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04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 16:00

Good Mrngs :)
@Prince Morning Always Good :)
GM @Abhi :)
@AliAshiq Access Granted :)
Gud MorNiNg ....!
@FruitNNuts... vGm :)
@hotveryspicy To u :P
Use Your Smile to change this world but don't let this world change your smile :)
hmmm nice one
A true Champion not only wins the game but also the heart of those who didn't make it......!
@user1547937 access granted ;)
Good Morning Everyone
Mrng Sir :)
Good Morning
Morning All
Gm to all
@SweetWisherツ thanks
good morning
Good morning
@Rusuf there?
Poly Picker Library for multiple image selection github.com/jaydeepw/poly-picker
Good morning guys
@PG_Android he is not here
@SweetWisherツ Rusuf na?
Yes i think.
@ItachiUchiha Good Morning bro.
Heya Sasuke :)
Ohh @Gajini :) GM
@SweetWisherツ gm
@PG_Android mrng
@ItachiUchiha How are you?
4 mins ago, by SweetWisher ツ
Heya Sasuke :)
hbu ?
hey @SweetWisherツ :)
@ItachiUchiha if u are good then friend i am also good
@ItachiUchiha m not :@
@SweetWisherツ you are :P
can anyone help..i want to convery dtaetime into gmt + 0 format
@PRB access granted
@NareshSharma - hi.thanks for accepting.i have a question on android.can u plz help me on this.
how to show the actual server error message on app GUI
@Prabuddha Wel come. Good Morning :D
you are :P :P
@PG_Android-Hi. i have a question on android.can u plz help me on this.
how to show the actual server error message on app GUI
@ItachiUchiha good then :@
@PRB means get response from server and display in ur app??
@SweetWisherツ good ?
yes @PG_Android
@PRB What is your data format json or xml?
actually m doing that to upload an image in server. @PG_Android
Good Morning all
@PG_Android-- I have written while ((ch = is.read()) != -1) {
b.append((char) ch);
String str2 = b.toString();
if (str2.equalsIgnoreCase("success")) {
returnvalue = true;
Log.v("Response of returnvalue:", "" + returnvalue);
else {
and onPostExecute-
if (success) {
"Image uploaded successfully", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
} else {
if (!success) {
"Image uploading failed due to :", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
use pastie to paste code @PRB
@PG_Android @NareshSharma @TopCat Gm
@Aamirkhan VGM
@Aamirkhan GM
@AndoMasahashi Welcome to smart lab
@Aamirkhan thank you
Coffee Time
i need one help regarding android tab widget

i need to animate tab when i click on listview one of tab have listview
@Aamirkhan @SweetWisherツ
@SweetWisherツ work kab kartiho?
@AndoMasahashi animate the tab mean ??
@SweetWisherツ animate tab widget means hiding like facebook bottom view.
@AndoMasahashi i'm not using FB, so no idea abt fb bottom view
can u share a snap??
@SweetWisherツ But i am machine, 101010100000111110000111110101010101
@PG_Android morning
@SweetWisherツ google plus use kare che
@AndoMasahashi lol...use english...yes
@SweetWisherツ ok so in that when you scroll up and down then there is animaton on bottom i need that animation
@SweetWisherツ when i click on list view i need to animate my tabwidget
How to get print out of sms
any one have idea?
animation at bottom or TOP ??
at bottom
dint get :/
@Prabuddha i need to get parent activity in list activity and parent activity contains tabhost Activity_tabs tabs = (Activity_tabs) getParent(); but its fail
good morning all :)
what she is whispering?
@Yousefkhan access granted
thank you @sweet wisher
I got a target
@hotveryspicy Hi
Worshiping for no error
@PG_Android- Have u checked?
@Aamirkhan @SweetWisherツ @PankajArora @Prabuddha Have any body 800x1280 7 inch tablet??
resembles that she is whispering the next guy
@hotveryspicy its ur PoV :)
@Mubeen1992 Access granted :)
@SweetWisherツ Don't ever do it
@Aamirkhan what?
@PG_Android me?
@hotveryspicy Yeah one question
@PG_Android can you help me about android searchviewcompat?
@Mubeen1992 Sorry but bit busy
is there anybody who can help?
@Mubeen1992 issue?
never used
hi everyone. Can anyone tell me how to test my application using sandbox?
@hotveryspicy for 7 inch tablet resolution 800x1280 i have made layout-large folder. So it would be better? Or will be used layout-sw600dp?
go for SW concept, you will have many option then
@SweetWisherツ I am trying to use that for filter listview but I never used that before
@hotveryspicy layout-sw600dp? this one?
@Mubeen1992 facing any issue ?
@PG_Android yes and 10" sw720
@hotveryspicy Ok please clarify me about this whwn we need to use large-xlarge and sw?? Because i have read many docs in some case they told to use large or some body told to use SW
@SweetWisherツ I am new to android so basically don't know how to use that and I searched in google but it seems it used in menu only but i need just a custom search field
Q: Click on Alphabet then it should jump all data starting with that letter in GridView in Android

ShwetaI have a GridView data, I have to scroll data according to clicking on Alphabet, When we click on any alphabet then it should jump all data starting with that letter. I have attached an image. I have Google so much but I have found example for ListView but I have to implement it for GridView. ...

basically I want to implement filter in list na ??@Mubeen1992
@PG_Android "large" relates with physical aspect, while "dp" relates resolution
@PG_Android--hello.....have u saw the code?
@PRB No i am busy right now for my app
@hotveryspicy Ok So we need to use layout-sw600 for it?
hello every one i have an issue please help..
@SweetWisherツ let me explain you whole question
@hotveryspicy And for drawable folder?
@PG_Android--THANK U
@Mubeen1992 better :)
I am creating an view to for user to select to select his contacts in my app
@PG_Android for example there are tablets which having 480X800 and their size is 7"(physical) then too it will take resource "large"
@PG_Android same 600 and 720
@SweetWisherツ so now i got all contacts and showing in listview
@hotveryspicy Ok got it thanks!!
@Barun no idea
how can check internet connection in background in android, i know to check if my app is open but if my app is not open then how can i check please help wat service i should write
@SweetWisherツ but now i need a edittext field or searchview means anything where users enters name and it starts search and show only that contacts like in android default contacts select view
@SweetWisherツ @Aamirkhan @TopCat
@hotveryspicy i want to run my app in background and check for the internet
depends, without running app, you can achieve the task
@SweetWisherツ means I want that user can search contacts by name any suggestion will help
@Mubeen1992 you need simple edittext... addonTextChanged listner.. apply filter in afterTextChanged...you have to apply filter in ListAdapter
@hotveryspicy how?
task is yours, no more question now
@SweetWisherツ thanks allow me to check.
Any one has used [Secret app] (secret.ly) ?
i just want to get the idea about the design of this app
any one?
@SweetWisherツ i am applying filter in this way lv.setFilterText(s.toString()); but it is not working properly
@SweetWisherツ thr
@Wizard yes
@Mubeen1992 implemented Filterable?
@SweetWisherツ i need help
@Wizard fire
@SweetWisherツ i want to run my app in background and check for the internet?
@Wizard so what's the issue in it ?
@SweetWisherツ instead of removing other items it just show text that i enters in text field.
@Mubeen1992 overriden getFilter in ur adapter ??
how to i do it ?, if device gets internet connection i wanted to send shared preference data to the server using webservices
share ur code @Mubeen1992
A: How Can I Use SearchView with Filter mode in a ListView in API lever 8

2DeeThere is a class is the support library just for that : SearchViewCompat

you havnt implemented Filterable
@SweetWisherツ let me update my question
@SweetWisherツ please check my code again
@sweetwisher there?
@Yousefkhan wait
@Yousefkhan check answer
@SweetWisher where?
@SweetWisher oh that was not my question. that belonged to @Mubeen1992
i thought he is askng.. :P @Mubeen1992 chek nd let me know
nw say @Yousefkhan :P
@SweetWisherツ hehe sure just a min
nah never
@SweetWisher in this app, when you open an image and scroll the comments below it, the image is collapsed with animation. Do you know about this behavior ? what is it called?
like a Viber :P ?
Itz called Parallex effect
if I m not wrong
let me check
try this @Yousefkhan
@SweetWisherツ gm
@Shyildo afternoon :)
Good aft all :)
Afternoon Mr @Shadow :)
Good aft :) @SweetWisherツ
@Shadow good aft
hello everyone
good morning
how are you @SweetWisherツ
I am trying to make a game in which we have to match colours, like in the image above
n i did some of the work
@SweetWisherツ on touch of item i drawn this image n did work like this
but you may see the difference in image of that game
n mine work
i think he is also using imge
n he is checking the value of every item n next item n as per that setting the image
is it?
Not sure..just played his game..havnt wrked on such task yet :/
any idea
anyways thanks for looking over this query
@Mubeen1992 any success ?
@SweetWisherツ not yet :(
any prbm ?
@SweetWisherツ can you please use same arrays as mine
u can replace it
ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> phones = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String[]> selectedPhones = new ArrayList<String[]>();
ArrayList<String> selectedPhoneNumbers = new ArrayList<String>();
use the same array whichever is being used in list
@SweetWisherツ little confusing what is dataTemp
and data
@Mubeen1992 replace it with yours..
and data?
@SweetWisherツ Have You used GET and POST methods for posting or retrieving data from server..?
@Mubeen1992 chk updated code
@Harish yes
@SweetWisherツ In what way You are retrieving data i have written in this way can i know how you are writing..
@Mubeen1992 checked??
yes looking at that
Good Afternoon..
@QuokMoon salam..afternoon
Walekum Aslam @SweetWisherツ
@SweetWisherツ too solid
hehehe Good :)
could you please say how you are writing those get and post methods and calling apis
doesn't your code work ?? @Harish
try to modify ma code according to your existing code @Mubeen1992
@SweetWisherツ facing problem a bit so i'm asking ..
@SweetWisherツ okay
@Harish ma code is different n cant share even...you can ask the problem
@SweetWisherツ could you please say how to pass the parameters using Get and Post to server.
Lunch Time will see afterwrds @Harish
@SweetWisherツ ok
@QuokMoon Assalamualaikum
@SweetWisherツ Thanks
@SweetWisherツ but i did this because of your help :)
@SweetWisherツ there?
@Mubeen1992 Yes done ?
@SweetWisherツ nothing happens when i enter something
still an issue ?
@SweetWisherツ yes
I thought u r done
there is no error but when i enter any word it does nothing
then wht u achieved with that code?
@Mubeen1992 show me textwatcher
plz use pastie
and getFilter method ??
use pasti @Mubeen1992
Is it going in getFilter ?
checked ur code..same as mine @Mubeen1992
2 mins ago, by SweetWisher ツ
Is it going in getFilter ?
yes it is going
@Mubeen1992 are you able to get filtered data in names in publishResults ??
@Aamirkhan Walekum Aslam ..
@Mubeen1992 check in performFiltering ..is it adding in array and being returned or not ??
@SweetWisherツ look at this code this works fine but it miss the checked checkboxs
@Mubeen1992 mean ?
filtering wrks fine ?
please look at the code
then you have to manage it
mCheckStates = new SparseBooleanArray(namesFiltered.size());
it is being re-initilized
so you will lose the checked checkbox values
if i don't do this then its positions are messed up
first try to resolve one issue
okay with this method filter works fine
but now next thing is that i have to get selected values
what happens if u remove mCheckStates = new SparseBooleanArray(namesFiltered.size());??
i guess that values should not b changed..
i am getting values of selected phone numbers with this method
2 mins ago, by SweetWisher ツ
what happens if u remove mCheckStates = new SparseBooleanArray(namesFiltered.size());??
Take a data structure and add the values in that model only instead of using multiple ArrayList @Mubeen1992 it will ease ur work
think so
bcoz to filter data you have to deal with multiple arrays...and it increase the complexity
did you checked this code?
yup checked
let me do this i will tell you as i am done
@Mubeen1992 Sure:)
yes sure
I accepted your answer but now just one thing left you have to help me in this
ya ask me if u face any issue
else I have shown you the path :)
1 hour ago, by Harish
@SweetWisherツ could you please say how to pass the parameters using Get and Post to server.
yes ?
@Harish which server ?
@SweetWisherツ Yes
did you google ??
@SweetWisherツ Yeah after googling i have written that ..
Then dint you get any code to pass the value ?
A: Using HttpClient and HttpPost in Android with post parameters

Andreashave you tried doing it without the JSON object and just passed two basicnamevaluepairs? also, it might have something to do with your serversettings Update: this is a piece of code I use: InputStream is = null; ArrayList<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); nameV...

@SweetWisherツ I have also written the same
2 hours ago, by Harish
@SweetWisherツ In what way You are retrieving data i have written in this way can i know how you are writing..
where is BasicNameValuePair ?
ArrayList<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("lastupdate", lastupdate));
httppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePairs));
same given here too..it should wrk..
@SweetWisherツ hello one simple issue
@Ramani yes ?
assetList =[A,B,C,D]
else if(assetList.contains(Object object)){

ArrayAdapter<String> adapter2=new ArrayAdapter<String>(Filtsearch.this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item,Waus1);
I want if(assetList.contains("A")){
@SweetWisherツ From the other class i'm calling makehttprequest() and passing params to it..
@Harish so ??
wht u wanna do ?? @Ramani
is it an array ? @Ramani
@SweetWisherツ in post they are asking to send me the JSON and in GET i need to send params
A: Android - Check whether a value exist in an Array

Rohit JainYou can use List#contains method. For that you need to convert your array to a list. You can use Arrays#asList() method fot that: String[] bob = { "this", "is", "a", "really", "silly", "list" }; if (Arrays.asList(bob).contains("silly")) { // true }

04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 16:00

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