followed this link. got output for ios6 . But the same code not displaying calendar for ios7. whats the issue?? @Aamirkhan @The_Lazy_Man followed this link. got output for ios6 . But the same code not displaying calendar for ios7. whats the issue?? @Avijit, @AnilPrasad
I'm having a little issue. I am trying to incorporate the Klazuka/Kal project into my project. I've done the following:
I added the Kal.xcodeproj and all files to my project
Under Build Phases, I've added Kal to "Target Dependencies"
Under Build Phases, I've added libKal.a under "Link Binary ...
I am using below code to get uninstall package broadcast receiver but I don't get any response. can any one say what's wrong with code.
<manifest xmlns:android=""
I want to clean up the junk created by my application at time on UnInstalling the Application.
Using ManiFest File:-
Added in Manifest File:
<receiver android:name="" >
<action android:name="android.intent.action.PACKAGE_RE...
I want to install an apk file and set a broadcast-receiver in order to catch information concerning install status.
I have prepared a BroadcastReceiver class :
public class newPackageReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
@Shweta ok good idea, These Link will be helpful to you, first try to check if it is possible to get app name or package name which app is unistalled, Than You can start service accordingly,
I have developed one demo for IPC and use bounded servie to handle it....but facing some issue while using complex data structue( i.e. parceable inside parceable).
I am having the data structure like this...
public class Object implements Parcelable {
private Integer code;
@Prince Yesterday strange thing happen to me, I restarted PC, After Restarting All Java Files Got Blank on my project, and i was really worried, Because i had backup of 10 Days before, But i had Updated APK File, So i Thought That Reverse Engineering Could be helpful, So @The_Lazy_Man Helped me to get All Java Files, And Today one of my team mate helped me to get all Xml Files, Now my project is safe as before , and I am Too Happy
But i realized one thing, How unsecure Code i am doing, Any Mediator Like 1Mobile Market Can easily Hack my code and get all source code, With Free Cost is taking our apk , modifying and than publishing to their market and earning money, without any hard work
and we are only responsible to allow them do such things
I have a .apk file of my application created using phonegap. I want to know how to prevent my code being seen by anyone who gets my apk so that a person can use it but not be able to see the code. Due to client specific requirements It is not distributed via website or playstore etc.
But since th...