in that i used this code inside touch
@PG_Android clue says so
so i am facing a small problem init
when i debug this code
09-04 13:54:57.040: I/word(31884): char already exists 7
09-04 13:54:57.520: D/AbsListView(31884): unregisterIRListener() is called
09-04 13:54:57.600: I/Choreographer(31884): Skipped 33 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
09-04 13:54:57.620: I/System.out(31884): in else
09-04 13:54:58.151: D/AbsListView(31884): unregisterIRListener() is called
09-04 13:54:58.241: I/Choreographer(31884): Skipped 36 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
@hotveryspicy Oh but i think in our google map app it displays as normal as we can see
so i want to set the code that is in onTouch inside a new Thread
may be it'll solve the problem
@PG_Android GMAP and googleMap control are different...so
@UnityBeginner use pastie.org
public boolean onTouch(View arg0, MotionEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
try {
x = event.getX();
y = event.getY();
item_position = gvgame.pointToPosition((int) x, (int) y);
do i use thread after this? @Dhruti
this is my code
no idea, as I didn't work on this kind of stuff
ny suggestions regarding where i must use new thread
so that i may try to use that
hahaha :D then use it na, or Handler
@hotveryspicy how?
can yu pls tell?
Thread t = new Thread(aaa);
@hotveryspicy Oh okay. But without making custom there is no any other way?
after item_position = gvgame.pointToPosition((int) x, (int) y);
@UnityBeginner or may be your encouraging this statement, Behind every successful Man there is a Women
@hotveryspicy dude pls dont say anything wrong to anyone
Afternoon all
n if you may help then it will be good for me
good afternoon @SweetWisherツ
@SweetWisherツ busy?
@hotveryspicy Tl wants that buddy
@PG_Android yes
@JaiSoni chk this i.imgur.com/BR0AsV1.jpg
I want this pointer
@PG_Android so do it
yr i have use thraed in many of my apps but here the condition is different
if you are not busy may i tell?
@PG_Android no image there..
@Dhruti there?
@JaiSoni current location pointer
@UnityBeginner for you, never. Please proceed
@Dhruti getting RESULT_CODE-0 every time on startActivityForResult with video play mode . evenn we back, cancel and after playing whole video...why so...any idea ??? @SweetWisherツ
i want to make this MaxMatch game n on touch of image i am drawing image
the code i used
pls check this line in the code
// if number is in saveword1list
@Priyanka mmm nnhi :(
@SweetWisherツ ok :/
@UnityBeginner say condition, no time to see APP
googled?got anything ?? @Priyanka
// if number is in saveword1list
this code is for if the user is coming back
suppose there are numbers
n user touched ---456789---
now user feels it touched 9 wrong n comes back to 8
for this condition i am using this
so the problem is, it is checking whether the number in the list n returning true n performing work as it must do but after that it goes in else condition also @hotveryspicy
this is problem
@SweetWisherツ actually its happening in GG
@Priyanka ohh
@UnityBeginner busy :|
No @Priyanka :/
i am getting this kind of problem
}else if(a==c){
Log.i("","in else");

i am facing a problem i am getting
in else
it is going in 2 conditions but it must go in one, can anyone solve this problem of mine or can anyone tell where i am doing wrong
ok @Dhruti
@Dhruti Ok :)
will you please stop pasting code here ? @UnityBeginner
o c'mon let him...
@SweetWisherツ its a code of only 4 lines
@hotveryspicy hope you got the problem
@UnityBeginner must be in 1 condition know?, patch: use return;
in if n else also do we have to use break?
I mean return
@UnityBeginner room looks bad with wall of codes. Please avoid
@hotveryspicy did you see the image above
@Dhruti ohh please, let him solve his problem. Later owner will clean the room
i can't see images here
i have to make combo blue-blue
for logic can't give you time.
hi @Dhruti
nah i dont wanna understand logic
yr everything is working fine but the problem is this all work is getting done in main thread may be thats why i am getting this small problem
you can use return if you want to stop executing line further
use Handler
i am running .apk file ..its work fine in emulator.... but when i run .apk in tablet....then some of function or button ..not work ? @hotveryspicy @Dhruti
n isn't it will create problem all the work is done in main thread
some device will not work, and its against the standard approach
@JaiSoni Oh bro
so i must use another thread? hvc
A: What does a return key word do in a void method in Java?

CookieOfFortuneI just exits the function at that point. Code after it has returned is not run. eg. public void test(int n) { if(n == 1) { return; } else if(n == 2) { doStuff(); return; } doOtherStuff(); } Note that the compiler is smart enough to tell you...

its device prob ?
or else ?
ok i try this
@17Coder what kind of button or function not working?
return false or true, based on your logic
ok i try
@UnityBeginner :)
@hotveryspicy i am working with 3 button.. like clear,clearAll, print. print is not working.. when i run in tab ?
else if (checknumber) {

return true;
now will it not go to the else{} ? @hotveryspicy
do you understand english?
@Fasilkk @speedDeveloper access granted.
@hotveryspicy hi bro
simple button .. (onclick button)
@17Coder kindly check logcat if the app crashes.
hi all
@hotveryspicy still the same
@Dhruti ok .i ll check
@UnityBeginner debug
@maven no one is family member here
ok i do it again
can you pls help in doing this work in another thread
@hotveryspicy its too rude
09-04 15:41:21.773: I/word(21550): char already exists 7
09-04 15:41:22.154: D/AbsListView(21550): unregisterIRListener() is called
09-04 15:41:22.214: I/System.out(21550): in else
09-04 15:41:22.554: D/AbsListView(21550): unregisterIRListener() is called
@hotveryspicy got this
check logic, what you expecting
04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 17:00

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