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03:00 - 12:0012:00 - 14:00

@Prince I am working like the same
@prince any hint?
@Anjali this is my code
@DhanushBala access granted
Q: onscroll table thead fixed and apply tbody td width to thead th

Dhanush Bala$(window).scroll(function(){ if ($(this).scrollTop() > 740 ) { //$(".fixed-div-attendance").append($header); var first=0; var length=$('.table thead tr th').length; for (var i=0; i<length; i++) { console.log(i); var t...

is it ok to use any plugin?
Q: HTML table with fixed headers?

CheekysoftIs there a cross-browser CSS/JavaScript technique to display a long HTML table such that the column headers stay fixed on-screen and do not scroll with the table body. Think of the "freeze panes" effect in Microsoft Excel. I want to be able to scroll through the contents of the table, but to alw...

try this @DhanushBala
@Anjali @Anjali seen seen ?
Internet connection issues here.
@Prince Internet connnection?????
I mean to say in my office, net issues right now. because of rain.
@DhanushBala if you are sure of using flag, you can keep a boolean globally which is false. Check it in start of that method. if false, make it true and execute the code. else don't execute. But that's not preferable way according to me
Bye All
your handler code works
thanks a lot.
Yours welcome :)
@Aamir bye tc buddy
dude still struggling with float any help
adjustBudget = adjustBudget + 50.0f;
adjustBudValTxt.setText(String.format("%5.1f", adjustBudget));
Adjust Budget Value is 0.0. I want to increase to 50 for each interval ?
Rain Stopped me
Leaving AH
gn tc
@QuokMoon Allahhafiz
@QuokMoon tc :)
@Aamir Welcome :P
any android developer is there??
many, actually :P
i need a help
Q: Sql Database connect Using the JDBC Driver with android

Muthu Pandiyan.I'm trying to connect to SQL Serverusing JDBC in an android app. I imported sqljdbc4.jar into my application but when i get to conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connString); i get the error below: the connection string is jdbc:sqlserver://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:1433;encrypt=fasle;user=usern...

@Prabuddha can help
this is my post any help me please
thanks @MysticMagic
sorry haven't worked on this one!
possible for this in mobile
not sure!
it's k any way thanks for your replay.@Prabuddha
@MysticMagic Can we make changes in library file xml
which library file?
In the xml of pulltorefresh Lib
no idea about that lib.. sorry
@rahulraj access granted
i would like connect VPN from IOS programaticaly
can any help me out how to do it ?
after searching a lot i was able to find that it should be done through system configuration frame work
Q: Localstorage is blocked by StartApp/adMob :(

Alex StaneseI finally managed to implement StartApp into my cordova project and when everything looked nice the BIGGEST problem appeared. StartApp somehow messes up my localstorage database. This also happends with adMob as I saw on the internet. When I hold the middle button to get into the recent apps and ...

yet not solved? :(
@rahulraj not ios person :/
no man... its driving me crazy
k thanks
03:00 - 12:0012:00 - 14:00

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